Tuesday, December 15, 2015

CC Notes for Monday 12-14-2015

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes from Monday 12-14-2015

Did I not say to you the last time we were together last Thursday night that there’s no sense in us talking about the Iraqi Dinar any longer, there is no sense in talking about the Monetary steps any longer….did we not lay out some very nice and clear steps that lead you to today’s actions by the CBI….from Dr. Shabibi and the MR…….I laid things out boom….boom….boom…..there is no sense talking further about the IQD…..unless they release the LD’s…..have they released the LD’s…..NO…….but I want to talk to you about the fact that I believe they are about to….that is a very strong case that makes it worth talking to you tonight…..normally I keep my promises where I would only give a small summary……but it is rather serious to the point where I called DELTA and said….I think you should come in….and he agreed.

DELTA and I called ITEAM….we honored them today….thanking them so much for all they have done for our KTFA Family….we laughed at them….remember when we said Maliki would still be PM…..and ITEAM told us only once…..”No he will not”…….we said no….no…no…..Maliki has too much power too much clout….he will remain as PM….turns out they were absolutely right…..they only said it once but they were right….it has been amazing all the things we’ve been through as a team….we thanked them for all they have done.

Last night I got together with our KTFA STAFF on a conference call, similar to us meeting an Emergency Staff meeting a little over a month ago…..that last call we were mocked for it…..you know you are right….you have no idea what we study….we told STAFF the LD’s are coming home and we need for you to bear witness to this….and we believe it will be around November 21st…and it was three weeks before.

That was why I felt the need to get our STAFF together once again….but you didn’t call it an Emergency Staff meeting….yeah, I learned from my first lesson…..nobody cares….no one cares about the work being done…..about the facts….they don’t care about the work…..so what did we tell them last night…..the same thing we have no choice but to tell you about today.

Family, as we told you a little over a month ago, a former Secretary of State started to talk and said, “oh yeah we have Iraq’s LD’s, in some army bases on the east coast…..we hold them until they are ready for them….then the following day we said we are having an Emergency Staff Meeting….I told them they moved the currency to one base….then with the help of two large Galaxies they moved them….IMO….to Ramstien Base in Germany….where they sat for a few hours…..under heavy protection….then in the still of the night…..then they were taken somewhere….we thought they were taken to the CBI…..we did say to the STAFF they have moved them…..into Iraq….again we thought the CBI….well it turns out they are not at the CBI…..this whole conference call is to tell you the LD’s are under lock and key at the US Embassy….there was too much thievery going on at the CBI.

Now it is important for you to understand….IMO….the LD’s are coming out next week…..IMO….they will not be distributed to the banks in Iraq….the IMF has created rules and regulations about how to move the LD’s….so now they brainstorm how to get the LD’s into the hands of the citizens….I don’t  know if you see this or not….but my TEAMS study that the LD’s will go through the auctions….they can no longer simply be distributed to the banks…..there must be a documented paper trail…..so they are brainstorming right now….but what they brainstorm is far beyond what I am telling you right now…..my TEAMS study way past all of what is happening right now…we are way past that…..I might share this with you tonight….we shall see.

It’s rather quiet on the monetary reform front….until today…you saw what happened today….three of the most powerful articles about their Monetary Reform…..it is possible….IMO….that we may see a rate change right after Christmas…..will you see that rate change….I don’t know….will my TEAMS and I see the change oh yes…..we already see what is going on…..now especially if they use the LD’s….if the banks decide to buy them this week….look out….then they put them in their vaults….Family….you need to understand….they won’t stay in the vaults very long…..if they stay in the vaults more than 24-48 hours they will lose a lot of money…..you know what happens on the 31st…..that is why you may or may not see it…..you are to understand….what we share with you is our information….you are to pay attention to the auctions now until I tell you to stop….the auctions will have a major pendulum swing either to the right or the left….but the whole idea is that these auctions are going to have a major swing….if they wish to hide something…which they cannot legally do….but….doing something without telling you…..that the banks are buying the LD’s….without saying so….look for a very low auction number….very low auction number….BUT….if the auctions swing to the right….where they are way high….then the CBI is dumping the LD’s into the banks and the CBI don’t care if you see it not…..this is our gift to you…..the banks have to buy the LD’s…..its going to be so loud and obvious…but we prepare this for you….if they swing to the left they are low numbers….just trying to confuse…if they swing to the right….they don’t care they are about to change their rates….got it…..take this to God in prayer.

