Friday, January 22, 2016

CC Notes from Thursday Night 01-21-2016

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes from Thursday 01-21-2016

Hello Family we do want to talk….we do have some things that are interesting….especially based on what we shared yesterday… all of a sudden the evidence of it is right in front of us.

Before we get started with any updates on the IQD Family there are a few announcements that I would like to make.

First, (I’m only going to summarize this because of the language used, if you want to hear this part of the CC please listen to the playback)….Frank received a phone call from an individual that was extremely derogatory and inflammatory while attempting to use God’s word and slam Frank for what he does with the Iranian Rial….the individual had his story wrong in so many ways….but still he is prayed for because of his own lost ways.

Second a shout out to the individual who called from Guam, it was great to hear from you sir.

Third, Frank’s broker announced that orders are being filled but just want everyone to be aware there could be a weather delay coming up as his area may get hit with two foot of snow.

Fourth, Frank spoke of an individual who was on the Monday night CC in chat…he was asking about the Iranian Rial and he said….well Frank if we buy the Iranian Rial from you, we won’t be able to cash it out in the US….I thought on this and then said where in the world did you get that from…other sites or forums….because that is absolutely false…our UST reserves have Iranian Rials in them…in fact that is where my broker is getting them to sell to you….we don’t get them from the ME because it is against the law and it is supposed to be acquired from an American source when they are under sanctions…why am I talking about this…because this is education…if you buy the Iranian Rial do you honestly think you will not be able to exchange it in an American bank….it’s in our reserves….and number two the currency is not on an OFACS list…it’s not blackballed….because their sanctions were lifted last Saturday…and then the individual posted to me and said….well if you had done your homework you would have known you can’t cash it out in America…you see these are the little mosquitos that really bother me, they come in here and sting around all over the place and they take off and feel that they have done something great….this individual is 100% incorrect and false and wherever he is getting his information from .....don’t you ever challenge me again like that.

Praise God and all honor and glory to Him….may He forgive me for what I am doing….because there are more important things in life like for example….Jimmy and Sharon….missionaries in the jungles of the Amazon…I read a letter to you from them last week…people in China, in the Amazon….do you understand we are reaching the four corners of the world….do you think we are accomplishing our mission…I’m here for a purpose…not on purpose….we are going to teach God’s Word with this blessing…we are going to arm ourselves in ways that you don’t know yet….I’m sorry we will just not stand for nonsense.

Bummer now I’m down to 15 minutes…but we will talk for a little bit.

So how are the ministers doing in the GOI….well from how we were talking yesterday we left you with the understanding they are nervous….they are scared….for their lives….yeah…..for their position at the GOI….oh yeah…for the future of their country….yeah.

In fact the Council of Ministers got together and said we need to figure out ways to diversity the income by opening the international economic global world to come into Iraq and that fair that conference we will be having in March that will help a little bit….but in all honesty raising the value of your currency is all they are looking for…it’s all that the IMF is looking for… is all that I am looking for….it’s all that CSHessman is looking for….it’s all that Mark and Linda are looking for…we make it very easy for you guys….when you get together…you Cabinet of Ministers… say you are getting your Cabinet together for a solution to the crisis….for a more quicker decision to be made by you guys….guys I think the media is just lying to us…..guys I think you know what you got to do and I think you are doing that right now… we wish you well and don’t forget guys…ministers…that are scared….that knees are knocking….most of you ministers….these laws are important…and if you want to stick around….these laws are important…..because if you are delaying it….because if it is you…and you….what you don’t think they know it’s you….so you got to get things done.

So that is why I brought up this law….Ministers I want to point something out to you….do you remember back in October, the IMF met with you on the 10th….and one of the things to come out of that meeting….they said to you…hey guys….you need to have an Anti-Money Laundering Law….oh yeah we do don’t we….especially since the past few months the coalition forces have been sterilizing everything as they clean up things for us….now we need to clean up our own backyard right…..yeah….like the GOI get rid of the bad ministers…..yeah….find Maliki…and the CBI get rid of the corruption like Allak, all those bad things…..yeah….retrieve our money that was stolen…yeah….ok….so you are talking about the Anti-Money Laundering Law….yeah….well that is the only way we will be able to get the money back to the GOI and the CBI for that matter especially if we are going to have to go across borders to get this money….yeah… GOI Ministers when you were told to pass the Anti-Money Laundering Law you guys did it in the snap of a finger.

