Tuesday Night KTFA Bible Study
Start Time: 7:30 PM EST
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Let's take a look at 1 Timothy, another of Paul's beautiful epistles.
DESSERT?? Well let's see what we can rustle up with regard to dessert
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Tuesday, February 23, 2016
CC Notes for Monday 02-22-2016
*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and
others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of
financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this
forum!!! ***
CC Notes for Monday 02-22-2016
Let’s get started tonight with a few updates.
First we have had a new admin join us, please
welcome Thor to our Admin Staff, he has been very instrumental in helping with
the new web site and we are thankful to have him join our staff of Admins,
please welcome him.
Second, many of you are calling and saying
Frank….where is my Rial order…..2 almost 3 weeks ago they lifted their
sanctions and we’ve told you this but not everyone listens to the CC’s…..when
they lifted the sanctions that meant we could order directly from over
there….well guess what….my broker wasn’t the only one….many brokers ordered
directly….and these orders have been piled up on the East Coast, catching
Homeland Security off guard….so they are going through the paperwork….it looks
like this week we may get the green light from them…..and that means for those
of you who have placed an order with my broker, who has already been in contact
with you….but we are telling you again….you are going to get your orders right
away….and I really feel that we are going to get our inventory this week….but
don’t worry…..all of you….I put my arms around you….those that submitted orders
when our inventory ran out, we stopped taking orders….it is not polite nor is
there any dignity in taking your money when we cannot guarantee your order….so
we instead put you on a list….we have a long list of you that we will be calling
to tell you, maybe by the end of this week….we got the Rial…and we can now take
your order…..but for those who placed orders as we ran out of inventory…..I put
my arms around you to protect you….you will get your currency I promise
you. I’ve been with my broker going on
six years and we’ve never failed anyone.
Frank received a plaque today from someone named Anthony in Texas that came
from Hobby Lobby and it reads “You Had Me At Aloha”….thank you from the bottom
of our hearts.
Listen I have been trying to call all of you
who have sent in donations to the web site….some of you did not include your
phone numbers….but I have prayed about you and I have thanked the Lord for all
contributors and those who were anonymous contributors as well…thank you so much
for what you did…..and we think you will like the new web site.
Ok, let’s get started….this is the last
notebook that we were together with…..it consists of about 72 pages….from the
last time we were together….actually it is Wednesday and Thursday reports….on
the front of it…..it says In My Opinion….but right in the middle it also
says…..”DEAL CUT”……they are having a lot of meetings without me and you….I’m
getting jealous.
Ring….ring…ring….Hello….hey Abadi this is
Frank26 at KTFA….can we come over to the meetings you are sneaking into at the
CBI….NO….but we told the Family that after the 18th of February the
information would be extremely hard to get….but it would also be very
fast….very quick….you guys did a lot over the weekend….A LOT…..from cities to
the CBI to the GOI to all the other things you guys did….you made some deals
didn’t you…..come on let me come over and just check it out….can I come
over…..NO….you know I would be able to see very clearly because……can I call
these the final hours……NO…..can I call these the final meetings…..hello….ring
tone….well I guess Abadi doesn’t want to talk about it….but Family are you in
the mood to talk to me.
Let’s talk about what is going on….in all
honesty that is jocularity….telling you that the last file we shared with
you…..we also told you back then that something is going on…that notebook I
showed you, it is almost on every other page….saying…..something is going on at
the CBI and they are having private meetings…..but what they are really
doing….they are staring…..just staring at the GOI….why….you now know why don’t
Abadi what are you doing…..I’m sneaking over
and joining the meetings at the CBI….Family they were working on the Board of
What we did on Thursday we planted a
seed….actually it was Aggiedad who called me and he says……hey…aren’t you going
to come in and talk to them….NO…..come on….are you still mad…..I’m not mad I
just don’t want to talk….but you said earlier you were going to talk, that you
were going to get a hold of me…..oh I did didn’t I…..ok tell the Family the CBI
is having a lot of meetings and they are voting on directors….then tell the
Family….you know what directors do….they make final decisions….so Aggiedad
makes a posting and it causes many of you to start posting, some very strong
posts I might add…..I saw your posts over the weekend…..there is one member
named Aaron who posts very astutely….he took our notes and his thoughts and put
them together…..I had the privilege of speaking with him on Saturday…..I said
let me reach through the phone and shake your hand…..and that kind of posting
is what many of you have been doing this weekend……I am really proud of all of
So it is possible they have made deals that we
know nothing about….but it is possible you are going to see some of the shadows
of some of the deals in this CC tonight.
