*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their
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CC Notes from Monday 12-21-2015
Early this year the CBI made a commitment to stop using the
USD……we showed you an experiment….one of our ITEAM members went to get $10,000
USD from ME banks…..normally within hours they get their money….but this time
it took four banks and about a week to get that $10,000. That was our evidence to you that American
has stopped sending USD to Iraq……Iraq said FINE…..by the way all you brokerage
houses….banks….dealers…..money exchangers…..all you people…..you had better stop
using the USD….but they didn’t……so this all around September…..during this time
it was also difficult to get IQD…..because the CBI doesn’t sell them…..it’s
getting harder to get the IQD…..they don’t sell them to anybody…..1 + 1 is 2….2
+ 2 is 3….wait it is 4……the pond is drying up…..well let me put it this
way…..you could get as many IQD as you wanted for the longest time….but they
decided to do the Monetary Reforms…..of their currency along with other reforms
of their country to become Article 8 compliant….one of them was to stop using
the USD…..and when we found proof they had stopped using the USD and they
didn’t have any liquidity left…..we said alright….alright….now my broker tells
me my reserves are low…..he’s not trying to cause troubles….he’s just telling
me the situation…..so it is taking him a bit longer to replenish his
reserves….so it may take a little longer to get an order to you.
You can go somewhere else to buy if you need to…..go for
it…..God Bless them….God Bless you……in this land we all try our best to make a
profit and live respectfully.
Let me tell you what I do…..one million dinars cost you $999
and I charge a $15 delivery charge….if you buy $50 million dinars there is
still a $15 delivery charge.
Also we found out that because our supplies are no longer
from the CBI….about three years ago my broker was getting them from banks in
Jordan…..but we found out through intel that there were a lot of IQD’s smuggled
into Jordan……let me hold it up to the light…..remember though I didn’t say it
was counterfeit….I said there was a lot “smuggled” into Jordan….what does that
mean…..well those batch numbers are null and void…..so once we found this
out…..you saw the articles….you can hear me on the phone….you can watch me on
the video….you bought dinars but you have no idea how they reform their
If you have questions what is my phone
number….419-283-2552…..if you want to look at our menu….all the currencies that
we sell…..go to our landing site….ktfalways.com…..go to the bottom of the page
that comes up….there at the bottom is a banner ad…that will take you to a page
that shows you our menu.
About three weeks ago I told you some things about the
Iranian Rial…..I told you IMO…..which I can have here in the USA….I believe
that by June 2016 the Rial will go up in value……why….because they told the rest
of the world….UP YOURS….remember when I used those KEYWORDS…..I do that for a
purpose to help you remember…..oh yeah I remember when Frank did that and I
laughed at him……did you see the article that came out about Iran…..what do I mean
about UP YOURS…..Iran had some sanctions lifted….one of those had to do with
nuclear proliferation…..Iran you can’t do that….UP YOURS…..Iran on December 31st……you
fired missiles….you can’t be doing that…..UP YOURS…..Iran is one of the most
stubborn nations to deal with…..I am saddened about this….but I told you over 3
weeks ago……IMO…..around June 2016….Iran will simply lift the value of their
currency…..UP YOURS…..don’t you have to go through some steps….get
approvals…..UP YOURS…..like Saddam did when he invaded Kuwait……he changed the
rate to 3.22…..Saddam you can’t have a rate of 3.22…..UP YOURS…..and he did it
for about 3 years……it didn’t have that much of a change in the oil
industry…..but you can’t take it with you can you Saddam….so people that don’t
like us in the ME…..infidels…..I will kill you….they are the first ones to say
UP YOURS……then what happened just a day or so ago out comes an article from
Iran…..as soon as we are done with this nuclear proliferation stuff…..then we
will change our currency….Iran says around June 2016.
WSJ today…..Iranian Hacking Threat Emerges……Iran what are
you trying to do….Russia tried to do that with the underground internet
cables….what are you doing Iran…..UP YOURS…..Iran doesn’t care what you think
about their money or their country….they have an agenda….now that their
sanctions will be all gone by December 31st holy cow you better get
out of the way…..I told you these are the end times….IMO.
Iran what do you want…..nothing…..no really what do you
want…well the restrictions on our visas is really a bite in the shorts.
WSJ today……our Secretary of State US Reassures Iran on Visa
Restrictions…..unbelievable we still kiss their butts….why….because Iran is
still extremely important to many things we do with them….we got in bed with
them and we have no choice but to allow them to say UP YOURS.
