Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hello Family, I know you probably have seen Frosty's notes a post or two ago for last night's CC, but I though you might also like the notes I got from the call so I share them with you as well....Frank as always....feel free to correct what you feel is you I had a few interruptions along the way.



*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

Saturday Night Special "THE EAGLE HAS LANDED" CC Notes 11-07-2015

Greetings Family and welcome to a Special Conference Call.  I thank all of you for coming, I consider you as guests.  For those of you who have not been with us in the past, you are welcome.  We are when we can stay on the Internet.  They keep knocking us off the Internet.  That stands for Keep The Faith Always… our Heavenly Father, not in man, not in me.  You come tonight because you want to hear some information that we think is valuable.  When we are done, I ask that you take this information to God in prayer.  Help me and my teams so we can continue to bring you this kind of information.  Just as with KTFA standing for Keep The Faith Always in God….we always go first in prayer to God.

Please join us in prayer, hold our hands in prayer, spiritually, stop chatting as we pray.

If you are new at KTFA, I need for you to know is that the next thing we do is blow the shofar, the rams horn.  The Old Testament the rams horn was blown for many reasons coinciding with many types of celebrations.  Blow that horn Andy.

Thank you for coming here…..Frosty is our transcribinator, he takes notes on our calls and posts them on our forum when it is up.

We have some wonderful people who are calling, texting, emailing, can we help with the forum.  As far as the cost we can help.  But in my opinion we are very close to seeing a change in the Iraqi currency.  Because of that I believe we need to take KTFA to the next level.  We are not going to continue to go with the individuals who have been communicating with us to help “patch up” the forum.  I just spent $300 last week to patch up the forum only to have it go down again in 5 minutes.  Whoever is doing this we simply pray for them, we do not judge them, we do not throw stones at them, we simply move on.  We have a KTFA Facebook, we have a KTFA blog.  If you are watching the video you can scroll down just a bit to see the blog site, for whatever reason it is in God’s hands.  We have two options.  But we have turned down offers to create another web site.  No offense to those who want to help.  The Good Lord has sent us a “corporate  sponsor.”  The website that we believe we will need going forward into 2016 will require greater capabilities and may cost around $3,000.00.  The $65 we received last week just wasn’t going to cover things, so the Good Lord sent a corporate sponsor who has committed to taking care of two-thirds of the bill.  So that leaves us with a need for about $1,000.  I don’t like to do this, but I am not going to put the forum back up.  But if you want us to come back on the Internet then consider this.  You can go to PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account) just type in, you type in the amount you want to send, click on send to family and friends and it will send the amount to Frank to help with the costs of the new web site.  Or you can call Frank at 419-283-2552 if you simply would prefer to make a check donation and Frank will assist you with this as well.  If you feel drawn to help with this great, we appreciate your help and the help of our corporate sponsor.  Once we reach our $1,000 goal I will let you know.  Anything received over the $1,000 we will use to help street people that we have been sending money to monthly.  I shouldn’t be telling you this because it is really between me and God.  Anything beyond the $1,000 will be used for God’s Kingdom, I give you my word of honor on that.

Let us pray for this person or thing that is causing problems with the forum, because we aren’t sure what it is.

We are all gathered here for a special occasion.  Normally we talk to you on a CC on Monday’s, but I did ask you to be here with us tonight.

We received a phone call early on Friday morning.  It went through a sequence to make sure it was not a joke, mistake, or joke.  We confirmed and verified our team communications.  Once we were comfortable we knew then what to say, and that is what we are entitling our conference call here tonight, “The Eagle Has Landed.”  I got chills when I saw this.  I never shared this phrase with you KTFA Family.  When this came in and was verified, I decided to talk to you tonight.