Do you like McIntosh’s…..good….then Internet…how do you like them apples.

Last Thursday there was an all out attack on Ramadi….they blew up escape routes…they demolished bridges…..they are capturing more ISIS leaders than they are killing….if you have knowledge to understand what I just told you then you are smiling….the battle goes very well….IMO….and I say that because it is important….because I don’t want you to think that something is imminent…because for something to be imminent it has a tendency to have a smell of urgency…..but in the ME there is never urgency….. that state doesn’t exist in the ME…..stay focused….because we are that close…..all of this is in my opinion as I have brought it to you for the past 8 years.

What they are doing right now with their banks, auctions, and LD’s is all that matters….so pay attention…..you can call it a pendulum swing……you can call it an increase in blood pressure….you can call it a decrease in blood pressure……you do know they will stop the auctions on the 31st….don’t you Family….you know that the 31st is a Thursday….Friday off….Saturday off….the beginning of the year…this is not a coincidence…..they must stop the auctions Family….this is how they make money….the auctions with our money….but they can’t do that any longer….use the USD….they won’t do this any longer….no…they will need to start selling their own currency through the auctions to make money……they do auctions because they are not international…so they sell USD to make money….but now they will be international with an international currency and rate…out of Article 8 which will do something phenomenal with their reserves…..Dr Shabibi….IMO…told us all of this over a month ago around the 17th…..yes I’ll introduce a free float around 23-24 cents…then I’ll introduce the LD’s….you forgot.

How is it that the US and Iraq are Siamese twins with their budgets…..with a deficit that is literally being slowly wiped out on both sides…..you have to go back to Clinton who did this with Kuwait in ’99….I told you Hillary would be there at the end….just as I told you they would find life on Mars at the end…..what does this have to do with all of this….nothing….but I use KEYWORDS……if these LD’s are purchased by the banks….do we then have to have the rate….no…..it means they are now in position to introduce the rate because they are about to give to the citizens…we are with the citizens….KEYWORDS…..what do they have in their hands…it’s my money…..what is it…can I see it…..well this is a 250…this is a 100…. this is a 500….I notice those are a 0 and 00’s….yeah my country is going through an RI right now……IMO….between 40 cents and a dollar…..that is why I can use these 00’s and 0’…..it is still within the math structure…but soon we enter an RV…..because they will give me LD’s….likely 1 to 1…so we have the same purchasing power as you American dollar….you know what we will do with you…USD….we will put you where you belong…..we will put you back in our reserves….we have no liquidity…..we’ve been draining and draining our reserves….selling our foreign currency reserves…..like you Americans use your credit cards we’ve been using our reserves….because we have no liquidity……we have no rate…..yet…..so do you mind USD…we will sell LD’s for USD’s…..hot diggity dog….alright let’s do it….we are doing it….I thought you were doing it this week….we are doing it this week…..that is confusing…..good….but I just told you I use my 250’s, 500’s, and 100’s right now because we are in the RI of 40 cents to a dollar…but soon you will see…..your precursor is to pay attention to the CBI auction pendulum swings of the auction numbers…..I know Frank told us that……and at that time we will be in an RV cause I’ll have my LD’s and they will give me a new rate…..by the way our goal in the CBI for 2016 to 2020 is to return about 91 billion back to our reserves…..why….because we have no liquidity…..and we certainly can’t return it at 1166 because we have been using it like a credit card…..by the way 91 billion we told them we would do it in 4 years…but we will do this in just one year…..that is why Frank and TEAMS study the CAP……yes because it is possible we might only give them 6 months to exchange their currency….or we might make it indefinite…..but do you understand if we only give them 6 months we have to expedite the CAP much faster…..oh….yeah….that is pretty cool….yes Frank’s TEAMS are pretty cool