What do Monday night CC’s do for the
internet….we have almost 800 who are watching and 400 or so who are
listening…..internet….what these KTFA CC’s is answer the questions from over
the weekend…..all honor and glory to God and thank goodness we have good TEAMS
that bring sensibility and awareness of what is going on….and all the questions
that were posted and asked on our forum….they get answered on Monday…..so if
you are new with us and there are many new people…..it would be advisable if
you took notes tonight…..we want you to take those notes to God in prayer, and
bring them next Wednesday and Thursday so you can continue to be caught up.
Family they were working on the Board of
Directors at the CBI with Allak…..now I saw a lot of your postings and they
were tremendous, superior, excellent, bravo….standing ovation….but some were
just totally wrong….and it is your opinion…..but tonight we are going to help
you see a lot…..a lot better.
They are having private meetings for the
purpose of selecting the directors of the CBI….the voting they did was to
approve these directors to remove the issues that the CBI has been
having….especially with their currency…..I would like to say with the exchange
rate….but I don’t want to reach that far and make you think…oh they were
talking about the exchange rate…….we don’t know for sure…..because we can’t
prove it…..so I’m not going to mislead you….but I will tell you what they did
talk about….and we do feel that the exchange rate was part of the topics….after
the vote was put in….and did you notice I said this was all being done with the
head of the CBI…..with Allak….because he is the governor Family.
They are going to vote….these directors….to
remove any issues in the CBI…..let me ask you Family….do you think that Allak
is an issue……something is going on in the CBI….as they are watching the GOI….it
is my opinion that the Board of Directors is making decisions on their
currency….on the exchange rate.
Three weeks ago the numbers….and those of you
who are students you know….and if you are not a student with us….God Bless
you….you will catch up…..Family those numbers that were turned in back in
December….and they were given back to them at the end of January…..those
numbers were given back to the CBI and you know about that because we talked
about that with you…..but the Board of Directors now have the final say on
these numbers.
We believe that whatever celebration took place
was not so much about….oh look we have a new exchange rate…..oh look we have
LD’s…..oh look….no I think the celebration was about the idea that the CBI is
about to kick itself off into the international world….yes which will require
all these other things we were looking for….but the celebration was very
specific on their behalf….we have LAUNCHED the mechanisms and plans for what we
are going do at the CBI from 2016 to 2020…..do you think that one of them is to
raise their value….well YEAH…..they made that very clear…..crystal clear…..so
that is what we think those celebrations were all about…..and it was also to
give the banks memos and information through the CBI website in Arabic….that no
one can see or understand.
I see that one of you has posted…..Allak is
going to become history…..I caution you to be careful…..how did I start this
CC….they made a lot of deals….so that celebration was more in the direction
of…..we are now going to have a new Board of Directors….and these guys are
going to make decisions that will make
it a lot easier with our exchange rate….with our currency….with our new
governor if we get a new governor with the international world with
international standards…..you see all this stuff here….what are we going to do
with it if we don’t go international….we have to go international…..Article
8….if not then a lot of this equipment is just going to rust……so we believe
there was communications with the banks during these meetings too.
The IMF said….remember….by the end of
February…..by the end of this month….that they were to remove the distortion of
their currency….they were to remove the fake numbers….why….for the investors
who are to soon come in to our country….when we go into Article 8 the
international world is going to flood us….and explode us….and make us one of
the most powerful nations on this planet…..just like the Book of Revelation
says….oops it didn’t say that….I said that.