Family like two or three days after they were told to pass the Anti-Money Laundering Law……it was passed….do you understand what I’m trying to tell you….when it comes to something important…..the GOI AND the CBI…..they DO IT.

If you give them the first half of 2016 do you think they will…..ok let’s get it done on January 3rd……no….and you should know that by now……the pattern…..they could take it all the way down to the last day of the first half of 2016….so what do you do with children like that.

Yesterday we told you we had been breast feeding them and it is time to wean them off….no loans….no grants….no nothing….you guys can’t get it done…..we are just going to come in there and take over……well we don’t want that….it’s bad enough….we survived all these terrorists….we survived the tyranny of our own political structure…..I mean no….you can’t take away our government… can’t put sanctions back on us…..we are so close….so with that attitude do you honestly think….so with that attitude of the ministers that make laws….do you actually think they are dilly-dallying walking around picking their noses… these guys are moving so fast they are tripping over their robes….ASAP has a new meaning to them….they are working hard and fast to do what needs to be done in the first half of 2016….if not…then shut the front door because there will be no back door to escape by.

The Anti-Money Laundering Law was passed at the blink of an eye because they needed it in order to bring back all their currency and remove the corruption from these places…..they moved faster than lightening to get that law.

The Amnesty Law….the Investment Law….those laws have already been passed…..oh really they have been….YES….we don’t know…we don’t see….well then let me tell you they are passed….are they being applied….are they being used right now….YES….oh….what about the HCL….seriously…you know where it is at….it’s inside the budget…and the Conscript Law that you taught us about yesterday….that is the mother of them all….you got a bunch of wild renegades acting like a bunch of bullies….and they all belong to different groups….they need to be unified into one army and to pay attention to one leader, not a bunch of idiots.

All of this is what is happening and they are moving at a pace that is very fast….you see an army does not travel on its stomach….like the old saying goes….an army travels because it gets paid.

I want you to be aware of the fact that oil is starting to go up…I want you to know that since yesterday it went up almost $3/barrel.

I want you to know that the Gazette that we talked about yesterday HAS the budget….printed….but they did not publish it….but all of a sudden today….the Gazette has the budget and the budget has been published in the Gazette….cool because we were just talking about that….so do you understand what that means Family….it means that the 2016 budget of Iraq is now officially opened.

Oil started to go up today….sorry just had to say that….so the budget has been published in the Gazette today….but it needs a change of rate….like an adjustment….you know like lifting the 000’s….and that is what we are praying to God we see in the first half of 2016.

In fact the World Bank said….we want to help you with your banking systems….but we can’t.

There is a lot that is positive…..TINK is about to put up a post on the forum….look at it….you see we supply your security Iraq….we are Big Brother…..and you have to supply the value of your currency….because we are not going to pay one single penny for this war….you know I have like 4 or 5 dinars in our Federal Reserve and when your currency value goes up I’m going to take those 4 or 5 dinars and I’m going to pay a few bills… we did in Kuwait….so you guys supply the value of your currency and we will supply the SECURITY….and lo and behold the US is going to sell Iraq a huge arsenal of attack jet munitions…the US has approve the sale of $2 billion in bombs for Iraq’s squadron of F-16 attack jets for use in the battle against the jihadist rebels….ok between you and me….IMO….we are back and we are back in huge numbers….so we need to also load up our equipment….ok we are selling it to them right….whatever….but we need these things because we are there in large numbers now….talk about a nest egg.

Baghdad discusses in Kurdistan activities the law enforced to inflate the revenue and the financing of local projects…for real….they are leaking so much information that every time they talk it is exactly what Mr. Ed should be telling us.

What are you doing Baghdad….well we discussed with Kurdistan about laws….laws that we have to enforce right now because they will INFLATE….revenue….like a balloon….you mean your money….yeah… Baghdad you are talking about something with Kurdistan concerning laws that will inflate your money….yeah….oh and it is also for the financing of our local projects… mean your economic reform….yeah… know that will mainly be infrastructure coming from the outside….yeah….but we want to get it done.

What did we tell you last night Family…..tell me ministers….tell me one more thing….well the discussion included many conversations on how to activate the laws in force….did you come to our conference call last night….IMO…this is wonderful.

The conference we told you about that will be held in Lebanon will be on March 7 and 8….I don’t see the value in going to that conference if they don’t have a value to their currency.