My local newspaper…..beautiful city….look at that….looks
like the World’s Fair….actually these are pictures of North
Korea….stunning….look a giant pyramid…..look at all the smog….why do I show you
this…….because if this is North Korea….what is South Korea like……because I keep
teaching you about the South Korean Wong that I sell.
Look at this WSJ Money and Investing Section today…..there
is a ME real estate titan being born right now….that is kind of silly with no
hope for the future of this country….oh yes there is great hope.
Delta will be with us tonight…..Delta has the responsibility
with the CBI…..the CBI released an article today and we are going to translate
it….oh yes the whole internet is aware of what DELTA posted today….they try to
figure it out and what it means.
Ok, I have a 53-page report that I want to cover very
quickly with you….really fast…what this is is Thursday….Frida….Saturday….the
battlefield is going on pretty good….this is Thursday and Friday…..at one time
ISIS controlled about 45% of Iraq….but now they hold merely 15%.....and they
are on a shoe-string….this is good…..this is all because of SECURITY.
We did not see the LD’s this week as we thought…we did not
see them in the auctions as we had taught you..…..nor did we see the Taxes and
Tariff’s as we thought…..but the T&T’s have been activated…..they need a
new rate then…..remember last Monday we taught you they were working on a
calculation for a new rate…..so we also saw that the budget was approved….it
was read a bunch of times, it was voted upon, it was approved and all it needs
is activation…..and this calculation they work on right now.
I guess we can say all systems are GO……for a lot of
activations for between December 31st and January 1st….by
the way…..all this conference call is all IN MY OPINION…whether it is or not.
We called it a trifecta….look at your notes….taxes and
tariffs have been activated….the budget has been approved for the first time…..we
talked about coincidences….all the parallels between their budget and ours….but
we talked on that before so I will not talk more on that….don’t you just love
coincidences….but we are past that right now….we talk to you about the trifecta
that told you would come between the 31st and the 1st….we
have the T&T’s activated….waiting on the rate.….we have the budget…waiting
for the rate…and tonight I talk to you about the LD’s.
We strongly believe….our TEAMS strongly believe we will see
them this week…will you see them……in the way that we taught you.…in the
mathematical calculations we taught you…and you know where.
We have a lot of updates tonight…..and you will be amending
your notes….oh yes and some of you who will be cruel will oh look he is
changing his mind…..let me tell you….I have the prerogative to change my
mind….because no one says what we say.
It is important that you understand the swing…the pendulum
swing….in the auctions is a combination that we are told….the USD to IQD is the
RI…..IQD to IQD is the RV…..we think we will see it in this coming
week…..remember all IMO….will you see it….you are a student of the IQD and you
may….now we are talking about the LD’s….not the new rate the RV…we aren’t there
yet….but we talk about that tonight.
What they are doing is preparing themselves to be introduced
into the international world…..you saw the article three days ago that said
that the IMF is training many in Iraq for the international standards…..that is
about as blatant as you can get….thank you….why would you train employees of
the GOI and the CBI….are you going into the international world….yes…..are you
really doing it….again yes….all our evidence for the past 3-6 months has
pointed in this direction.
Another article came out that caused us to say look at your
notes…..I think I’m the only one to teach you about the Marshall Plan….how it
works,showing you examples from the past of how it has worked….about going to
war to make money….the only way we make money is to dominate oil…..they prepare
themselves to enter the international world.
You saw the article about a month ago….Dr. Shabibi…….about
mid-December we will float……why….we add purchasing power to our currency…..what
else…..we will bring in LD’s…..not the 50k’s or 100k’s…that is the opposite….what
else….we will stop using the USD….gosh it sounds like you are going through a
monetary reform…..well we are.
Don’t think of all this as delays….think of it as premature
statement…there are no delays….it is all becoming so transparent….Casper the
Ghost may have to wear clothes now.
The banks are going to buy the LD’s with either USD’s or
IQD’s….this is important this will determine the auction pendulum swing we
taught you about…..we have an update about that too.
If the IQD auctions that we taught you to look for….if they
use IQD’s to buy IQD’s……the auctions will be high….if the banks use USD’s to
buy the LD’s…..the auctions will be low…..because the auctions are now
determined in IQD’s only…..but we still are not sure….well we weren’t sure
until Thursday or Friday and we know now….as you know they drag the USD’s back
into all the CBI banks….to add to their reserves as they do with all their
foreign currency….but how do they calculate this….this has been unknown to us
because we did not know the number of 000’s that they had printed….let alone
the number of 000’s they had collected or the number of 000’ they still needed
to get.