The MR of the Iraqi dinar was like a kite in a hurricane for almost 2 years….when our President Obama refused to redo SOFA that would allow us to go back in and protect our soldiers, and Maliki said he would not do it either.  It shocked our Generals as well.  We had been there since 2003, and this caused problems between our chain of command and our President.  Our troops had to leave for 2 years and this gave Maliki some insane thinking….and on top of that he cloned his predecessor Saddam….Maliki decided to follow the blue prints of the historical evil of the past in those 2 years until this year.   When we wanted the MR in March of 2015. The IMF gave the green light to Dr. Shabibi

Who is “we”, the United States of America….back in 2003 and 2004 we shoved the USD down their throats…we gave them USD to the tune of $1 billion per month of your tax payer money… keep Iraq afloat….because we were doing the same thing as we did in Kuwait……we were there to make money in Iraq.  Do you see a democratic government in Iraq….no it is a parliamentary government.  Look at your president….Obama signs a 2 year budget for our country….how….Obama pays into the deficit….how….the same way Clinton did at the end of his presidency.  So in March of this year something happened…..actually back in November, December of 2014 and into January and February of this year….we snuck back in….IMO…..we went back in but you didn’t know it… not be so naïve or let the media bully you around….talk to those who have children in the military…where are they.  Again when I say “we” that is the USA…but also include the IMF because the US gives money….the IMF loans money….remember Iraq is our girl…we took her to the prom….we take her home after the prom.  You got that Russia, you got that Iran….we are the ones in control in Iraq…..we make things happen.  On March 13, when Dr. S. was given the green light, enough is enough….pay us now…..Dr. S said we don’t have enough security.

Along this time LeGard delivered her 7th of the 7th of the 7th house report to the IMF and everyone said “what?”….but it turns out she was delivering a report to those that we call “we”….those I call “Less than a Baker’s Dozen”….the twelve.  What this all boils down to is that they were not ready in March when Dr. Shabibi was given the green light by those in charge….they told Dr. S to go ahead and lift the 000’s from your currency….but Dr. S. said….noooo, not yet….I mean they want to kill me, they want to hurt my workers my employees….absolutely no. 

Then we move into April, May, and June….in those three months think back….what happened?  We snuck in even more…..we start to wipe out ISIS and DAASH…..but we got no credit….why….because we are not over there…..we aren’t over there, (cough)….our President comes on the TV and says no we have no troops over there… lie to the American people…..they aren’t naïve….they know where their sons and daughters are.

What happened then in July?  Well remember things had greatly improved with security….the powers went again to Dr. Shabibi asking…are you ready now….but his reply was “no not really”…..the powers asked…why not….Dr. S stated…..I haven’t done everything you’ve asked me to do in these last three months…..Good Grief….what else do you need to do…..well you still need to give me more security… have to give me back those banks in the cities you are conquering….I want the LD’s brought over…..I want the laws to be amended….I want the laws within the CBI to be amended….I want all these things.

So at the end of July you see the IMF article that said….we had intentions of lifting the 000’s….excuse me…..Iraq had intentions of lifting the 000’s…..but they are not ready to do this… here is what “we” are recommending they do…..we are telling them we want the 50’s and the 100’s printed and ready to go by the end of 2015….and they agreed so that is what they will be doing…..ok fine….so says the “media”….whatever you choose to believe….but instead what was going on….we were continuing to wipe out and sterilize more in ways we don’t need to talk about…..remember I told you it would be extremely ugly…and it was….we did get a glimpse of what was going on about 2 weeks when a Special Ops was killed……many in our government asked the President….I thought we had no troops over there…and he didn’t answer the question….this is all documented….you can look it all up.

So we can now tell you there is a big new Coalition force with new members like China, Iran, and Russia….why….because their armies suck….they don’t have the ability to protect themselves from ISIS….the Russians are scared because they can’t protect  against ISIS…..Putin’s rockets can’t even hit the targets they aim at…..and he knows this… new coalition forces were formed but we did all the work….but they get the credit, especially the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army because it has to be that way…..give infidels credit….it has to be this way.

