Saturday, January 2, 2016


Hello Family let us pray,

Dear Heavenly Father the blessings we receive on this are wonderful and we are so very thankful.  Father we stand ready and able to honor the request of Jesus and go and baptize those in need, teaching them to understand and recognize all things.  May Your light be our guide Father as we share Your Word with many.  Protect us from sickness and injury Father, heal those who You know to be in need.  Support those who have been weakened by financial problems or other issues that fall upon their shoulders.  Father we want to be the best servants and stewards of all that You ask of us, we look to You with open minds to learn how to best handle all responsibilities you share with us.  We are forever indebted for Your sharing of Your Son with us and we appreciate the painful sacrifice that He made on our behalf from the Cross.  Shine upon our faces this day Father and warm our hearts with Your love and truth… the name of Christ Jesus we bring these prayers to you….AMEN.

Welcome again Family, we are marching into a new year, are we ready for all the events that it may be to us, for the good times and the bad, are we ready to move forward with God’s plans for each of us…I hope each of us will answer with a resounding YES.  No matter what we may face, if we know God is in our court we can deal with the issues, we can celebrate the successes, and we can share with others the love and wisdom we know that comes from God’s Word.

There is a small group of people who work as a unit, a cohesive unit in Washington, DC, come rain or shine, cold or summer heat, even through hurricanes they perform their duty as assigned.  These are the 30 soldiers that guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  They have stood their post every minute of every day since their first assignment back in 1937. 

A single guard stands this post, his role consists of 21 paces, followed by a pause of 21 seconds, then a turn and repeat of the process….over and over it is repeated until relief shows up.  At the changing of the guard, orders are also passed, from one soldier to the next, “Orders Remain Unchanged.” 

As we walk into this new year, there is one thing certain….there is much uncertainty in the world we live in today.  There is fear of terrorism spreading outside of the Middle East, the world’s economy appears to be on the brink of major change, so much is evolving right before our eyes thanks to the technological world that we live in today.  One thing though has not change….the orders from Jesus to preach the Gospel of God’s Kingdom to everyone.

Just as those soldiers stand guard in reverence to those who went before them, their orders never changing we too should remain on guard, ever watchful, ever alert of the times in which we live….not forgetting….”Orders Remain Unchanged.”  Go forth to all nations we are told by Jesus….are you prepared to undertake His orders in this coming year.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