They have to get to this reverse process…..in the
auctions….they do a very good job overall…but a lousy job of giving us details…..8
years ago when we met I first told you “in the still of the night” is when you
will find out….and we tell you again that is how it will happen…..you will go
to sleep….then you wake up and find out…..you will see it….there won’t be any
pomp and circumstances…there won’t be any articles…but you the student of the
IQD…you the investor….you will see.
Look what we are going to tell you tonight, I’m going to
explain really slow….but by the time I am done you will walk in some of the
brightest lights you have seen in this investment…..it may seem
complicated….and it is complicated right now….but understand they are 9 hours
ahead of us….sleep well.
They have activated the T&T’s……the fact that the
trifecta is waiting on that calculation…..don’t forget about the lag period we
talked about 2 weeks ago….all the banks, the brokers, the money
exchangers….they have all been warned and visited…wink…wink…wink….they can all
be shutdown and fined if they do not follow instructions….but this is the
ME…they can do as they want….but Iraq says it is time to get serious with our
CBI officials from Iraq met in London with other central
banks to talk…..about what….calculations….but you know this….we talked about it
the last time we were together…when….last Thursday.
They are officially off the USD….for them to be using their
own currency….that is what we want…..for them to become sovereign.
In the middle of January on
the 20th and 21st….they will have an Iraqi Stock
Exchange conference….remember last month they had the Iraqi International
Fair….what for…..come in and check us out…..well now for the Stock
Exchange….come in and check us out some more…..did you do the calculations….by
the time you get here we will….we will be open internationally.
As of late last night into this morning…..may I give you our
studies…..I’m dying to give them to you……now once again you are about to walk
into a light that you have not seen before….we are going to explain something
that causes a lot of confusion….I’ve not explained this before….well why
haven’t you Frank….why not last month or last year….it wasn’t the time…..if you
are given everything all at once….well you aren’t economic professors……phi beta
cappa’s…..you bought much of what you have on emotion….but I’ve been a
student….learning much from Kuwait.
I’m still amazed that we get oil from the ground….remember
Moby Dick….that is how we greased our machinery…..how we lit our lamps….we get
oil from plants……classic huh…..the whole process is interesting….but we are
kind of stubborn….we still get oil from out of the ground….how barbaric.
We told you about a month and half ago….we told you the Feds
would raise their rates on December 16th.…..no they won’t Frank….we
even told you they would do it at 2 pm…..that is when it was….we’ve torn this
apart….and now you know how it plays into the budget being released
now….historical yes…..because of how it plays into the Marshall Plan…..the
Marshall Plan takes 10 years……you’ve been wasting my time Frank when you knew
it would take this long…..look at your notes, every time I mention the Marshall
Plan I’ve told you 10 years.
What I find more interesting is that that budget contains
the HCL….that HCL needs a calculated new rate.
1166 is the program rate is it not….but they changed the
rate….now an article came out today that stated they “devalued” the IQD by
1.37%....this is the end of the world….they devalued it from 1166 to 1182….what
about it….it is the end of the world…..no my dear friend…we explained in great
detail….I’ve worked hours upon hours to bring you things so all you have to do
is look at it and study…..what the article did today was simply explain what
they did a few weeks ago for Article 8 compliance….now what was the second
thing that was requested…..the IMF said…..you can be international….if you do
two things……what….need you to be 2% compliant between the street rate and the
CBI rate….so don’t call me with your hands up in the air…..of course they tell
you they devalued the currency….this is the definition of what they do….of course
they devalued the currency as we taught you about….now what was the second
thing they had to do….revalue their currency….oh yes the calculation they work
I’ll probably see you on the 31st or the 1st……did
you forget about 1187…what they used to see the IQD at to make a profit.
Be realistic…..live in the reality of now….do not count your
chickens before they hatch……don’t let your emotions drive things for you
now……if you can’t handle things now before the Monetary Reform how can you
handle it after the fact…..they are working on this all right now….they work on
the numbers….on an international rate…..that is what this is all about….DELTA
will talk more on this tonight…..I want you to know that IMO….from the 21st
to the 26th…..Iraq will give the LD’s to the banks……then the
pendulum will swing….Iraq is waiting for the international standards to give
them the new rate….I don’t pause to be dramatic….I pause to grab your
attention…..Iraq awaits the international standards….how many times have I told
you that Iraq is not in control of this….we are…..remember tonight that I told
you they work on the calculations to get the right number….we are…..wake
up….stay awake…..just stay awake.