So if the IMF said this….and you see the
evidence that they are doing it….IMO….it is coming about…..how many times have
we said….don’t pay attention to what they say….pay attention to what they
do…..they are not saying jack right now….but they are doing so much and you can
see it….you can see the evidence of it……it’s not even shadows of it….it is the
plain evidence of it.
The IMF said to them….you got this much time to
get rid of the distortion…..to remove the fakeness…..then DELTA’s team looked
in….as much as they could with the CBI….so we could have an understanding of
what they are doing in these private meetings…the decision making now is no
longer just with Allak….but now with the Board of Directors…..they are voting
right now in private environments…..about what……what do you think…..you are
going to understand it as we talk the rest of this evening….you are going to
understand what those meetings are about.
Now this next thing you write down in your
notes…..I would like for you to write it in red…..The Iran situation is linked
to all of this….that is so powerful….so deep….and you don’t know it yet….you
don’t understand it….I’m going to bust open a new file for you tonight.
There are four people in the CBI….actually let
it be told there are about 8 or 9 Board of Directors….but I want you to know
that right now there are about 4 of these directors that are very loyal to
Iran….totally 100% loyal to Iran……therefor you need to understand this
sentence….Iran has a lot of influence on the CBI….the Central Bank of
Iraq….well enough of that junk….and that is why you see new board members
now…..and that is why you see them casting a vote you have been waiting to hear
for quite a long time….because these directors…..they belong there…..light
bulbs are coming on like fireworks aren’t they….oh you had an understanding
that they were doing something…..but wow….do you like this painting….wait till
I’m done.
These are final decisions….IOO….memos were sent
to all banks to get ready….for what….for international standards…..we are
ready….good….the math is in and we are talking about it privately because we
don’t want anyone to know what we are doing….you saw those articles…..you saw
what they said….keep everything quiet…..keep everything secret.
They made a lot of deals….when do you make
deals….when did I tell you that you make deals….in the last nano-seconds….well
let’s try….oh that didn’t work….ok let’s try this…is that a deal…Yeah it’s a
deal….but the thing is…..is it a done deal….oh no Frank is splitting hairs with
us….whatever….for those of you who are strong enough to deal with me….is it a
done deal…..guess what we are going to talk about that tonight.
So the Board of Directors is approving these
numbers….IOO….celebrations are not for whatever reasons they are….the next
thing we are looking for is an announcement on the sensitivity of this
Now I want you to think about this….how long
did the IMF give them….until the first half of 2016….do you think they are
going to take that long….no Frank I don’t think so because they need liquidity,
they need money…..they have needed it for years….I’m here to tell you that the
reality of it all is that yes it is exciting…..that which is what you are
seeing….but they just painted what you want to see on the canvas….let it dry
and then the Picasso will be priceless…..ok….stay strong….do not abandon your
So the Board of Directors are approving these numbers,
celebrating and then the next thing we
will see if maybe an announcement on the sensitivity of this information about
these numbers….but thing is we are thinking this will happen more so
later….later….you aren’t going to see it this month….I know I-TEAM said….we are
looking at this month….DELTA thinks…this month…..ok….what did I tell
you….probably towards the end of March….but likely towards the end of the first
half of 2016….and I have not changed from that.
I’m extremely happy to see what you are seeing
though….the international world of investors is going ballistic right now with
what they are seeing…..look worst case scenario…..maybe you won’t see any of
these meetings….the results of them….until later….maybe until closer to the end
of the first half of this year…why…..because they gave them that long….but
should they take that long….you know darn well that Iraq takes every last
nano-second….ever last inch worm….why do they do this….it’s in their
genes….their DNA….their makeup….they always go slow….I’ve already compared that
to the culture of Mexico….the heat…..the sand….siestas….on and on.
We are extremely close….as close as your breath
is to your lungs….but we need more discipline….we need to maintain.
So….IMO….this month of February is setting up
the first half of 2016….you understand that….this is a very critical month….the
things that have been accomplished….the GOI is done…they worked on that in
January….in February they are working on the CBI….you know darn well what they
are going to do in March.