So in July when we  thought they would do it they said no….but in August and September and October we got those things that were asked for…..we called them 1, 2, 3, and 4…..what were they….well 1 was the Laws…..other sites were looking for these laws to be printed in the Gazette but no, these laws were printed back in 2004-06….but back then these laws were not written to be international….but in July, August, September, October, up to now they worked “by amendment” to make these laws internationally qualifiable….why….because we are about to raise the value of our currency……we tried to do this in March….but Dr. Shabibi said no…security wasn’t right…we tried this in July….but Dr. S said no we have more to do….so now we are going to try this again….yes again.

So back in March we tried…..they said no….security is an issue….and they weren’t ready in July and they gave us the article explaining why…..then they told us they would get the 50’s and the 100’s ready by the end of the year….get them printed and ready.

The thing that is incredible is we actually labeled these things, we called them 1, 2, 3, and 4.  First was we needed to see the laws amended….they have been done…..amended to what….well they are out of Chapter 7 and they need to be complaint with Article 8 and this is done.  Number 2 was to see the lower denoms arrive in the CBI.  Remember I said look for 3 and 4 at the beginning of 2016.  But I said if we see number 2, then we have no choice but to move 3 and 4 into 2015.  Number 3 is Dr. Shabibi announcing he is in charge of the CBI…something he has been doing for a year or so but largely unseen.  Then number 4 is Dr. Shabibi selecting a method for the monetary reform of the currency, it could be 10 or 20 cents….or he could lift the 000’s and keep it at say 85 cents to the dollar….right now the USD is going insane…..99.something are you kidding me…it’s about to hit 1.00….all of a sudden it will be 1 to 1 with the Iraqi dinar… Frank the IQD is still at 1166….actually it is closer to 1120….actually it is getting closer to that 1.00 by lifting the 000’s.  Once it reaches 1000 and our teams saw it at 1120 on XE….that’s not an accident…..that is a plan…..because Number 4 is for Dr. Shabibi to select that plan of their Monetary Reform….maybe he will come out as an RI….a Re-Instatement of the value at 3+…it was 3.44 when we took over back in 2003….maybe he will let it free float allowing you and I to use it internationally which will only add value because everyone is using it…..then within a year it will explode IMO….to the 3 or 4 range.

The thing is though I have to tell you KTFA Family…”The Eagle Has Landed”…..the LD’s are no longer in the US….IMO….Friday they were moved…actually Thursday or Friday…..IMO.

From July Dr. Shabibi had to do things…and they have been done… for example, Parliament salaries were 88 billion for their salaries…but now it’s reduced to 7 billion….the citizens of Iraq need to come into the banks and open accounts and to get the new Unity Card….they are coming to get them and the people like these cards and the functions they provide…..we needed payments to be done at least to the Army to protect… the National Guard law has been amended….so now Abadi has the budget to pay the Army…..this is all being done as a prerequisite to the IMF…..what they are doing is also allowing them to remove all those bad guys from the government… was like turning on a light and watching where the cockroaches run….know what that light was…Maliki getting weaker and weaker….why not just get rid of Maliki….we are the ones who brought security…..we are the ones who could remove him….but we won’t…’s just not our business…..did we deal with Saddam….no…..they did…..they will be the ones who deal with Maliki….probably should get rid of him before Dr. Shababi…before the Monetary Reform.

Things are set up so good….a few weeks ago Abadi said security is can he say that….because the media is lying to you....I’m paying my armies that are protecting our cities and getting our country back…with the help of the US….but wink wink…I’m doing this…got that….I am the Commander in Chief of our Armies…everyone gives him a standing ovation….ME countries all applaud…..he tells everyone we have amended laws of international status that allows us to do business….but we don’t want to do business at 1166….the companies wanting in say…..we don’t either.