On December 12th or 13th Abadi came
out and told everyone, he said we are going to activate our banks and our
reforms and we simply need the calculations….we just need the
calculations….Family once again I’ve said it…Iraq is waiting for the
international standard….the new rate….even the CBI is waiting on this
international rate to come up with the right pricing right….they have the codes
for the taxes and tariffs that are activated……the IMF, BIS, US….let’s just call
them the BIG BOYS…..the BIG BOYS work on these calculations….and once those
calculations are done the international world will welcome Iraq into their
club. Yesterday I joined a new club…..I
turned 60 yesterday and I joined that club....had to turn 60 to join. Iraq has two things to join their
club….remember that.
Look the IMF right now is doing the calculating with the BIG
BOYS…the IMF needs 85% of the IMF organization for approval for Iraq….you think
they have 85%.....oh heck yes….why……because the IMF is a club of BIG BOYS and
maybe 12 families…..and you know….I believe it is being calculated now to be
released….the 1182 was done for compliance….and to make the USD more expensive
to buy in Iraq….and it worked….it was an inflationary measure….they have no
inflation…..they qualify for Article 8…..who has the numbers….the BIG
BOYS….next question.
1182 is a prelude to the LD’s…..my TEAMS and you KTFA
students we still look for the pendulum auction swing….we are very sure that
pendulum swing is going to be very low.
You ready for something else…..remember when DELTA said 10
cents……no….remember when ITEAM said 40 cents….no….remember when I said 1 to
1…..no….that is when we will first see it….this is when you need to focus and
right everything down…..the calculations were not satisfactory at 10 cents or
40 cents….all of this is IMO….we have come to my conclusion that after Saturday
we have determined there will not be a float…..it’s not going to be 10 cents or
40 cents….it will not a float…..it will not be a gradual float….family it will
be 1 to 1.
The next thing we study as a TEAM is an entity that will
make an announcement on behalf of Iraq for their monetary reform….this may be
an announcement given to everyone BEFORE the RV….or it could be an announcement
AFTER we know that they have RV’ed……there is a difference between BEFORE and
AFTER….notice my words.
Now will they apply Article 140….what…..oh the gurus aren’t
talking to you about Article 140.
Ok, I’ve told you the swing, the direction, low, the
announcement before or after the RV, will they apply Article 140….that is in
their constitution….the Kurds are happy right now…but on Saturday there was an
issue…..we don’t feel it will be anything negative….it dealt with an area…..an
area near Kirkuk…..the Peshmerga Army liberated this area, so the Kurds believe
the area belongs to them….they don’t want to cause problems….they know it is
about to happen…..they know the currency has their language on it…..they don’t
want to cause problems but they brought this up for discussion…..I don’t care
what is said…I’m just giving you what we study….look Iraq is doing studying the
calculation for their new international rate.
They looked at 10 cents, at 40 cents but none of this
works…..they continue to study and looking at the 1 to 1….so can you see
this…no….what we can see is the shadow effect….the LD’s……in what we’ve already
taught you about…the swing….the pendulum….then you walk into the next step…an
announcement….don’t forget the lag period too.
The real reason IMO…..the 1 to 1 works to help ensure that
ISIS is choked….remember we’ve told you middle of January oil prices will explode…..look
prices at the pump should be below a dollar….but they have to make a
profit….enjoy the prices you have now…..I’m telling you after the calculations
are introduced and the LD’s are introduced…..in the still of the night….there
will not be a float….they talked about….even made a root beer float but didn’t
like the taste….when will we get the oil prices back up…..middle of next
month…..when will we get the T&T’s up….near the first of the month…..oh to
heck with it….just 1 to 1 works…..hey Iraq are you buying 1 to 1……what did I
tell you they await a rate….we are in control.
Tell me you’ve heard all of this before…..we just fight for
them that is all.
There was much rejection for all of these things…..here is
the tricky part Family….1 to 1 is the RI…..this is probably a 7-14 day period
and we may be half way through that period…then in about another 7-10-14 days
it will hit the global international exchanges….the RI….once it does then we
will see the RV….allowing the 1 to 1 to grow internationally…..I don’t think we
will see 1 to 1….I’m not saying they are hiding the 1 to 1….we just won’t see
it….because it belongs to Iraq.