This month of February is setting up for them
that by the end of the first half of 2016 they will have removed the
distortion….the issues of confusion within the CBI to allow the international
currency to come into Iraq and freely float within the country of Iraq….that is
Article 8….they will allow them to come in because they are going to lift the
value of their currency….they are reconstructing and they are reforming their
The Board of Directors are voting….on
what…..you see….look here….the lifting of the 000’s from their currency….their
exchange rate….from the currency it was to remove it physically….from the
exchange rate it was to lift the 000’s out of the decimal number….well those
were just part of the plans of what they introduce from 2016 to 2020….and that
is some of the things they are talking about in these meetings…..it’s their
strategy plans for the next five years….and what is that…..to add value to
their currency….you read it…..that is their plan.
So that is why we told you after the 18th
you will not hear or see anything…zero…..why….well now you know…and they are
telling you….turn the other way…..they want to keep these meetings secret and
away from you…..so it turns out they want to add value to their currency and
that is just one….one thing in this strategy plan….they have a bunch of things
to do….but you already know them because you read them….they were the IMF
recommendations….back in November….December…..CBI this is what we
recommend….they gave them many options to try….float, the 50k’s…the
100k’s….from these recommendations they have accomplished quite a bit….to the
point where they can now say…..hey you bad guys in the GOI…bye bye….no….can we
make a deal….ok…..you bad guys in the CBI….bye bye….no…can we make a deal….NO….why
not….it is a little different with you guys….so they wiped them all out and we
got new guys….sorry Iran.
So by the end of February we need you to look a
little bit closer….look at what…..well I could tell you laws but they are
playing games with you….the Investment Law, the Amnesty Law, the Anti-Money
Laundering Law…..all these laws…..IMO….they are set to go.
So maybe they will use them at the end of
The Board of Directors of the CBI do not meet
Family unless it is to make a decision…..in this case the CBI is making many
final decisions….meanwhile the banks around them are being secured.
I’m actually going to talk to you about
Fallujah tonight…..to a degree but before we even got there listen…..Rafidain
and Rasheed Banks say we are 90% ready to go…..yes because the CBI has new
directors and are making decisions on what you guys are about to do with the
international world……what is the matter with you…..what is the difference between 90% and 100%......basically
zero…..so that is nice they are ready…these are the two state banks that are
saying…the two most important banks are ready.
The CBI has a legal binding contract with the
IMF that by the end of February….remember that….put it in red….they have to do
some things and you already know them….they are in your notes….even if the RI
or the RV comes about…..should we see it….you have to understand that value has
to be maintained….and that is why on Thursday I gave you a wonderful lecture
that I don’t think anyone paid attention to….that is ok, you don’t have to pay
attention to anything I say…..but that lecture was deep….so if you go back to
Thursday you have to determine are they going to stop production….are they
going to freeze production….who….Iran and Iraq…why….for the reasons we talked
about on Thursday….that now become very reasonable today.
The IMF contract is to direct Iraq….to help
Iraq….to guide them….we went in there and we did all these things for them…..we
laid out things for them….step by step…sure you can have all the credit….but
this is what you do…..because you guys can’t do it….not saying you guys are
lazy….you just don’t know how to increase the value of your currency….and on
top of that you let dictators run your lives again after we got rid of
one…..and all you guys do is fight in the GOI….you make us sick…..so get out of
our way.
Maliki….it’s a deal…..Abadi….here is your
list…..CBI….Allak….clear them out get new directors….we will talk to you in a
minute to see who is worth keeping….and that is what is going on….I told you we
are not their puppet masters…..we are their masters….sick and tired…..do
this….and guess what….they are doing it.
The CBI does not know what they are doing right
now in all honesty with the Monetary Reform…..well they do NOW….because the
IMF, the USA, and the 12 have decided to tell them…..and you are seeing the
evidence of it….it’s amazing…..when have you ever seen this kind of lava flow
before….this lava flow is all consuming….nothing is stopping it…..why…..because
it is us…..IMF/USA/12……this is our decision….that is now yours.
