Wednesday, January 6, 2016
KTFA “Dessert” - Jan. 5, 2016 by denaridori
KTFA “Dessert” - Jan. 5, 2016
by denaridori
When we bring you something I tell you to take it to God in prayer. I will admit – you’re posting today –it was superior!! It was Lake Superior LOL – in the sense it was deep! I saw a lot of disagreeing, but BRAVO! The questions on those 5-6 pages today were superior.
My intention was to take those questions and answer them tonight…but instead, I want to bring you a gift. And it seems like I’m doing that but it’s never enough. We must have tapeworms or something. I’ve got a lot of “intel tapeworm” – LOL – Give me more!! And after you get it, you don’t sit there and scrutinize it….Where’s the notes!! LOL Feed me more!! --- Well, you have the notes. – Where’s the other notes!! – Okay ! LOL
I want to tell you yesterday when I told you that IMO that there won’t be any RV in January is because we’re still in the RI. I didn’t think I had to tell you that…and I already proved it to you that we were looking for THE TRIFECTA - the tax and tariffs.
I told you about the mathematics, they put away the float – instead it’s going to be, IMO, 1:1 and we were looking for the FUEL – the tax and tariffs – that would launch this budget.
So, we bring you something you don’t know. New intel.
– Oh, no, look it’s another thing we have to wait for.
– Why’s Frank making fun of me?
I think because, without knowing it, what we brought you Friday was so powerful that only one person on the internet really understood it. What we brought you Friday only one other person only commented on it –who actually knew about the BUDGET LAW….and we found another person who talked about Saudi Arabia, but that’s another story.
What we bring you we feel deep in our heart that it would vaporize the oceans!
You’re looking for the budget….WE JUST TOLD YOU HOW WE’RE GOING TO GET THE BUDGET!!
Do you know what Iraq said today? I’ll get to this in a moment, but first of all I have to get this out – it’s killing me.
We told you that the tax and tariffs were not implemented and that they were not active. We told you that the budget was ratified and approved and now you’re going to see a budget that’s going to be put in the Gazette that’s going to activate the date with 2 things in that budget: Tax and Tariffs!
-- So that’s where we’re at….so that’s why we didn’t see it on the 31st or 1st. But you’re still a jerk, Frank. You said it would be the 31st or 1st.
What I’m trying to tell you is what we brought you on Friday was so important of what would happen on the 31st and 1st – It’s so important as to what’s going to happen, because IMO, if you don’t see it on the 31st -1st maybe on the 14th or the 15th….remember that?
Now, I’ll tell you – you’re not going to see an RV in January ….or go to the other gurus because what we bring you is so important. Once you see that law in the Gazette, you’ll see a lot more.
Let me share this with you….As much as you may not be aware of it, I want you to note that the CBI IS WORKING….you may say they’re working on the monetary reform. No, guys, come on…I told you they TURNED IN THEIR MATH….I told you they TURNED IN THEIR NUMBERS…..I told you that the POWERS TO BE ARE MAKING ALL THE DECISIONS… and I told you that the MONETARY REFORM IS A LAVA FLOW…don’t try to get in its way – question it – don’t try to figure it out.
So, what’s the CBI working on? Corruption. – You mean that security you’re talking about? No, the security corruption in the CBI, I’m not even talking about. Surely it’s not in the news…surely the gurus don’t know it…but then again we found one guru that was very close and thought….how did they know that? I didn’t put that out….LOL There I go…conceited again! LOL
Anyways, the CBI is working on corruption and they’re not working on the monetary reform because that’s ancient history. – Well, who’s working on them? -- The IMF.
In fact, you know something….let me ask you….How much reserves do the CBI have? --(Post it.) Somebody out of the 700 people on should know.
Okay—stop, it’s 59 Million…that’s it!! Do you know that they could go through that in maybe 3 days to run their country, but they’re not using it, right? But they’re not using it -- this is all they’ve got.
Remember when we kept saying….THEY HAVE NO LIQUIDITY? -- Yeah, Frank, I keep hearing it! – Then UNDERSTAND IT.
--No it’s not – they don’t have any American dollars in the CBI reserves that they can use for us….they have American dollars in the reserves, but this is 59 MILLION IRAQI DINARS. LOL My bad!! They could go through it in about 3 hours.
So, that’s why new math has been introduced to the IMF. In fact, the IMF is the one that requested it…when they said that meeting we had on Sept. 10th….remember when we met after you guys met with the holy man.
– What did we tell you?