A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose….is that too many
roses….a dinar is a dinar is a dinar….in country…..hey what is that in your
hand…..a dinar….what is it worth…one dinar….oh it’s not worth 3 dinar….no….one
dinar….you have to understand this Family….you must understand…..inside of Iraq
there is an RI going on….the calculations are being done now…then the pendulum
swings….TA-DA…..get your butts in here, it’s 1 to 1….what….really…..our
currency is equal to the USD….well I’ll still use my USD…..why….well it is
equal….hmmm….ok what if we make it 1.20…..oh really ok I’ll be right in…..the
citizens will come in to exchange their USD for the Iraqi currency…..they will
bring in a lot of the USD……wanting to sell the USD for IQD…..this was a gift
two weeks ago from my TEAMS to you…..today….TA-DA.
It’s an interesting state of events no doubt…..especially
for the 31st into the 1st….you see Dr. Shabibi wants to
give purchasing power to their currency…..the citizens use the USD…..so they
give them 1 to 1….but they hold onto the USD….so they give it just a little bit
more…so they will use the IQD…….one dinar is worth one dinar only if you exchange
it for a foreign currency…..does it have a different value inside of
Iraq…..no….what does it have when it is 1 to 1….it is called purchasing
power……there is no confusion…..simple math….DELTA kept telling us this so there
would be no confusion. What is the USD
worth in America…..oh let’s see….one dollar…..so the IQD in Iraq will be equal
to one dinar in the country.
Oh I see….so let me illustrate this to you how it will be
different for us who live outside of Iraq…..when it hits the global
exchange…..let me introduce myself….I’m 1 to 1….how do you do….get yourself out
here….see outside of Iraq we will knock you silly with a different value….you
see outside of Iraq it depends on what foreign currency you want to exchange
your IQD for…..if you exchange for USD you will gain…..if you want to exchange
for Zimbabwe dollars….then you will lose……so….it depends on what currency I
exchange it for…..well I’m an American who wants to exchange….well there will
be a profit….the Iraqi citizen holds the IQD and has purchasing power….but with
us it is a capital gain which depends on which foreign currency we exchange it
for……remember I’ve told you some currency exchange will go up, some will go
down….remember these keywords.
By the way I love you….you know that in the name of Jesus
You’ve learned so much tonight…you outside of Iraq….you
inside of Iraq 1 to 1…up to maybe 1.20…but you outside of Iraq what allows you
do to that….Executive Order 13303….isn’t that the same thing that the same
order that says that the US would not pay a single penny for the war in
Iraq….the same way we didn’t pay for the war in Kuwait….the same way that
Clinton balanced the budget and paid off deficit…..the same that allows Obama
is balancing the budget and paying off some deficit now.
WSJ today……Cheer Up Americans Obama’s Legacy Can Be
Erased….it’s a huge article whole page….fascinating…..depending on which
foreign currency you exchange for some will give you a profit but others may
give you a loss.
Now we may not see the 1 to 1 RI until it hits the global
exchanges…but once they hit the global exchanges…..they qualify for the
RV…because they qualify for Article 8…..that RV will be 7-14 days afterward
give or take weekends……then we will see a different rate outside of Iraq…..the
1 to 1 will go to whatever……IMO….especially now that we know they won’t float
it….Iraq gets it’s purchasing power……the international world gets an IQD with
an international value…the whole purpose…..job well done….all this makes Iraq
Article 8 compliant….and internationally accepted.
All of this has to do with many factors….one we talked about
an inflationary factor that is a plus for them….they won’t hide the 1 to 1 they
just don’t advertise it……good God you don’t know half the things they do until
we bring them to you….one day we will wake up to the RV….until then all they do
has to do with their purchasing power being given to the citizens….but they
feared this…..so we think they will tempt the citizens with just over 1 dollar.
It is insensitive to use the IQD…..they need to become a
sovereign country with their own currency…..by using the IQD it creates
stability for them….purchasing power for them….capital gains for us here in the
Now if they do something with the money on January 1st
I would not be surprised, what they do now is so simple and basic…..we won’t
see anything until 14 days….January 14th or 15th…… then
it should be our turn….globally and internationally….all the markers….the
pendulum swing….the announcement that is comeing….the 31st and 1st….the
trifecta….what comes after that…it could be 7 days, 10 days…..could be 14
days…or even right way…..today ITEAM called it KISS……Keep it Simple
Stupid…..don’t mess this up….the internet is looking for other
things….China…whatever….whatever…..but remember we have it Family.
DELTA comes in.
DELTA tell them what you found out.