Meanwhile in Switzerland, in Davos….PM Abadi is said to be meeting with investors about coming into their country….no you aren’t….ok what are we talking about… are talking about your rate increase to your currency….you are trying to pacify all these people who are ready to come after you.  Economists all over your country are so blue in the face from constantly saying….well we need to raise the value of our currency….people everywhere are telling you….the IMF begs you…you got to do a couple of things….get those laws going that is the main thing….getting those laws going will trigger everything else.

Tell me something…..GOI….how do you manage without any money….because there is no solutions from these so-called meetings is there….there is only one answer….what all these economists and professors and all Iraqi’s are leaking to the world…we need to raise the value of our currency.

Look if I have a 12 year old son and I explained….son your wallet is empty and this candy costs $50….what’s the solution….go to Mom and Dad and ask for money….the thing is there is great speed….why is Parliament not meeting until February 2nd…..we’ve made it clear this week….IMO….they go no where.

If you have a soldier, a friend who is over there, give them a call and ask them….do you see the lights on….because we do…do you see the cars with certain license plates in the parking lots….we do…..and the reason we do….there is a great speed moving as we have never seen these people do….the ME moves like my ancestors in Mexico do….to have the energy to get something done right now….it better have the importance of something like the Anti-Money Laundering Law….otherwise we do it tomorrow…..but they are hustling…..they literally are running in this first quarter to hit Article 8….an emergency.

What does the IMF want….2% compliance and raise the value of their currency…..we told you they are 2% compliant….because they went from 1182 to 1180….guess what we told you that I-TEAM returned back….we told you they tried to go to a bank and get some money…but they didn’t get any money….the last time they tried it took weeks….but this time they didn’t get anything….so it turns out that the market rate is back at 1240….that’s not right is it….it needs to be at least around 1200…it would be easier if they got to 1 to 1….if it were 1000 it would be easier to get the 1 to 1…but getting to about 1200 to 1182 would be perfect….this is interesting…..sure they changed their rate to 1180…but the street also changed their rate…you can’t blame the citizens….so what was the other thing…to add value to your currency… believe it or not there is also a debt to Jordan….the IMF wants this specific debt to Jordan to be paid by Iraq….this was paid last year around November or December but I don’t know if it was fully paid off.

This is a fear in the heart of the GOICBI…what type of fear……a fear of failure…..they will not survive until June….this is the government that is going to file bankruptcy very soon….the only way is for them to open their doors with an increase of value to their currency…so the international market will inject their foreign currency into Iraq’s economy and reforms….BUT….there is a need for confidence in the IQD….it must be first born in the basket and Dr. Shabibi and all the ministers know this….as soon as possible please because there are so many waiting in this basket….and none of them are going to disrespect you…or us…..they used to…but we are all in this together…the old lady has many kids and one shoe and for the first time nations that have never got along are in together.

So all these nations that have helped you Iraq…..all these nations through the IMF….this is serious this is an emergency….for 10 years they gave you everything….they sacrificed for you…with the understanding they would flourish….would you please hurry….it is an emergency….and even with all your meetings you know the only solution is to raise the value of your currency.

So Abadi goes to Davos and he says in meetings….I urge the international community to invest in Iraq and I will facilitate the procedures of this….I’m in charge of all this….we are hurrying as fast as we can….I’m going to make all this happen, just watch…..huffing and puffing….but he’s not ok….there is still a fear in the GOICBI a fear of the laws….they have to get them done as quickly as possible.

Check this out…..CNBC breaking news….today around 3:00 pm EST the Dow tries to hold triple digits gain as oil stabilizes….did I tell you that the price of oil went up….oil is up $3…USD is 99.80….unbelievable…..and the budget was published today in the Gazette so it is now official….so now we need the change of the rate that will activate the rider in the budget for the HCL….so the Conscript Law is extremely important that is what we are looking for to unity everybody and the speed of this law will determine everything else…..speed is there because they are so afraid right now…..everyone in the basket is bowing to the IQD.

Google Zora Gains….WS put an article out on this….I’ve been trying to tell you…oil is number one revenue….what is number two….tourism…and today Zora Gains told the world they are working on transforming part of Iraq into a Disneyland type attraction.

They use speed and they run afraid….check this out….Integrity Commission…..Issues Jail Terms to Former Finance Minister and Senior Officials…yes they use these laws to unify themselves all over the place.

I believe deep in my heart…IMO….that 2016 is the year to see the value increase in their currency….not in the summer…..we missed it by so little last summer…..I am leaving on March 23rd.

Dismissed with a prayer.