KTFA Family that I love so much….on December the 6th, the Finance Committee, one of their members, Tamimi….she said the old rate that we used to have of $3.30 we are not using it….yes  you use a program rate….well you must understand that old rate we are not using it…..we know….no you must realize that old rate has never been officially cancelled…..it’s just sitting there waiting to be reinstated….and you missed that Family….they are going into an RV…..and it’s going to float and they will CAP it at a certain time….if it takes longer than they think they will keep it going….but if it happens faster they may stop it at 6 months and you have to cash in everything.

This is the study of the currency of the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar….there are so many tangents…..there are so many roads…that you call delays.

I want you to know something….I want you to know that this 1 to 1 is still an RI…..but you just said Frank this is an RV would be at the 1 to 1…..it is the end of the RI….it is the start of the RV…because it will float and it will jack itself from 1 back to……excuse me Tamimi…..what was the old rate…..so it has never been cancelled and you are trying to calculate when it will be back at that right now aren’t you.

Family I want you to know that IMO…..tomorrow they will tell you they will delay the taxes and tariffs…..well we kind have already told you that with our notes…..can I move them from the 15th to the 31st…..of course you can Frank…that would be so perfect…….a long weekend, the start of the year….they will stop using foreign currency to rebuild their currency in order to back up what they are about to do with the increase of the value…..so it will take time to build those reserves….so it will take a little time to build that 1 to 1 to…..oh yes yes.

Family what are the other gurus telling you…..oh I did it again.

I want you to know IOO….Abadi is about to pick his Vice President…..he’s about to pick Mahdi….the oil minister….that is just perfect….if you know anything about that it is perfect.

They are not hiding anything Family….the banks have to sell these LD’s to the banks….you can witness this if you are a student…..they can’t just give them to them……they must buy them….it will all be electronic by the way.

On the 31st there are many things occurring….ending and starting….isn’t that cool….the reserves will grow with the LD’s being bought and with the citizens using them…and the international market buying them…….we may see both the LD’s and the rate together or we may only see one…then the other literally hand in hand….but IOO these LD’s can only sit for 24-48 hours….then they have to move fast….which exposes them to the international world.

There was an article that came out today….our brother Alan said….”it is nothing”…..Alan was right…..but I posted to Alan I disagree with you….but I didn’t have the opportunity to go into detail of how I disagree with him….you see Alan was right there are some banks that were being punished…but it is a lot deeper than that…..when this article came out…..the Arabic side said….they are not stopping the auctions….they are not stopping the auctions….they are stopping four banks…but they are not banks…and this is very important to realize……they are exchange offices….that have violated CBI rules….the number one rule is to stop using the USD….stop it…..exchange offices….you are busted….do it again…do it again and see what we do….walk straight as an arrow….like the Rupiah….they stopped using the USD in their commerce and auctions…..all of  a sudden they did a little flip flop and the USD went down….and now we have a stable and growing Rupiah.  So we are going to flood the streets with LD’s not USD.

Family….KTFA that I love so much….the CBI is trying to draw back its currency so it can rebuilt its reserves….so it can come out with a new rate 1 to 1….but that process is going to DRAAAGGG itself back in from the citizen’s hands that hold the USD so they may hold the LD’s…..they will rebuild their foreign reserves because the IMF is demanding this of them as they go through their monetary reforms.

This is a complex thing….look at all these angles….these venues….these channels….and I’m not done.

Another thing…these four exchange offices…..they must stop…..why…because the US Treasury has told Iraq we will stop providing the USD…..and you money exchanges must stop getting USD from other sources to sell in Iraq or we will fine you…..I don’t know if you saw this Family because you don’t talk much about it…..the USD made it very clear we are not giving you any more USD’s…..that is why this started around August when we told you.

