Friday, January 8, 2016


Hello Family join me in prayer on this day,

Dear Heavenly Father, creator of all this universe, we give thanks for the blessings we have found upon this day and know they come from You.  Father help us to fully understand all that we have today is nothing that can be taken into eternity, yet our Spirit will go with us on that journey, help us to better prioritize each of our days so we are better stewards with all that You provide to us.  Show us Father how we may be soldiers worthy of fighting earthly battles that will bring more to understand who You are and what Your Word means to us here and now.  Help us on our journey into eternity for we face that event with great love and anticipation.  Father help all our family and friends who are sick or ill, use your healing powers to bring their health back to normal.  Show others how to overcome the stress they face in this life today, so they may refocus their time and effort towards the pursuit of Your Kingdom in Heaven.  Father protect us as we may find ourselves standing in harm’s way.  Help each of those lost people who need a Savior and Lord and use us to guide them to Christ Jesus in such a way they understand by accepting Him into their life this world shall forever change for them, as they are set free and born again.  Father we are here but a short time, help us to maximize our efforts in Your name….we ask all this in prayer and in the name of Christ Jesus…..AMEN.

Welcome again Family, what a joy it is to be back home and with all of you on this great forum again.  Thanks for all the uplifting posts and prayers that have come my way this week.  I have some bitterly cold weather to try and avoid starting this weekend and into next week, so it is a good time for reflection and planning I think.

I’ve discovered that the Hebrew word for hardness is kosher and also know that kosher can mean fitness.  Tidbits to tuck away for you.  Meanwhile this is that time of year when resolutions are often made to hit the gym and work on our bodies in one way or another.  Some people take this workout time to almost be a religion unto itself.

As believers we are called to a different type of workout though, and it can be one that is equally as tough and intense.  However, instead of obsessing over our bodies, we do so with our spirit.  You know the life we live here on earth makes it easy for us to lose our focus on the Spirit as we find ourselves getting caught up in more physical things.  A spiritual workout calls for us to minimize focus on worldly affairs, and instead refocus our efforts towards the preparation needed to endure spiritual warfare and service to the Lord.

Our time here in this life is really an incredibly short period of time, especially so if you consider what we have ahead of us with regard to eternity.  Sometimes though that reality can be hard to fathom for us.  Yet at the same time this life today is filled with opportunities to work for the Lord and to establish our place in the world that lies ahead of us.

So how do we go about pleasing the Lord?  Well for starters we ought to give some time thinking and considering why we would even want to do that….then try and understand what it will mean to make the most of our time today in that direction as we attempt to expend the greatest amount of spiritual energy possible.  And a critical part to this whole process will be knowing when to say no to priorities of our world today so we may more intently focus upon God’s spiritual ones.

As soldiers of God’s army do we fully understanding that such an effort will not be any small undertaking?  We must realize that we will be untangling ourselves from many worldly pursuits and instead seek the things associated with the Kingdom of Heaven.  Then look for two promises….earthly provision for all our needs (Matthew 6:23) and treasure in Heaven (Luke 18:22).  Turn your focus away from this life of today and refocus upon eternal blessings.

Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.  No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.  2 Timothy 2:3-4

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

