Friday, December 18, 2015

CC Notes from Thursday Night 12-17-2015

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CC Notes from Thursday Night 12-17-2015

For the last eight years I have been a student for you…..I’m not saying that you don’t study….most of you do….but for the past eight years almost 24/7 we’ve been working hard to bring you things and all you had to do was listen.

Tonight I don’t want to go any deeper….so let’s see what they did today… want to….let’s talk about it.

Yesterday did you notice they were once again they were talking about domestic bonds…..last year and this year when they talked about domestic bonds the citizens were not interested….they were not going to be so gullible….three times now…..the last time being September…..they enticed them with gold….a new ki card… about a 50k note….they always say no……now they say….can we offer you these bonds again… what rate… see them offering these bonds again it is not because they are stupid….it is because it is time.

Remember yesterday when I talked about whales and sharks when did I say they would come out….when do they buy dinars…..right now……..10 years ago like I did….no…..tomorrow….I don’t know…..when it goes from 1166 to 1 to 1….they pay attention….they notice…..these whales and sharks turn into hyenas…..see we’ve been feeding for many years off of the Iraqi carcus….then the lion looks and says….of you have been feeding off my carcus….these whales and sharks see the same thing… the 1 to 1 rate they see this as a serious event…..most of us got involved 10 years or so ago based on emotion…..we didn’t study very well to start with….but the whales and sharks study and watch…they see the RI…..I’m telling you the moment it gets to an RV……when it comes out at a 1 to 1 rate do you think they will buy bonds…..well let me suggest to you to look at London right now….they look very seriously right now in how to invest in the Iraqi stock market…..if you are going to invest in the stock market……the futures of certain companies….wouldn’t you also invest in the stocks of certain companies that are involved in that market……so why would London be interested in studying about the stock market of Iraq and for that matter their bonds for when they go international…..IMO….they sense an RI…..all IMO of course.

I want to say hello to James49…..he came from New York to visit me and my wife….bless his heart….we met him at our family restaurant….we met for about an hour and half…and he pulls out his laundry list…but it was oh so worth it…..he brought me cookies…thanks to his daughter.

Family, I like what is going on….yesterday talked about the budget….we studied it and on time they did it….it keeps them on course….it keeps our studies on course… when they release it…..we as a TEAM are expecting it by January 1st…..sure we can say TA-DA and blow our whistles… if it is out…..inside of it we told you is the HCL…..that alone is huge evidence to us as a TEAM….that they are about to activate some different rate than the program rate.

Now the budget was something like 91 trillion….but now today they tell you it is something like 106 trillion…..I wonder what they will tell us tomorrow……I even questioned our TEAMS….this isn’t right……last year’s budget was something like 120 or 140 trillion…..what are they doing…….so it made us realize….ah-ha….just as the banks are buying the LD’s a little bit at a time… know to keep it out of your sight….we still look for the pendulum swing left or right…..they are slowly adding to the budget….up to that point where they know they will CAP it…..this is brilliant….of course this is all IMO…..this in not out…this is not something you can read about…..this is interesting.

So with that said I like the budget…that it is out on time……I like that it has the HCL which is a back up to the rate change…..I told you that oil is still super low for a purpse to choke the living daylights out of ISIS….but around the 1st of the year it will go up…..why….because I think that is when we will hit the RV stage and it is that time when the budget will need to be fueled…..they don’t need fuel right now because they are in the RI…..I told you it has nothing to do with the rate….but yesterday I hinted to you….squirrel.

Somewhere the first part to the middle of January oil will be going up….it is no….ok.

Ok, next coincidence……today oil hit a low point today…..lowest that it has been in 7 years….lower than the belly of a snake….it’s right on course….but you say it will go up in January….you can call this a coincidence….but over a month ago we told you….hit this square on the head…..on the 16th of December….this lady….Christine Laguard….for those who are not watching….I’m sorry I can’t describe all of this to you…..yesterday Christine Laguard did something with the IMF….they talked about maybe the possibility the IMF is going to start taking over a lot of countries economies….for example….maybe Iraq….yes….definitely…pretty cool….who else….the IMF actually said….”The USA….we are coming in now….you are next.”  These are coincidences aren’t they….of course they are….in the same way that Obama is doing the same thing that Clinton did….balance the budget….pay off deficit….just like Iraq is doing….yes….coincidences….sure.

Because this lady told 12 7 months ago we are on course don’t worry about it….but we weren’t on course… we came in with guns, auditors, bookkeepers…..remember I said we have a lot of great minds… Iraq……so then she gave more assurances…..reassurances….but no type of time factor…..because everyone knew by December 31st they would quit using the USD…..the IMF said no more soup for you….no more USD for you….you are kidding me….no….you are kidding me…..that is like telling a child you have to take the training wheels off your bike now….what…..that is what Iraq was told…..WHAT…..did you hear that……and what did we tell you happened right after this in September.

Knock….knock…..who is it… is us Holy Man….Sistani…..God… is us….come on in….we are here to tell you we are ready…..what happened with you…..back in March you got the green light…what’s the deal….you were under a contract weren’t you……yes we weren’t ready….we are being punished….no more money…..well are you ready Abadi….yes….Shabibi…yes.

This is when I told you he announced to the whole ME theater we are going to lift our reforms now…..and what the monetary reform isn’t one of them….it is the only one to lift the others….we don’t have to tell you about them all….we can figured it out……the time frame is so accordioned now….it is so compressed… used to be every three days….then 24 hours…..shoot now it is every 12 hours they do something for the monetary reform.