Yes, the CBI was pumping USD’s into their economy because that is how they function….but when the USD stopped they had to start draining their reserves…..the IMF did not like that position….but now they like the Iraqi position because they are ready to distribute their LD’s…..we no distribute the USD….ok.

Back in Sept. one of the ITEAM members was sent to get $10,000….normally this was an easy thing to do…but come Sept this was difficult….it took 4 banks to get that amount.  The US Treasury had to say no more USD…..so what will do you do….fish or cut bait…..stop using the USD….start pushing the LD’s out…..now we see these 4 exchange firms are being fined….go ahead…..but during this time their reserves went down around $20 billion….and now they talk about replacing their reserves up to $91 billion….and they are doing it.

Write this down….they use the USD to pay for imports….but that is being reversed…what do you mean….it’s being reversed….right now USD….STOP…..IQD….START….and if you want a date for that…IMO….December 31st.

Right now the battles go very well….we capture far more ISIS leaders than we kill them….why….well if you knew anything about logistics and statistics it goes well…..J-Tec is doing it’s job very well.

Do you remember after Abadi and Shabibi met with the Holy Man….Abadi are you ready…Yes…..Shabibi are you ready….yes ok let’s get these reforms done…..God told us to get started….the US didn’t tell you….NO…..God did….the infidels didn’t tell you….NO….God did….ok….let’s get to work.

Meanwhile Allak…get in here….no…..Allak get in here….around the 10th of a month the IMF, BIS, US all met with the Iraqis…..Dr. Shabibi you need to talk to Allak……Allak get in here….what were you doing with our reserves…I wasn’t doing anything…..Allak….what were you doing with our reserves while I was in limbo those two years working with the US……well Maliki told me to do this…..no he didn’t….well I thought he wanted me to do this……no you didn’t…….well I was counting on Maliki coming back…..so you were continuing with your stealing as though you were still working for Maliki…..we do not appreciate what you were doing with our reserves.

Meanwhile on Iraqia TV….all over information about what they are doing……they are being very accurate about the reforms…..they know Article 8 is before them they await this acknowledgement…..and they think they will get it when the RV starts….the 1 to 1….because it would be for everyone’s eyes….and right now they confuse…..and anyway they can confuse good for them.

Right now the system they use right now we are not going to see anything….they do not hide anything but it is very cleverly disguised….but soon….what is that on your nose….nothing…..but to the US Embassy to the banks…IMO….I told you it would be electronic…..from the Embassy to the banks….while the auctions do the electronics between the CBI to the banks in order to have the paperwork….we will escort the LD’s to the banks…..we don’t need anyone that calls us infidels telling us what to do….we do not trust anyone over there….we are in control….always have been…always will be….it is our software….our security….but you can have all the credit so we can wipe out the bad in the world.

Family this is another spoke of the wheel.

You think that oil is very low right now….IMO….the barrel of oil has not hit bottom yet….oil will go lower….therefore the big push to get into the RV NOW not in 2016….Family they were three weeks ahead of November 21st…..how far ahead are they now….if I had the desire I could tell you about Saudi and OPEC how they work with US….you know that……why……because ISIS used oil to make profit….to get money…..and to be a terror….we made whatever needed to be done with Iraq monetary reform to push it and hurry it along….oil has not hit bottom yet….it has served to choke ISIS to death….because of the price of oil dropping so dramatically.

Right after the first of the year….IMO….right after the RV….oil prices will go back up….but it must inflict more pain to ISIS now before it goes up.

LD’s in the US Embassy….because no one has the ability to attack the United States of America…..the embassy is the USA….go ahead and try to take them ISIS….go ahead….security….at its best.

You will soon be rid of me because you will leave….but those who stay will do some amazing things…..40 cents to 1…..it is because of the taxes and tariffs….but it is not for your eyes per se…..but we are not here to teach you that.

