Friday, February 19, 2016


Hello Family let us pray,

Father God accept this thanks for the blessings we count on this beautiful day. Thank You for the many answers that You provide to us each day of our lives. Help us to understand how to best use those answers to further ourselves and how we may become better stewards with Your gifts towards others. Let Jesus into our lives and let us open our eyes to see Him as the great Forgiver, understanding His great sacrifice upon the cross so those who call Him Savior may find eternal life. I pray that we be given the strength to share our words with others who need to find Jesus in their life, I pray their mind be open to His teachings and through our own willingness to share with others that they too may come to understand life eternal. Father strengthen us with Your Word, help us to grow stronger by spending time in Your Word, forsaking what might have otherwise seemed important to us, but wanes in importance to all that You have written. Open our eyes to the God given talents that we possess and guide us in learning how to put them to the best of uses. Father as we follow You may our ways become more consistent with You each and every day. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray….AMEN.

Welcome Family, it is great to be with you again today, what a beautiful day it is in the north country…so out of character for this time of the year, but I’m definitely not complaining, merely observing. Do you ever get tired of my writings, my questions, my musings, or contemplations? I hope not, I enjoy being with our KTFA Family in this manner each weekend and look forward to the time spent writing as well as reading your responses each and every day, even on the days that Frank opens the thread up.

To do anything well one has to have the desire to become disciplined at whatever it might be that they chose to undertake. I know from running a number of marathons later in life that the training behind each race is intense, but when followed with diligence the payoff and reward are immense. Most Christians will never run a 26.2 mile marathon, but the feats they stand to accomplish are equally remarkable.

We see people healed of sickness and diseases, families brought together after years of separation, and people who are willing to surrender their very lives to God for eternity. In getting to this level one must submit to a constant regimen of spiritual training. Probably the one person who exhibited this the best was the apostle Paul and in doing so, he also made sure that Timothy heard and understood that message loud and clear.

So what is this training regimen for the Lord you might ask? It isn’t all that complicated really, Talk to God on a daily basis. Don’t be afraid to express your needs to Him along with the needs of others; thank Him for His answers; and finally allow Him to hear from you just how wonderful you find Him to be. Get to know Him and His Son better by reading of them in the Bible. Realize that we each have spiritual talents, learn what yours are and begin to put them to good use. Be willing to spend time with other Christian followers and encourage them as well as challenge them to become more Christ like. When time and opportunity permits be willing to relate to others who don’t know Jesus as Forgiver and Teacher the great things He has done for them and His love for them. Then simply, repeat on a daily basis.

This regimen when followed correctly will provide one with a lifetime of challenges and excitement. There is no time like the present to get serious about one’s faith, use this time to become spiritually stronger. All it takes is spiritual discipline.

"Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it. 1 Timothy 4:8-9

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