Something has happened in the last 5 or 6 days…and I want to say holy cow….what is going on….a holy man….many holy men……it turns out that Sistani, Abadi, and Dr. S became one….about three weeks ago…..first he met with Abadi and tells him get the reforms done…then he met with Abadi and Dr. S…..are you ready Dr. S….yes I am….are you sure…...a that time….around August we put those names ADRS together…you thought it was Abadi and Dr. S…but it was the three of them…..Sistani scares everyone in Iraq….people pay their respects to the Holy Man….when the Iraqis hear their holy man we are about to implement the Monetary Reform….it launched my teams……he came out and said Abadi and Shabibi….I have their backs….many things started to happen….laws amended…..the budget was passed….the oil and gas law is in the budget….what does this mean….you’ve been using the first three parts of the HCL for years…but there are four parts to it…..the amount the citizens get…royalties to the citizens….their reward….the HCL will be activated next year…are you saying this will be done at 1166….no answer…..we aren’t stupid.

That is file one.

The Iraq cleric came out maybe 2 days ago and he said on their TV’s broadcasts through the masques, I-Team verified and later was verified by Delta….”The Iraqi clerics have rejected the procrastination of Parliament and they are requesting the implementation of the reforms immediately…..this guy who comes out a couple of weeks ago and shocked everyone….he came out again…..then we talked with I-Team and they said isn’t it interesting that a former Secretary of State was on CNBC saying yes we’ve been guarding some currency from Iraq here on the east coast….then a few days later they moved it…the lower denoms.

Frank left the call for a short bit to answer a call.

Jan thanks all who have sent in financial support for the web site.  If you have any questions you can call after the call or tomorrow or send email to

Chronologically the things we are seeing are going in the right direction….the plan.  Yesterday the Holy Man, Sistani says, basically he is calling out Parliament, “You are to stop the procrastination and implement the reforms.”  This is the second time he has said this to Parliament….he’s saying that Parliament does not have to pass anything they are in the LL, the Long Line, we are all in…he looks right at Parliament on the TV and he “barked” “enough of this” get this done….the reforms….immediately….the reforms are many…and the MR is one of them.  The Holy Man knocks them out with what he has to say.

PM Abadi came out a week ago Sunday and spoke to the Iraqi citizens and we told you about it on the Monday CC that he told the Iraqi citizens I wish the valued citizens of Iraq prosperity and a new life with security and stability without exception on the occasion of Eid… is awesome… is like a preparation….they aren’t going to use pomp and circumstance to tell you anything…..its their business and you have no idea….first Abadi did this, then Sistani, then other clerics.

There was a meeting on the 5th between the US, IMF, and Iraq about the 5 trillion they want….people think this is a loan or a gift….but no it is the LD’s…..the 5 trillion was approved by the US….from this meeting they intend to seed the BB’s the baby banks of Dr. S for the citizens.

On November 1, four articles came out listing how they would be doing things….so we think by December they will seed these other banks….they don’t deserve loans….this has to be the LD’s coming to them…..we have 1….we have 2….we have no choice but to move 3 and 4.

Something crazy….even Allak….not a good guy…but last month he said the lifting of the 000’s is ready, but we want security….about the same time Abadi said they are 100% secure.  We are the ones doing things….we put money in….we took our money out….they don’t need it because…..they are about to add value to their currency.

The chronology is headed in the right direction….as planned… bump in the last few years….but there is always been something to slow things down…but now the lava flow of the MR is so viscous it is flowing freely….you need to appreciate that we are in control….I know what the other gurus say….but if you’ve a student with us we’ve not failed you, except when Maliki wasn’t made PM a third time…..the appointed Abadi instead…but they don’t have to tell us anything.

They had an international fair, like 590 companies from around the world……they are not there to waste their time….Iraq is out of Chapter 7 and they are qualified for Chapter 8…understand this….important….based on what I’m telling you IMO….they only use their currency….things keep clicking.

By the time of the CNBC former Secretary of State, the Eagle had been moved to one location…then by Friday they were launched and have landed……can’t say where….they are not in Iraq…..within an hour I am expecting an answer about the LD’s…..take it to God that the LD’s have left the US….the centurions of their future.

Wait till you see the coins….the fils….the investment coins….but you know all this right……all honor and glory to our heavenly Father, I am just the messenger.  It’s too late, they have been delivered.