The RI is to welcome the 30 day lag period…..it is because of this 30 day lag period that the taxes and tariffs will receive their new coding…..and their new rate….the coding will go out to all the world….via invoices and these codes….yes these codes were ready two years ago.

So the IMF, USA….do you know in October…did you know the USA, the IMF brought auditors into Iraq….at that time all of this kicked in…we are in control of the MR and that is why it is about to happen……this is the ME…look at their philosophy…..you send them to school…..buy them books and they eat the covers…..look….when was this ready….. done in 2013…..to prove it to you….when was Chapter 7 lifted….2013…that was their first green light….then the second green light March of this year……before that we had to get Maliki out and Abadi in….with Abadi in…..no doubt that things have moved faster….much faster.

Conclusion…..Dr. Abadi and Dr. Shabibi are on the money and target to showing things to their citizens……the money…..so as I sort of come to an end….the auctions are your responsibility my KTFA Family that I love so much.

May I give you an example of what I think is a low auction….5 to 10 million…..an example of a high auction….something over 200 million…and I also want to describe to you that this will be a completely different auction…..I don’t want to call it a special auction…..but a completely different animal….remember it will swing left low numbers to hide numbers or to the right high numbers to expose the numbers….but a third option might exist….where they pair the two together…..what they need for that day and what they need for the LD’s….holy cow this animal of an auction will be so easy to recognize for the common person who doesn’t know what they study for that matter.

DELTA is supposed to come in and give you information that he has to share with you.

Here is something else….this file disturbs me….every day we get calls on this…but we still get calls on this….asking me about this…..I told you not to do this….but my friend has done this….I told you not to do this.  What God brings to you why do you allow man to try to multiply.  What I’m speaking of are all the groups who want you to give up your currency to give you a higher right…how stupid is that…what form of desperation is that…..no Frank I just wanted more to help people….don’t lie to me or yourself……you have a million dinars and they will give you $3-5 for your dinars…and you give up your dinars……and it doesn’t happen….then you call Frank….it frustrates me after what I’ve told you not to do….this has been going on since day one that I bought dinars…..some guy on a boat…..all US boats are US territory…..oh no Frank it happened on an Indian reservation that is o sovereign land…..no Frank it is this or that….get me a stupid stick to hit you with you…..people I love are doing this….I know them….I love them to death….but they are being used by people…..these people have good hearts and mean well….but where is the logic of going negative in your accounting….Iraq is not going to  give you more than they will given you….they take your dinars and put them in some account somewhere…..they make so much interest for someone who took them from you….now you call me…what do I do…..you call me…..what do I do now Frank….it frustrates me….the ones that I said were illegal….the ones I called and told them what they do is illegal….no I can’t help you with it…..as much as I hate to say that….I can’t help you.

DELTA…come in.


DELTA are you happy….oh yes indeed.

So tell me brother  what do you think they will do next week with the LD’s….well eventually they will sell the LD’s and begin to start building back their reserves…..they will build their reserves back to 91 billion….how will they do that…..they will bring the foreign currency back to the CBI to rebuild the reserves.

Frank…..I like the discipline and security…..not like the four exchange firms that did not follow the rules but were fined and rapped on the hand.

DELTA:…absolutely…..every day you hear less and less about ISIS and DAASH.

Frank:  I’m very proud of Abadi and Shabibi because they pay attention to the US because we are fully in control.

DELTA: I fully agree, they want to make sure this plan succeeds…they do a tremendous job, I agree.

Frank:  When you and I were talking to ITEAM  today how would you describe their mood.

DELTA:  The ITEAM seemed very calm and confident today…..they have given more and more information to prove they are the real deal, this is the second time I’ve been with you and ITEAM and they seemed so calm and confident….they bring great information that is beautiful….for them to join us and give more and more information that makes me more relaxed knowing we are so close….that we are really there.