The only important decision is what is
happening in the CBI right now.
Let’s talk about Fallujah now….so you already
understand what this meeting is about right….and you understand what the CBI is
doing right……they are doing the same thing that the GOI did….they put exlax in
the GOI and now they just put some in the CBI….they got all the junk out of
there….now we got some good people in there….you saw the articles….you saw me
talking to my TEAMS.
Fallujah….it’s an all out war….with ISIS of
course….and with some of the tribesmen….the US is now going to go in….I told
you we stopped….but they are already in….the US has cut all mobile
communications inside of Fallujah….that makes ISIS go crazy…there are three
tribes in Fallujah the three ribes that fight together are
Jurasat….Halabsa…..Mojamede…..those three tribes are all Sunni’s and they fight
with us against ISIS….with us the Americans…..this is great…..they should wrap
this up pretty soon.
Let’s talk about an article that came out….I
asked DELTA to look at a video that WalkingStick put out….it is a report from
Saturday….he suggested not talking about it yet….ok….how about a summary…..that
article is chopped up….a mess….horrendous….the deputy Prime Minister…..well no
that is not right…..not that it was PM…..don’t be calling Abadi a deputy PM….he
is the PM…..what they are trying to tell you that an assistant made an
announcement today that what Abadi is doing in the CBI….but the translation was
bad….yet the story in the article is correct…..the article is telling you that
Abadi is making decisions for the CBI….one is Allak….how long can he stay….did
they make a deal with him….we don’t know if Dr. S wants to come back…..deals
are being made privately…..the governorship is being replaced…..the Board of
Directors voted on something….but as they sit now they are not intact….they
haven’t made their final votes…..but they replace things with autocrats….in the
GOI was replaced with technical people……now he does the same in the CBI….bringing
in people who are experts in their fields….and removing all the Iran loyalty
from the CBI…..look for the CBI to change before the change…..you will not see
the change in command….that is too private….being replaced by good people…this
is the lava flow…..don’t care if it takes until the first half of 2016…..the
good thing is it is happening…..just as with the GOI you don’t know who is
left….but it is being highly orchestrated…..freaking interesting to me…..they
are doing what we say…..they don’t hide….they just don’t explain…..all the CBI
steps they don’t tell you about them…..these steps will continue until February
28th….then we march into March.
I told you that she would be there at the
end….this is the end….you see her picture….she is leading.
So the deputy….who is unknown to us…..is saying
that Abadi is not going to use his part with the nominations to the CBI Board
of Directors….not going to use any party lines….qualified people is who I seek
right now…..no more bad people….read the article…..he says that experts from
the PM to end crisis of the CBI…..stay away….who…..the DAWA party…..also told
the State of Law party to go away….I will not use your suggestions or your
people or your counsel….I can’t take their advice…..can only take the advice that
is being shoved down my throat……in that article I also told everyone that there
has been a significant decrease in our currency…..our cash reserves….super
low…..there won’t be any withdrawal by the State of Law….got that…..Abadi you
are getting good…..Abadi also told them to stay away from any controversy…..the
decision of the governor will be mine….only mine.
Think about this…..can the Prime Minister of
Iraq….can he appoint a governor of the independent entity, the Central Bank of
Iraq, that has nothing to do with the government…..let me ask you this….who is
telling Abadi to appoint a new governor….who holds his hand and guides his
steps…..us….the IMF….yes we are in control….no wonder he is doing all of
this…..they are very good with mind games.
I’ve told you I don’t trust Iran, not as fast
as I can run away from them.
Let me say it this way……when we arrived in Iraq
in 2003, Iraq was under sanctions….and Iraq was a provisional
government…….because of that provision they couldn’t do anything, no calls for
themselves….no decisions….now they are a sovereign country….but believe it or
not a sovereign country can appoint their own governor of their central
bank…..he carries the football because we gave him the football…..they like our
suggestions and we are going to see a new governor at the CBI.
