Saturday, February 6, 2016


Hello Family let us pray together,

Heavenly Father, it is our turn to give You thanks for blessings received, those we can recognize and even those we have yet to discern. Father God it is Your wise ways that provide us with a pathway that begins our journey, help us to focus on this journey of today and to have less focus on what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future. As our Guide may You show us how to remain strong in character and morals. I pray that we each will choose to seek You Father, in our individual attempts to know You as a source of infinite wisdom. You shared Your Son with us, now it is our time to share back with You and with Him to show that we are worthy disciples. As we share with others about our Christian lives we come to know You will provide the right words at the right time, even when we think we may not be worthy of sharing. Father Your faith in each of us is immeasurable, may we each prove ourselves worthy of our walk with You. In the name of Christ Jesus….AMEN.

Welcome again Family, it is so awesome that our Lord takes each of us on an amazing journey, especially when we give our lives over to Him and allow Him to that latitude of directing our lives, where we go, what we do, the decisions that we make. When all this becomes His then we can truly say He has become our Guide.

If I am not mistaken, the Bible never uses the word guidance, but it does speak of a Guide. So very often we seek guidance, but in return God provides something infinitely better…..Himself. In our pursuit to know God better, we often ask many questions that we believe will help us in knowing which path to take at certain points in our lives. Should I get married? Is this the right mate for me? Is it time to have another child? What job am I best suited for? Which church is most right for me? God definitely leads and directs us in any or all of these areas if we allow Him to do so. Yet we discover that He rarely will “just tell us” what to do. Sometimes that can be a bit frustrating.

What God chooses to do is to lead us by a set of principles.

His guidance is much more concerned with our steps than the overall journey.

The present time is of more concern to God than the future.

God’s guidance is more concerned with morality than it is with geography.

Our character is of greater importance to God than our comfort.

God’s guidance is not at all about insider information.

God encourages us to seek the Guide rather than the guidance.

By seeking God, the Guide, we discover that His plan is revealed to us. It is through His Word that we discover the way. In learning that the step is far more critical than the journey itself, what we know of the present of greater consequence than of the future, and the understanding of the Guide more essential than the guidance, what then is needed? We need to know which step is the right step to take. We must thoroughly have an understanding of the present. Of course, we must know the Guide. There is no magic in how God chooses to guide us instead He guides us relationally. Study the Bible then to become better acquainted with the ways and thoughts of God. That only makes good sense. God seeks us as companions to walk with Him. Because He is God He already knows each of us. It is up to us to want to understand and know Him. Simply put, the more we understand Him, the more real our relationship becomes with Him and all the more likely we are to stay in step with Him on the journey He sets for each of us.

Study God’s Word, take the time to be in the Word of God, extend your hand to Him, and encourage yourself to be one with Him. After all, He is already with us, it is a two way street, as are so many aspects of our lives.

The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. Isaiah 58:11

Go in Peace

Blessings to you all