Frank:  what is your comment….you remember isn’t it amazing when we had the Emergency CC that we would see the LD’s on November 21st….I have always said no we will see the rate next year…but you have been adamant that we would see the rate this year….and then with them getting ready to vote and pass the budget…..do you see them really speeding things up…..can this be attributed to the price of oil.

DELTA:….it is about time for Iraq to move forward….I agree….whatever the plan was before they do want to move this faster….in my heart I believe this is the month we should see things happen….we agree…this year is totally different….so many things are going on….what all started this was the contract that Iraq had to sign with the IMF…that was the trigger…and then the oil prices…..Iraq is 99% dependent on oil…for it to fall so far…Iraq really hurts….we give the Family how much money they need to survive 7-8 billion dollars to survive….100 billion dollars per year…they could do this with 80+ for oil…but at 38 they cannot make ends meet now…..They tried to push bonds…but no one wanted them….investors want to see something solid….all this time the currency is what was meaningful to the citizens and to the investors….we know that Abadi is doing a great job…..was supposed to activate the other markets away from oil….but they have to stimulate their currency…..but they are about to get lucky……there is no nation on earth that gets the support that Iraq gets from the IMF, the World Bank and others….why….they do not want them to fail….Babylon will rise again…..the trigger…..when Iraq is recognized as international….all investors will see Iraq as serious…..the investors will flock to them…..Security has been number one….but believe it or not…..what happened in Paris has helped Iraq a lot….it’s unfortunate…but it has turned the tide on ISIS and terrorism overall…..I give it 6 months for DAASH to be cleaned out completely.

Frank:  Family is asking questions…..we know electronically we know that the LD’s will be assigned to banks to leave a paper trail….we told them the LD’s cannot sit there more than 24-48 hours….so my question….I believe the LD’s are in the US Embassy and we the US military will escort them to the banks….how will the banks get them to the citizens?

DELTA:….IMO…the rate has to change…if I’m the CBI….if I’m going to put those LD’s in the banks…I have to have a rate for the LD’s to be sold to the banks….they have to have a good value for later to make money…..I’ll sell to you the bank….40 cents to you….now if the CBI will sell that without changing the rate…that would be illegal.  The program rate is now 1182…..as their goal is to reach 1 to 1…the CBI will do the auction selling at the new rate….30 to 40 cents…..then in three to four months they raise it to a dollar….they will lose a lot of money….as an example…..I have 000’s notes…..I can exchange these to make money…..bottom line to this confusion…..the CBI has to offer a rate that is good for the CBI and the banks as well as the citizens and for us.

Frank:  I agree….with our discussion with ITEAM today we may see first one then the other…but they will compliment each other.  Another question….will the Iraqi dinar always be 1 to 1 on Iraq.

DELTA:  The official rate all the time will always be higher there…..because remember in the ME the spread between the buy and sell right now is not that much difference…..in the west like in the US the spread may be 50 cents….but in Iraq or Kuwait it is much lower….yes the rate will come up to say 1 to 1…but with the spread it might be slightly higher…but the rate will be close to 1 to 1 always.

Frank:  The budget is being worked on right now to be implemented next year….it is the same thing as we talk about the LD’s and the rate…..maybe we talk about the LD’s, the budget, and the rate all at the same time.

DELTA:  We have a strong possibility of passing the budget either Tuesday or Wednesday….unless the Kurds make waves…..this will be the first time if it happens that the budget would be ready for January 1 to be rolled out.

Frank:  Will the HCL be seen soon….ITEAM has told us that the HCL will be a part of the budget….the fourth part is the part to the citizens….we shared months ago that it would be a part of the budget.

DELTA:  The HCL is important especially to the Kurds….but the HCL is not that important to the MR…especially with the oil prices being so down…..it is important for the part of profit sharing with the citizens….they are connected…everything is waiting on this rate….they cannot pay anything with IQD….until they are international….the HCL is more important for inside Iraq….they need the law for the export of oil for both Baghdad and Kurds…..as well as to the citizens…..like in Kuwait they have some profit sharing for the citizens equivalent to like $1,000/month/citizen…they are more stable though.