We thought the float would be a good thing and come out 1:1—maybe the lower denoms would come out at the end of the year. – Yeah, but you scrubbed it, didn’t you?
– Yeah, you asked for all our homework when we turned it into you on the 27th of Decemeber…we’re waiting for you to give us an answer as to what rate we could use.
---You’re telling me that the powers that be are being delayed….? -- Would you stop using that word. It’s not delayed.
You see this little device – it’s a blood pressure cage. I want you to pretend it’s a lunar module. Do you think it’s going to land like this? (Drops) -- What I did is held this device and dropped it. Do you think the lunar module lands on the moon like that… constant lights on…Houston….Do you know what’s going on? They’re firing thrusters and as it’s coming down and descending on the moon it comes back down and shoots up a little bit (repeatedly)…Contact lights off, Houston….Tranquility base here. Congratulations Neil!
But the landing on the monetary reform is equivalent…It’s not like it’s boom, bang, that’s it! No! There’s movements and actions …I told you there are many spokes that come to one center point.
So, with 59 MILLION IQD’s as their reserves…UNBELIEVABLE!! Don’t you understand that we told you they’re very low in their liquidity. May I suggest that this is the END? That you adhere to that concept…..tell me that you’ve seen these numbers before. They’ve NEVER BEEN THIS LOW BEFORE.
Many of you asked me today …Frank, if we’re in charge if you say….(and by the way, this is not what I want to give you as a present tonight, but I’ll give it to you in a minute) …If you say we are in charge, a—WE ARE, whether it be indirect or by proxy, WE ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE THE DECISIONS in the IMF because we have the highest percentage of our dues and it falls on us to make the decisions.
So, Frank, if we’re in charge, why don’t we just go in there and raise the value.
---Let me ask YOU…why not? - Okay, here’s my answer: If we’re in charge why can’t we just go and raise the value? -- Frank, you just asked me the same question I asked you. – Yeah. –I don’t understand Frank. – BINGO! You should have understood…you should know the answer to that question and not waste your time or my time or cause aggravations. You don’t walk into the final exam asking questions…I’ll answer it for you, but man I’ll tell you….
Somebody tell me why can’t we go in there and just pull the trigger? We gave the the green light ….we’re in control of everything…we’re doing the mathematics right now…why can’t we go in there and do it? ---James! I love you -- ! BECAUSE THEY’RE A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY!
I told my wife today that I’m not going to call back anyone to answer questions….but if it’s an elderly person , and I can tell, we’ll call you back, but man! I can’t believe that people call after the CC, after putting the notes out, the 1:1 version of it and they say…I’m confused, Frank. I don’t understand.
They are a SOVEREIGN NATION! That’s how they got Chapter 7. – Ah, what’s Ch. 7, Frank. – That’s it! LOL
Hey…why can’t we replace Allak? --Well, is Allak the problem, is he delay, is that why we didn’t see something happen on the 31st -1st? --- No.
Why don’t we go in there and replace Allak? -- Oh, because they’re a sovereign nation? -- NO, the IMF picks the governor of a Central Bank.
The Central bank has nothing to do with the government of that country …it’s an independent agency –an entity that belongs to 12 …and if you mess with them….So, okay – then why can’t we replace Allak?
---Because IMO Allak is serving a purpose right now. IMO they want to assassinate Shabibi. IMO, the US protects him while he does mathematical homework with the IMF. So, Allak, you just stand there…don’t push any buttons.
Well, Frank, is it Allak who stopped it on the 31st – 1st? -- Nope.
I’ll tell you another reason why we’re not replacing Allak…we’re not done with Maliki yet.
IMO, Maliki wants Dr. Shabibi either arrested or killed, IMO – and we can’t have that. So see, when you ask me questions, it’s deeper than you can imagine and I’m not about to give you any BS answer. Here’s the thing…it’s deeper than that. Saudi Arabia and Iran is even deeper than you know…and I’ll never tell you.
Here’s what I want to tell you – the media will eventually tell you. So, why are we telling you now? There’s 2 things, not 1 thing…
IRAQ IS VERY CLOSE TO ERADICATING ITS DEBT. Eradicating is moving…do you know what its debt right now? (Post)
WHAT IS THE DEBT OF IRAQ? – Lacey!! He says the Paris Club Debt…..I’m here to tell you that Iraq is eradicating their debt whether you know it or not and it’s important to the monetary reform. The debt to the world is only around $30 BILLION USD’S. That’s it!! It’s not in the trillions nor in the billions.