And for the US Fed…..let’s have fun… you remember yesterday….when I said to you……ok Family….the Feds….the hike…that is like someone saying….10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1….then what did I say after that…..I said IGNITION.

Then look at this….USToday Money Section……what the Feds just did was a 3…2…1 ignition….a liftoff….for what……who are the Feds….you know who they are….so the Feds decide to raise rates for the first time since 2006….of course Feds you forgot the Marshall Plan takes 10 years….so tactful.

WSJ today says very plainly… know that rate hike that we just did….it gives the liftoff….it gives the boost to the US stocks who all of a sudden exploded today….that is a plan….and those are keywords.

So just out of curiosity….let’s go to the front page of the WSJ and dig through all those pages… case you missed it…..look at the launching of that beautiful Atlas rocket…..what about it Frank….well I tell you it is a heck of a bunch of coincidences.

Let’s go the US Tomorrow because in all honesty when we talk to you we give you the US Tomorrow……so let’s look at the front page of USToday…..Feds take a step on interest rates….why….the purpose was a tiny little nudge towards a normality….sounds good….meanwhile on that front page…..oil bans boost stability….you are telling me there is a ban on oil coming into the US…..didn’t you know that…..well we are going to end it……well tell me does it have anything to do with the beginning quarter of next year to supply a budget…….oh just a coincidence then.

Look at the rest of the paper……Congress takes up bills to keep government open….and have tax cuts…..massive packages being introduced by the Republicans….then Obama…..they want to cut taxes….keep that in the back of your mind… we open the rest of the paper….here is one….Feds make right call to increase the rate….this is beautiful because the rate change kick starts our economy…..ok, what will the reforms in Iraq do….kick start their economy….coincidence…..more news….if we stop the oil it will just kill ISIS…..too many coincidences.

Look at the front page of the WSJ…..Fed nudge the rates higher….but look at the three sections I circled….let me read them to you….Borrowers are going to feel a bit of an increase…they have to pay more…..another thing….this quarter point rise…will make the dollar stronger and make oil very weak….exactly  what is going on in Iraq…..the third point… will relieve investors to send stocks soaring…you are kick starting economies around the world… say the US is next… what you did in Iraq…you want to come into our country and fix economic things too.

I see things differently……I suppose…..because you are a consumer…you are a borrower….WSJ….about consumers…uneven impact…..this rate hike…you are screwed.

My newspaper says…..Fed hikes rate and stocks go crazy….you as the consumer get screwed…..who’s making money doing this….the international world….with each of its countries while you get screwed….but that is ok.

Once again WSJ…..the Feds Uncertain Leap Forward….it was certain….they knew exactly what they were doing….we get screwed the average Joe….but it doesn’t matter….you’ve been a student….IMO.

As crazy as it may sound……I told you it’s just a coincidence there will be life on Mars….we told you that yesterday….and I told you she would be there in the end….I won’t take time to show you how….but let me show you more newspapers from today.

When Trump was talking….he dominated the headlines…it kind of made him look silly…..but what happened….Trump will win his party…and Hillary will win her part….but what he does now helps Clinton tremendously……Trump wants to be president.

Clinton aims to raise taxes on richest Americans….but didn’t we see where they said we want to cut taxes…..but she wants to raise taxes on the RICHEST Americans….that would be you and me….you don’t think they are counting on taking your money….first in taxes….then they will audit you to scare the living daylights out of you.

One more…..a huge report…..Clinton is already vowing to over-reach….like Kuwait…..what a coincidence….and if she becomes president…she wants to raise taxes on the RICHEST Americans….she went over there and invested in their refinery technologies….then she said…if you haven’t gone to Iraq and invested it is too late.

One more I promise…..Clinton’s tax plan is backed by Buffett…the richest man on the planet….ok….ok…I’m done.

That is your conference call… understand what is going on don’t you… many newspapers talk about the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar without actually saying those words….these types of headlines as never before.

I leave you with one more thing….is it not true that on the 15th we look for taxes and tariffs…..then we told you no it’s more the LD’s….then on the 16th….the Feds would increase the rate….then on Wednesday they would pass the budget…..what happens on the 31st….the trifecta….look at your notes….IMO….one is taxes and tariffs…..I want to tell you something….”in the parliamentary economy they are reducing stresses and wastes of hard currency and they are activating the taxes and tariffs”……is that great….ok we missed it by a few days….but they tell you….Parliament knows…..we know….we have the codes….we are going to raise things…..for the citizens… have purchase power….and we are going ahead and approve the budget….it’s going to be there for everybody at the beginning of next year….and we need to fuel it now.

Whispering…..oil will not go up until around the middle of next month…..ok….but the taxes right now…if we increase them.

So Iraq is losing money all over the place and they know it…..they are wasting it….in fact they waste the opportunity… I just love the fact they are finally realizing we are wasting money and profits…..get the taxes and tariffs on… can’t make money at 1166….it has to be a new rate….that is why you have been so shy about putting out that new rate….but today…today….today… told the international world….we are ACTIVATING….that is the same thing as with the budget….ok….we got to read it……1, 2, 3…..we have to pass it….ok…..1,2,3….so they said yesterday they will activate it at the beginning of the year… today they come out with some new meat balls…..hey….we are also going to go ahead and activate the taxes and tariffs….ok…you guys know you need a new rate don’t you……go ahead and ignore me…..but we know you pretty well….so you are going to protect yourself…..get those tariffs out….get the budget out to protect yourselves….I thought you only needed 91 trillion… what did you say you needed……Good God Almighty Man….1 to 1 isn’t going to do it… wonder you are going to free float it….it’s probably going to go up very quickly…..but you know that don’t you.

Ended with a prayer