Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dessert Notes from Bible Study CC 11-10-2015

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

Family the notes below….understand this….they only scratch the surface of what is going on…..how can I urge you to tell others from the KTFA Family…..tell others on other forums…we know you visit some of those “other” places….tell them to come and listen to what Frank will be relating tomorrow night….what we heard tonight is HUGE….but it only will get HUGER and MORE HUGER for things to be shared tomorrow….I can assure you that…..it is not my opinion….come and listen….it will be worth your time.

Bible Study CC “Dessert” Notes 11-10-2015

Frank:  I’m going to do this backwards Randy….from what I told you watch and see how this works.

What were the last words I said on the CC last night Family….what did I say before hanging up……well ok….Aloha….but just before that….you are NOT going to see the LAWS implemented….you are not going to see the Lower Denoms given to the Baby Banks as seed for the citizens….you are not going to #3 Dr. Shabibi take the helm of the CBI….you are NOT going to see Dr. Shabibi announce his monetary reform process option…..UNTIL WHAT…..Until MALIKI is walked to the gallows……the group STYX wrote a song with these words in it back in the ‘90’s.

That meant a great deal to me last night and it means just as much if not more to me tonight.

Someone asked last night……why don’t we just rid of him?  Well did “we” get rid of Saddam…..NO…..they did…..but remember Family about 2.5 months ago we saw arrest warrants for Maliki and a number of other bad guys associated with him….but what has been done with these warrants…..NOTHING…..WHY…..They are scared of him…the remember his death threats from just a few years ago….they love their families and they know he can still reach out and hurt them….can have them killed.

But we can’t do it……and they are too chicken to get it done…..so who will do it….my STRONG OPINION…..

Randy I have a neighbor who is not really a big guy…..sure he weighs a lot, but he’s really not that big….can you come over and take care of him for me…..sure Frank….I’m trained for that kind of thing…..oh and while you are here…there is one other name…..can I give that to you too….sure sir…..again…..my training allows for this.

So when will we see an increase in value…..Dr. Shababi at the helm…..the LD’s released to the banks….the laws implemented….you understand don’t you Family.

Last night and even on Saturday night I hinted quite a bit Family….I have you so much….gave you everything….but some don’t recognize.

The IQD is unpegged from the USD.

Take all of this CC to God, just as we always ask you to do.

These are seeds we are giving you…..the IQD is no longer pegged to the USD…..we heard this earlier this year….so what are they pegged to…..the SDR…..Yogi tells Booboo….the USD is in a picnic basket Booboo…..yes that basket has USD in it….but they unpegged from the USD earlier Yogi…..yes they did….but this picnic basket it looks so nice it is so SECURE with what you see in it and the IQD will gladly peg with this SDR basket.

Tomorrow night you will hear me review this and much more with you, because we only have a couple hundred on the call tonight….I know there are upwards of 10,000 that watch us, listen to and even come back and re-listen to us.

Last night we focused on #3 and #4….maybe more focus on #4…..excuse me Dr. Shabibi which monetary reform process is it that you intend to use.

Someone said last night….ReInstatement….bring back the old rate….STOP.

What is an RI?

KTFA Family….when a country does a reinstatement of their currency they are simply doing this for international use and RECOGNITION.

They first have to RI…..IMO…..THEY JUST DID

They have busted their borders wide open as they move into Article 8.

Tell all the other forums to come and listen to me tomorrow night….that you need to hear from Frank the intel he is going to share….it is not heard anywhere else.

The moment the blessing occurs……when they RAISE the VALUE…THAT IS AN RV!!!

Don’t run to the banks though….NO NO

Sit back and watch and WAIT…..what Frank….we should run to the banks and exchange our currency and open banks accounts….STOP….NO

Why – well come tomorrow night and I will tell you why we need to wait 7-10 days.

Why – as I look left, then right, up above and down below and behind me……look for a change quickly.

See you tomorrow night.

Good night Family.