I want you to know that Zebari…he used to be the former deputy prime minister….Zebari who is the Foreign Minister of Iraq from 2003-14. He’s now the Finance Minister of Iraq—He said that 80% of their debt has been removed and only 20% is still left…and yeah, like the PARIS DEBT CLUB…they’re going to start making payments on it. This is kinda BIG!! This SHOCKED US…and there are numbers that are needed in order to calculate the IMF and Dr. Shabibi have been working on right now.
We’ve always wanted to know how many dinars they printed, and what they owe – in –out. They use foil is filling in the variables very nicely. We were surprised that that number was that LOW.. These variables have been missing.
This Finance Minister Zebari is also saying that they’re paying the Peramesha Army since June. In fact, they just came up with some clever ways of doing it because they’ve got no money – they’re at the bottom of the barrel. It’s so low it’s at the bottom of the snake.
And remember the 1.2 TRILLION to be given to Iraq? Guess what Abadi did with that? LOL – He PAID THE KURDISTAN ARMY!! That was brilliant! – Hold on guys….no revolts…there’s no delay…I’ve got your paychecks here. Calm down, I got your paychecks here. No…they did lift the value LOL.
–You understand family? – This is gonna come out – you’re going to read about it soon.
Zebari know this 2016 budget? It’s only the 2nd one we’ve ever put out ON TIME. Now, I ain’t gonna help you with that. This is intel at the HIGHEST.
Oil prices…I’m not even going to talk about it…you already know what’s going to happen.
Many organizations that make up this price is what’s causing the supply and demand right now and that’s why it’s gonna go up and it probably won’t go back down around the Fall of 2016.
And another thing, IMO, the Chinese economy is really related to this.
Family, no country like Iraq can have only Oil…and you don’t know that. You see oil used to be $130 a barrel last year and it went down to $30 a barrel this year.
There’s something that’s called the ‘DUTCH DISEASE”…and trust me, you don’t think they’re calculating that right now?
– How are they gonna do that? What are they going to do to back it up.
–I don’t really want to tell you.
They’re paying salaries to protect their government!! LOL
Therefore, we need to consider their activity right now…and I don’t need to tell you a date or a rate…and I don’t care that you may think I’m a jerk. ---Oh, yeah, it’s different now. – Of course it’s different, it’s a lava flow.
We agreed with the IMF that our expenditure should not over exceed our revenues…
Who said that? Zebari
– No kidding! ou’ll see it soon.
Zebari is a Sunni, by the way, and he talked to this article and it’ll be coming out. Zebari said we’ve been thinking about Iraq thinking more towards federalization IN THE FUTURE…-- Why not? -Sure, control.
You know what’s funny…he was the finance minister and now the foreign minister in 2014 and now he has no credentials to be the Finance Minister…..IN MY OPINION….someone is telling him what to tell you next….and I decided to tell you.
Because they already interviewed them ….and you can’t read Arabic.
Paying the Peramasha Army since June, buddy? That’s GENIUS!! And you won’t tell nobody??? LOL
--Well, I don’t have to tell nobody jack..I keep my variables to myself. LOL
Abadi said that the budget is READY FOR KURDISTAN…I guess we just didn’t pay attention.
Abadi also said they did everything possible to avoid the weaknesses and the deficiencies…IN THEIR BUDGET. You go, Abadi! Come on, man!!
He said you know 2016 started off pretty rough for all of us…
Did you see the front page of WSJournal? When we brought this out – look – MARKETS BEGIN 2016 WITH A THUG…Zebari says to the interviewier…2015 was really tough, but 2016 is going to be tougher…but NOT THE WHOLE YEAR – LOL …! He says, oil prices are going to climb back up again 90%.
– You think so, Zebari? IMO the barrel of oil is going to hit between $60-70. It’s already in my CC notes. Give it about 2-3 days and you should be able to see this article ….LOL
How much is their budget? -- About 105 TRILLION
And how much DEBT do they have? -- About 25 TRILLION
And what do they have in RESERVES? – About 82 TRILLION
Now, if you’re a student, these numbers ONLY MAKE YOU HAPPY!! You see some mathematics there, don’t you?
So, they ask Zebari what do you think about Abadi? -- He’s okay but he’s T-O-U-G-H to deal with but he is cooperative….it’ not a middle-eastern attitude…ah, look at the skies. It’s pretty blue. – No, it’s pink!
But he’s not like that – he’s cooperative with the international and the interior support..getting a lot of support all over the place and he’s going to tell Iran…UP YOURS!!
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