Saturday, January 16, 2016


Hello Family, before I ask for prayer, I want to urge you to see what I have written below as merely an example and by no means is intended to belittle or trash any profession.  We are all God’s children and servants, let us, who are willing, hold hands to send a message of unity to the evil one that we stand now and forever against all that he may represent.  May we please join hands and pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, creator of all within this mighty universe, we bring thanks to You today for our blessings which are too numerous to count.  Father Your endless generosity is profound and we pray that more and more of Your children open their eyes and minds to who You truly are.  Father help us to better understand Your Word and help us to share Your Word in this world that is so filled with strife and stress.  May we work to overcome the animosity that keeps even brother and sister apart at times, Father help us to see that we are one huge family, Your family.  Educate us to cast aside all false gods and turn only to the Trinity…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Keep protecting us from harm’s way Father, help nurse us back to good heal as we pray over those in need, Your healing hands and protective arms are with us Father, our faith tells us and shows us that fact.  Father we seek help in other ways as well, for those who struggle with addiction of one sort or another, for those who face marriage or financial or work place issues, show them the way Father and guide their steps.  Nothing we do Father measures even close to a thimbleful of what You are capable, but yet You look upon us with hope as we stand as servants and stewards of all You trust us with, for this we are thankful.  Guide not only our actions Father but our words as well on this day and help us to better understand how we may impact upon others with both.  In the name of Christ Jesus we bring these prayers……AMEN.

Welcome again Family, I hope and pray this message comes across as I intend it.  When one studies the early church, the church as it began to evolve during the time that Jesus walked with us on earth one sees the enemy, satan, working in ways that were intended to destroy the infant even before He could grow up, yes remember King Herod’s decision to destroy all the babes when he got word that the Messiah had been born.  But we know that effort was futile.

Then as we look back through history we come to realize that again the enemy worked in a manner for the next 2-3 centuries trying to persecute any and all who professed an allegiance to the church.  Despite this horrific effort though the church flourished, saints fell for sure, but still the devil saw his work failing.  His next recourse, “if you can’t beat them, join them.”  Some might say he adopted some of the same methods an attorney might use.  Ok….ok, don’t stone the messenger for this.

An attorney when faced with damning evidence against his client or case will try and use the process of “discovery” to get evidence thrown out.  During what we know and call the “Dark Ages” the enemy did this by placing minions in high places of the church with the intent of silencing the Word of God….not allowing it to be read and better yet, not allowing it to be translated into a language that would allow the common man and woman to understand it.

So it wasn’t until the 14th century that we witnessed translations emerging and with the help of the printing press invention copies were more easily made available.  This period became known as the Reformation.  During this time the devil began to revert back to original efforts, using the “Inquisition” as a means of destroying saints once again, calling anyone who was even found with the Word of God in their possession to be a heretic and put them to death.

Jumping forward to our modern day, we stand in the middle of the “Information Age”…..a time when an attorney might “discover” damning evidence against his case but now may act in such a manner as to provide a mountain or plethora of facts to cover up and obscure the judicial process as well as the real truth.

Damn the efforts of satan I say, it is time that as Christians we more fully open our eyes to the damage that the enemy is causing.  It is time to focus simply upon the Gospel truth.  We may not be physically able to stop or even stem the flow of information that floods our world today, but we can indeed take it upon ourselves to focus intently upon the truth….the truth of the Word of God.

At first I was hesitant to use this acronym but thought better of myself…..KISS…..we grew up learning this one way…..I’m going to use it as Keep it Simple Saints…..focus upon the Word.  After all we know the ending….we know that God wins!

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.  Revelation 12:10

Go in Peace

Blessings to you all