Remember the emergency staff meeting….about a month ago….all 32 of them…take this to prayer each of you….IMO on or before or near the 21st of November the LD’s will be at the CBI…..staff said they would have my back….guess what staff…they did it three weeks ahead of time….now we have to seriously move 3 and 4 into December….based on what I just now received….I can’t say more….but things are being confirmed…but I have to wait for permission to say anything.

Out of Chapter 7 and they are Article 8 qualified….they just got boosted with the LD’s…..remember the total of the LD’s….I’ve told you before….a great deal of money….the citizens have their Unity Cards…and are ready to get their portion of the HCL next year.

In defining Number 3, we would look at it as Dr. Shabibi telling the international world… is already accepted by banking institutions central banks, IMF, BIS, that he is the governor of the CBI…but we need to make it official because he is about to put his John Hancock on something….his signature…..we need Number 3….Dr. Shabibi is going to tell you he is back, because he will continue supervising of the MR of the currency tomorrow, next month, next year….it seems like they are doing things in 3 month chunks…..Dr. Shabibi will do the unveiling, he works on the MR… our strong opinion….once he does Number 3….then he will do Number 4…..when we don’t know…how high a rate…we don’t know…but because of what we see with the LD’s….we think it could be this year.

No the other gurus don’t say this….they chastise us, they throw stones at us, they talk bad of us….then three days later they say the same thing we’ve been saying… be it.

Dr. Shabibi is in the process of the Re-Instatement of the value of their currency for global use…..they amended their laws….this is like putting up “open signs” on their borders….you can come and go…yes our laws have been amended to allow us to step outside our borders…but not at 1166…to stay at 1166 is meaningless….to do international business….basic economics 101….a strategic example of how oil is dealt with last year…but the reciprocal is in play this year….to hurt others….not Saudi Arabia….Iran.

I like the end of anything versus the beginning….even though we are dealing with emotions….it is true the decisions being made in Iraq right now are eternal……this is a  historical time on this planet where the four rivers came together where the tree was destroyed but we are going to rebuild it… me as a Christian from this same place….where wealth transfer came for Mary and Joseph… baby Jesus could accomplish His mission in 33 years…come on… don’t think this wealth transfer is coming to you Christians…this is your duty…..IMO….once we see a value go up….IMO….it is the introduction to Armageddon….it is that simple….but I feel that it may be months or years from now, but I feel this to be the last wealth transfer from this place….because the whole world is about to bow to their knees and worship this place….Iraq is about to become what the Bible tells us she is to become.

I need for you to understand that the meeting that occurred on the 5th….sure you get your 5 trillion….seed your bank… get your money….but “we” are demanding that you do this…and then that you do this…..because remember the IMF (we) said we got your back….you made a fool of us in March, you made a fool of us in July….don’t do that again…..ok sure…fine….ok we could will do it with our own money…..”we” are going home…are you…..NO….never….once America comes into a place they are always there…ask Korea.

What are those 2 things the IMF told them to do…..I can’t tell you right now…’s a lot like Mom and Dad telling you to eat your veggies, but you say “no I don’t want to eat them” but they say I don’t care if you sit there a year….sit there.

So Sistani made this speech, we must protect the Constitution and the laws must not be used by legistlation to delay the reforms or the steps….this was made a week ago….then Abadi…..and then it was said again yesterday.

Oh by the way you will see that it was American and British doctors who do the autopsy on Chalabi…..they will say he died of a heart attack, leave him alone, let him rest in peace….he told us where the WMD were located, may he rest in peace….before we leave Chalabi, my teams want you to know that he delivered his files on corruption and Maliki to Sistani….sure enough he feared for his life and sure he is gone….the Holy Man will open this up, hundreds of hundreds of documents against Maliki…..go back to Maliki two years ago….at the White House doorstep….I need more weapons….like my predecessor….Obama said what……that very evening Maliki had to leave Washington because of an emergency…..Obama pulled out Kodak moments….want me to show this to everyone…..go back and pass the Investment Law…..what were those Kodak moments…well they were given to the Holy Man….so Maliki will go in the same direction as his idol.