DELTA: We found many
things out….this announcement today….a lot of you that don’t know about this
article it was on the CBI website in Arabic….but all the newspapers and all the
media are talking about it…..this memo I believe is dated the 20th…this
letter from the CBI to banks, money exchange companies and private banks…..they
are talking to these institutions we are working on the calculations of the
exact exchange rate…..it is in Arabic and says all of this….this memo they sent
this memo back on May 10, 2015…..based on the previous memo….the exchange rate
is still under study and as soon as we get the results we will tell you about
Frank: That is what
ITEAM told me….they are waiting on the calculations of the rate…..I’m going to
go pass out…you keep talking about your report.
DELTA: This memo on
December 20th……and then a memo on December 17th…..mentioned
the memo from May again…..they mention they work on the numbers that must be
accepted internationally…..as soon as we get the numbers we will tell you and
everyone will know and they will announce it to the world…..I couldn’t explain
all this to the Forum so I decided to come to the CC tonight……the original memo
was dated May 10th…..working then on this situation.
Mentioned something about a transitional Article 14 from the
IMF…..the time is right….the international community……Iraq must be tradable at
the international level…..Iraq does not control their exchange rate….they can
do what they want in Iraq….but internationally….others have control….the US has
the most control of the IMF……so who is in control….the US.
China is now in the basket….for the first time now in many
years US has exports sanctions lifted on oil……the CBI is waiting for the
numbers….we don’t believe they have the numbers….but it doesn’t matter….the
rate in Iraq doesn’t matter…..I do agree with you Frank they have changed the
plan….moving to 1 to 1….this makes sense…..or maybe higher to provide incentive
for the citizens to come in…..remember several years ago the government talked
about a rate slightly higher than 1 to 1…..the IMF is who controls what things
do internationally though outside of Iraq.
Remember Dr. Shabibi was the one who said they wanted to the
IQD to be at the levels of the ‘80s……for us it will be internationally
recognizable…..but this memo is the huge thing that confirms they are waiting
on the calculation to be done……everything we believe to be done except that
calculation….anything less than a 1 to 1 rate would simply cause confusion with
the Iraqi citizens.….just as Abadi said on the 10th.……we are ready
to activate things for the economy.
Just to let you know they can’t activate the banking system
in Iraq unless they are internationally recognized….the ki cards….and so much
that we’ve seen from them all need the international recognition….the
calculation that they wait for now.
This is very good as an indication that something is about
to happen, either late this month or by mid-January.
Look for a new operational rate to be published on the 29th.
Don’t forget Family that when the rate was 1166 the CBI
would sell to their other banks in Iraq at a 1187 rate, that was their
commission…..so now they make less commission on their sales today….they simply
cut into their profits….limiting them now to 3 to 4 dinars profit.
Talked about the 2%....stating that he doesn’t believe it
applies or that they got an exception from the IMF….was unclear here and hard
to understand….the 2% is a difficult thing to control.
Remember everyone did not expect the US to approve China in
the basket, but they did…..looks like it is all going smoothly.
Abadi, and everyone is waiting on the green light to conduct
international business.
What if nothing happens by the first or second week of
January….they have to have done something….the IMF cannot allow this to
continue going without making a change…..they simply await the IMF calculation.
This all provides us with more and more confirmation of what
is happening and what we are looking forward to in the coming days.
Frank: I’m exhausted
mainly from the excitement and trying to keep things sane….we have to stay
focused…..this is the ME…..but as things move along it is almost as if things
are automated moving from the RI into the RV.
What we have just released is so overwhelming….the Internet
will hear your translation….they will hear ITEAM’s evaluation of the next steps
that we should be seeing….this conference call is so deep.
DELTA let me offer my admiration to you and my love for
you….you are very astute….one day I called you a couple of years ago….I called
and asked if I could get personal with you…..I asked about your education…and
we both opened up with each other…..I’m excited to do things with you in the
future….your consult, wisdom, and vision is very important to me.
DELTA: I feel that
God has brought us together here with our KTFA Family for a purpose….we are far
more than just friends…..I would like to tell the Family that we understand how
it is difficult and hard to have patience….think of what it would be like if
you didn’t have the dinars……this is one of the best investments you will have
been involved with.
DELTA mentioned flying with a Wells Fargo employee once…..a
wealth management officer for the bank….he said he knows about currency…..DELTA
mentioned the IQD and the man said scam…scam before DETLA could finish his
sentence…..so DELTA asked if it was possible for Iraq to come up to one
penny….the man said it was possible…..so then your 1,000 investment would be
worth 10,000…..oh how do you know all of this he asked DELTA.
Dismissed with a prayer.