Friday, November 13, 2015


Hello Family let us pray,

Dear Heavenly Father we offer thanks for the blessings You have heaped upon us this day.  Father we stand proudly as Your servant ready to do the work of the Kingdom, from whatever ability we have we are here to help You and others.  Keep us strong and healthy Father so our work may continue.  For those who are weakened, may be sick, ill, or injured we ask that Your healing hands return their bodies to full strength and sharpen their minds so they may again fulfill their duties for Your Kingdom.  Father we pray for our brothers and sisters who struggle in one way or another, be it a job, finances, or marriage, or something else, You know the situation and the facts and we pray for Your intervention to light their path and guide their way to a less stressful point in this life here upon earth.  Father we pray for those who yet have found a savior that they may discover or be led to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and come to know Him as we do and fully understand the greatest of sacrifices He has made for all of us on earth.  Father we stand strong in Your name ready to perform in whatever manner You call for our talents.  In the name of Christ Jesus we offer these prayers to You on this day…..AMEN.

Welcome again Family, what a perplexing day, for as I start to write this our forum is down again, I pray it is simply growing pains as the new location evolves for us.  Yes we’ve had reports that it will occasionally go down for some, but it seems to be down for many right now, pray it comes back to us soon.

In this wild world in which we live, we all too often find ourselves just sitting and watching….almost wasting time, watching it go by.  It reminds me of an older couple, who lived maybe in the mountains of Colorado somewhere.  One late fall night, they had a nice fire going and they were sitting there, just “whiling” time away.  Then the wife turns to her husband and she says, “Hon I think it is raining outside, why don’t you get up and go check.”  The old man continued to gaze that the flames of the fire, then said, “Ma, why don’t we just call the dog in and see if he’s wet.”

Sometimes our laziness can get to be a bit overwhelming for us.

Who knows who John Wesley was?  He is credited with being the founder of Methodism.  He was born in 1703 and died in 1791, dying at the grand old age of 87.  He travelled much of England, Ireland, and North America on horseback, preaching outdoors to many in his lifespan….in fact over 250,000 miles on horseback…that would be an average of 20 miles a day for 40 years.  He preached some 4,000  sermons, wrote 400 books, and knew at least 10 languages.

At 83 he became annoyed that he could no longer write for 15 hours a day, that his eye sight just would not stand that kind of rigor.  At 86 he was heard to complain that he no longer was capable of preaching twice a day.  In fact his diary indicates there was an ever increasing desire to just lie in bed in the morning….rather than rising at an “early hour” he would languish in bed until 5:30 am.

What a man, a work-a-holic by today’s terms and beliefs no doubt.  However, how much time do we waste each day.  There is so much work yet to be done in God’s Kingdom and for God’s Kingdom….think about that the next time you find yourself idle….yes there is much work to do…..decide today….to do something.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