Frank:  Delta aside from everything we are waiting on what is the mood of the citizens for Abadi and Shabibi?

DELTA:  I think Abadi is seen as doing a good job…..he is proving that he is not there for the money….he comes off as working hard for the citizens…..Dr. Shabibi is well known…his Dad is also well respected so his family has a good history in Iraq…whatever happened between him and Maliki there was some corruption going on that he was not aware of…..as far as the citizens….they work paycheck to paycheck…they are dirt poor many do not have dinars….they are happy though that something is about to happen that the jobs will come back, that the economy will come back…..they wait in excitement…when they open globally then many others will inject money into Iraq…..Iraq will move forward with their MR…..what will happen then will be unbelievable….a river of investors for Iraq….they all wait patiently.

Frank:  One more question…..our Family is very dedicated that we work for right Delta?

DELTA:  I agree this KTFA Family I love and feel like they are mine….I love them all and feel like we are one…..some may know but some may not….all the things you and TINK do behind the scenes with the tremendous jobs you both do…..sometimes as a Family they argue but in the end we will be together….I love my Christian Family here, I try to give them the best that I can.  We have so many plans after the blessing….and of course Hawaii….we have a beautiful and great Family.

Frank:  Will they stop the auctions before the 31st?

DELTA:  I do agree…the acting governor of the CBI said the auctions will still have something going on….you will be able to walk into any bank and buy foreign currency just as you can in the US……but they will not be buying or selling dollars like they had in the past…..their IQD will become more important and worth more….the citizens will not use the USD any more….the CBI knows this and will do the right thing.

Frank:  what happens to Iraq if they don’t stop the auctions on the 31st?  They won’t have purchasing power…..they won’t be international…..they won’t have Article 8 lifted…..if they go into the first quarter…..it is because we are still working on it…..they are not in control of the monetary reform therefore they are not in control of failing.

DELTA: that is beautiful…..the authors of the plan do not want them to fail…..by the way Frank did you talk about the banking conference over Saturday and Sunday where Abadi came out and said this is the time to activate the monetary reform.

DELTA Summation:  We are very close, expect the unexpected…..on the verge of something big happening…..if you don’t believe us go back and review the contract the IMF made with Iraq…..the bold statement that the IMF telling the world that Iraq will be international by the first quarter of 2016….then there is the ITEAM that gives so many confirmations that have happened….November 21st and remember it happened so much sooner…then Abadi coming out and stating it is time to activate the economic reform…..they need the currency rate to change….to start things….the ki cards are not activated yet…but will be with the rate….IMO we will see the rate before the end of the year.

Frank:  I would join you…but I tell you…..let’s keep the peace….you keep 2015…and I’ll keep 2016.

Well Family I hope you liked your conference all…..Iraq…it is obvious what is going on….like a woman saying I don’t want any kids….but why are you 9 months pregnant.

News paper articles:

WSJ…..Wealth Management….be prepared…..The Surprising Relationship Between Charitable and Giving Taxes….this is very in-depth…you should look at this….why….because you will soon be Mr. Clampett soon….you want to diversity.

WSJ…..front page….Mystery of Missing Inflation Weighs on the Federal Rate Move…..there is no mystery of it if you understand what happened between 1990 and 1999 in Kuwait in how Clinton balanced our budget and paid much of our deficit…there is no mystery how history is repeating itself.

WSJ…….Central Banks are Worried that the Rate Increase will Come Undone.

You know what currencies I sell them….why do I sell them….look at the WSJ….picture of the Chinese Yuan…..don’t fear the Yuan basket….then look inside and read the report….you realize that goodness…there it is…there is no need to fear the Yuan basket.

I hope you enjoyed your conference call…..I was surprised by all this….that we would not be sharing with you unless we see the LD’s….we were not expecting this.

Ended in a Prayer.