Abadi is on the move with the Monetary Reform…with all the reforms of Iraq…with Dr. Shabibi….with Sistani… Sistani is telling everyone that he has the back of Abadi….the back of Dr. Shabibi….now get their work done…and it has been done.  God willing you will learn much more about the LD’s this month.  I told you this month of November will be a month to remember.

In closing… went on Iraqi TV this morning, he’s a bad guy to the US for the past 10-12 years….but seems he has been won over and joined the group of Abadi, Dr. S. and Sistani…..on TV he told the people that we were talking last night in Najif, there is real change coming to our country with reform so we can make these changes in our country….I want to say Parliament…get these changes done….this is a third source speaking this same thing…..the clerics are saying get us out of the issues we face… is also talking to the Shiites in Iraq…..people of Iraq listen when these clerics talk……many are turning away from the leadership of Maliki….these clerics are talking to citizens and the government….remember Sistani barking at the government… there is no choice but to move 3 and 4 into December….but they can also be put back in the first quarter of next year.  Maliki never could get an audience with Sistani.  The Iran Holy Man asked Sistani if their Iranian generals could have an audience…and he said NO….perfect timing of things now though….but not with the evil forces.  Even Obama should be commended by calling Maliki’s bluff with his Kodak moments….but he couldn’t…we guarded it just like we guard the LD’s.

Pray for Mosul because there were many terrorists were killed today.  There will not be much heard about the meeting I mentioned earlier, the one from 2 days ago….about the 5 trillion….the media though is helping, except when they said the CBI is replacing their currency….it should have said the CBI is repricing their currency.

I leave you with this….Sistani got mad…..he was not talking in a civilized tone…..because things are now in a different era….he is the top dog…bigger than the President…bigger than the PM…..people listen to him…..Sistani and the Iranian Ayatollah do not get along, two differing nationalities going head to head…..Sistani told them the Iranians….stay out of our business.

Keyword…..IMPLEMENT NOW…..what is nice it is a demand from the highest Holy Man of Iraq.

Let’s see what comes of Maliki will they charge him criminally…..the State of Law party will say things to support….he even went to Parliament trying to show off….Abadi was there…..Abadi says…you are?  Maliki say yes sure….Abadi shut the place down when he asked….well show me your pay check….and Maliki left.  Yes the Constitution says they need a VP….but it will not be Maliki….it will be Mahadi….in fact the US had to pick between Abadi and Mahadi for the PM position….they chose Abadi because he is largely non-confrontational….look at all he has done this year.

Did you like this CC tonight….did you learn something.

If you want to be a member of our forum…grab pencil and paper….here is my phone number….why do I do this….to get to know you….to put out the fires people put in your hearts….in case you need….the number is 419-283-2552…..or send a request to our staff at 

I never talk about other forums but I am tonight.  The good Lord has told me to stop being critical of those at other forums who are hard on me….but 2-3 weeks ago I started to read reports from other gurus… is the time to know what they are saying…..because we are extremely close….right after our Monday Night CC….I see they are thinking like we are thinking.

I don’t know when our forum is going to be put back up….but I want to reach across the Internet to a forum that puts other information from forums around the world…..they post much of our stuff, not in a confrontational way….they are cordial and nice….even their people who post do so with respect…..this forum has told many who we are, where we are at…and we appreciate that….the owners of Dinarrecaps…..I don’t go to your forum…but some on my staff and teams tell me of your postings….I’m just reaching out to say thank you.

We do have a blog now….,  save or bookmark this in your favorites….or call Frank at 419-283-2552.  By the way….our blog is new….this is not boasting…..just today we have had 6,600 page views, just today….and they are coming from all over the world.  Your KTFA family reaches around the world… two days we’ve had over 9,000 page views.

To view again on Livestream go there and type in Keep The Faith Always and see the archives.

Dismissed with a prayer.