Meanwhile, lets not leave the CBI….how are the
auctions…..it is important that I told you there were 4 inside the CBI that
were loyal to Iran….many articles suggested that money from the CBi ended up in
Iran….maybe by those four……now the auctions are very low…..do you know
why…..what did I tell you last week…..we don’t have to look for high or low
auctions….we are seeing chronic low numbers….it is possible they have snuck in
the LD’s electronically because they are on the books….in small amounts….this
may be what you are seeing….a chronic movement of LD’s….what else have they
done…..they introduced e-commerce……so much positioning….get those horses in the
gates….load the horses….why else are the auctions low….see these four in the
CBI were stealing….300…400…million at a time…..so the auction numbers are
low…..they are chronically sneaking in LD’s each week….the auction numbers are
low as a result…..so the Iranians are not being helped by the CBI any
more….those bad guys are gone…..so the auctions are low because these bad guys
are gone and the LD’s are sneaking into the banks.
The decsions and changes in the CBI we don’t
know about….we don’t want to just give you opinions…..but we do think they are
talking about the exchange rate….the information after the 18th
would be so tight….but travelling so fast…..so much work going on in the
CBI….seems they are in a contract with the IMF….oh they are…..if they were
making decisions on their own they would still be in quicksand….but they are
being told what to do.
It may now be possible we see private meetings
between GOICBI…if we do we will tell you……we knew on Saturday we knew they
worked on the governor and directors….but it is super tight….let it shake
out….then we can give a better opinion.
Between now and the end of the month….compare
this all to the OK Corral……instead of phagocytosis…..call it the OK Corral….the
GOI has new ministers….the CBI has new directors…..maybe a new governor…..Dr.
Shabibi….we fear for his health….he has burned himself out in the last 2
years……we’ve told you that after the 18th the info would be
solid…..cities…..GOI….CBI……remember we need to let the Picasso dry……besides you
are going to post and talk about all this tonight aren’t you…..all this….all honor
and glory to God.
We know that the CBI is not intact….we may need March to put
it all together…..you know when they send a probe to Mars….and we get a
picture…..what we really get back is numbers….but then the numbers are compiled
to give us the peaks and valleys that show up in the photo…..there was so much
data that was received this month…..the pixels were out of focus…..they must be
interpreted so we get a more in focus photo.
I believe that some people are being arrested now…..11 hours
ago Abadi came out and he called for all representatives and ministers to
release their militias and let go of your body guards……so the reason I think is
they are being told they are working with live ammunition…walking around
shooting their rifles in the air….dangerously….let go of them….they are mine
now….no more live fire….they threaten the votes….stop this….put an end to
it….we need more time to evaluate all of this…and I think by the end of the
month we will have a better picture to speak to you on.
We don’t have flags in Fallujah yet.
Unfortunately this is about Barzani….I like Barzani…..but it
is possible that $125 billion USD is sitting in Turkey….why….well you know
Turkey has been battling in Syria….and
they have snuck into the Kurdistan….to supposedly fight ISIS….but maybe Barzani
did something wrong….but the crazy thing is Turkey is the one leaking this
info…..they got in trouble coming into Kurds area to clean up ISIS…..they got
caught in a lie about all of this…..now you will see Turkey squealing on Barzani……we
got $125 billion in our bank….want to know who it came from….we know…..not now
We need to know two things….what did I say earlier….even if
they do RI or RV….Iraq has to maintain the new rate…..this isn’t all…..Lebanon
is sitting on 30 billion dinars that Maliki’s son tried to smuggle…..let’s just
hang on and let things pan out.
No one wants to stop stealing in Iraq or the Middle East….it
is in their genes.
Corruption is like a stench…..it is hard to get rid of
it….will take years….but we are there now….after all our embassy there is the
largest in the world…..we just get in deeper and deeper with them.
If any of this has any potential….when did we say that
gasoline will go up……first week of February then fluctuate…..then March….where
is oil today…..we got Hillary….the other guy…..go ahead and raise the price of
Dismissed with a prayer.
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