Hello Family please pray with me tonight,
Heavenly Father bless us on this day, as our Creator, as the ruler of the Universe. We give thanks for your numerous blessings and pray that we will be good stewards of what You loan to us, for we know it to be Yours in the end. Jesus save us from the multitudes of sins that surround us each day, as we stand before You with our years of sin, seeking a Savior we know that Your blood shed upon the cross so many years ago has cleansed our sins even on this day. I give my life to You Lord and pray for new life that will allow me to be filled with the Holy Spirit in such a way that I share what overflows from my heart and not only will make me proud but also You to know that Your Word and teachings continue forward. Father I pray that we are protected from evil, that Your healing hands will be layed upon those sick and stricken with injury or illness and for their sake they will feel healing. Father I pray that You stand with medical teams to keep their minds and hands sharp and ready for all emergencies, build a hedge of protection about them that will allow them to perform at the peak of their abilities. Father You stand for everything that we see, touch, hear and taste and today we are ever thankful of Your choice to make us strong as we stand as Your steward for all who have yet to hear of Your name or Your mighty Words. In the name of Jesus we pray thanks….AMEN
Welcome again Family, it’s great to be with you this weekend. Tonight I want to talk on something very special: LOVE. No not the kind of love that happens between two individuals who find themselves in passionate love with each other, but instead the type of compassionate love that one human being can have for others. I’m sure that we all have known someone in our life, maybe a teacher, a coach, or someone else that can be looked back upon as a game changer in your life. That person showed an extra-ordinary amount of attention to you and to the rest of your class or group. In other words, they made a difference in the outcome of your life.
I know a 7th grade teacher that had a tremendous impact on my study habits and the self-worth that I had of myself and my abilities. He believed in me, he was strict, expected the very best from his students, but in return we gave our best, for to earn an “A” from him was cream of the crop. I remember starting the class very nervous, thinking I was behind the other kids because I had come from another school district and didn’t feel like I fit in. He taught me that I didn’t have to “fit” to be the best, that what I had to concentrate on was my own abilities and everything else would fall into place. Toward the end of the school year he gave us a paper to write on four great people over several centuries. I can remember writing on the basketball bus to and from games that were away; staying up late nights writing, spending the weekends in the library doing research and making sure that I had the right documentation for my references. He taught us these lessons and more, he taught us to be proud that we had the opportunity that other kids in other countries might not have, to make the most of our tools and to always excel to the best of our abilities. I was never more proud when I could show off one of only two “A’s” on that term paper and will never forget him shaking my hand in front of the class for the effort. He taught me how to study, he taught me how to research, he taught me things about writing that I use to this day, but most of all he taught me about self-confidence and love, compassionate love for each other, for I believe if he were asked even years later after he retired he would tell you that he loved every one of his students. I know we could feel it through his strictness at the time and even years later looking back upon the experience, I know I love him for what he did with me.
Use that tool of love, the gift that we receive from God and make a difference in someone else’s life today and tomorrow. What love challenges do you face in your community, in your church, in your family. Be willing to make the sacrifice of love to bring God’s dreams to a reality.
If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2-3
Go in Peace
Blessings to you all