*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and
others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of
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Questions for Frank 02-23-2016
I actually have quite a bit of information but I gave quite
a bit yesterday, let’s see where we get to today. Yesterday we shared seven different
topics….yet all that a few saw that “it’s not going to happen until June
30…what….that is all you got out of that CC….that causes a disturbance within
me….am I wasting my time…..i don’t think so….you ask me questions and I’ll try
to answer as best I can, but I probably will not share anything new
tonight…..we shared about Fallujah last night and the three tribes….the issues
with Barzani and nothing…..nothing has been posted or discussed on these
Question: Yes please. "I'd like more, sir..." heeheehee
Looking fwd to whatever he may reveal about M's "deal". Hey that
Fascinating that you would start
with Maliki….I stopped last night there….there are many deals that are
occurring right now….and the reason why is that the normal method of telling
them to do things just doesn’t seem to be working….these guys want to go out in
the alley and they want to bargain with you….they want to make deals with
you…..many deals are being made….we’ve told the Family do not pay attention to
Maliki….he has been stripped of every thing you can imagine…and everyone keeps
asking….where is he…and I keep telling everyone let it go….where do you keep
your enemies….right at your chest…you need to know everything about your
enemies in order to defeat them…..this enemy that literally stopped the MR in
2012 is no longer powerful….this enemy….IMO…..is now working for us….so how do
I explain that to the Family with they don’t want him around….when they have no
ideas about logistics and statistics of warfare…..they don’t understand….and I
don’t mean to insult you…you simply don’t study the way we do….and that causes
our friction….Maliki is doing things with us…for us…he is going places and telling
them to stop things….and no more sectarian violence…excuse me….the author is
telling us no.
Question: The article
that came out today about the digital e cards and what their potencial
is.....can u comment on when they are released, will they be country wide or
just certain areas. I ask because they said they already did tests in January.
They have been trying to release these cards in one format
or another forever….they have introduced so many different cards and the
citizens want no part of them….they know what the government is trying to do to
them….they want no part……by the way….the LD’s are you know where and the LD’s
were electronically sent to many banks to be in position at the starting gates
as I said today and that is just another thing that is in position….but they
don’t need to release the rest of the LD’s…..they will keep them in
Question: *Oil is
still in the $30's when will oil start to climb again?
What did we say last night on the CC…..look at your
notes….when did we say the price of oil was going to go up……around the first
week of February, then it would fluctuate for the next three
weeks….exactly….then as we walk into March you will start to see it go up
Question: *Does
Maliki HAVE to be dealt with before the end of the MR or will they "just
let him be" - if that even makes sense?
They are looking for a date….polished up nicely to look for
a date.
Question: *Auctions
are low again - could that still be a sign of the LD's - will the auctions go
back up again? are we still looking for them to stop the auctions before the
The auctions are phenomenal…..no we do not expect them to go
back up….we talked on this last night…the chronic low auctions are for one
reason….then e-commerce…..Iraq is going towards a cashless society just like
Revelation says……Dinar’s Club example of how it was created that led to the
credit card….then a few years ago a new card was introduced to society….a debit
card…because of a cashless society….the Iraqi citizens though are still
fighting this…..no one has shared this…..look England is using the chip…..just
insert it….it’s in your hand.
Questions: With all
the great leaps of progress Iran is making in their economy, don't you think
Iraq is extremely jealous and wanting to do the same?
Well that is just what they are doing…..I just said
yesterday on our CC that the other reason that the numbers are so low is
because we are no longer helping Iran….Iran has been reaching into the CBI
coffers through the CBI auctions through four people that sit on the board who
don’t care where the money goes…..of course they were stealing it….and of
course the auctions were crazy high 250 to 350 million that is insane….so now
they have busted the doors down and said you can’t do this any more the
auctions have dropped dramatically….no more money is being channeled over to
Iran….and they are not going to do the LD’s the way we thought, it is now done
electronically….and they have already been assigned to the banks….and the
auctions now are where they should be…realistic numbers
Question: The IMF
gave the green light early march. It's almost bren 1yr. If Iraq doesn't remove
the program rate by then what will happen? Will the IMF extend it? Will Iraq
have to do something different to get another green light?
I’m the one who asked the Family when was that green light
given…that was just me…nothing solid….more than likely there is no need for an
extension…..we are there…..they just continue at their lethargic pace….how long
will it take….I don’t know….I do feel good they are trying to accomplish the
agreement between the GOI and the CBI and the IMF…..so can Iraq enter the
international world with a program rate….no….that is a punishment rate….you
can’t enter life with handcuffs….they can’t do this….can’t do business in the
international world.
Question: RANDY IN
Frank's opinion how long will Iran wait for Iraq to rise the value of their
currency before they say "up yours" and increase their exchange rate?
i feel Iran can't be trusted. i know some" deals" were made but this
is still Iran we are talking about!!!
This is really another question like the one earlier that if
I try and answer it it will be construed as a date….I won’t do that….but I will
say this….I’ve said it over and over….Iraq will be the first currency that will
spearhead a bunch of other basket currencies that will go both up and down
across this planet earth when it is time to pull that trigger….the dinar will
spearhead that first basket and there will be others…..Iran has no choice but
to follow suit because they are now a part of a society that demands this….I
don’t trust them….Iran just needs to shut up….Iran shines like a star because
of how far advanced they are and they want to brag about it….Iran can mess this
up if they decide they don’t want to be a part of the international
society….but that is just suicide on their part….but they cannot raise the
value of their currency just yet….IMO.
Oh and by the way my broker called me today and says we got
the Iranian Rial and we can take orders now
I always want dessert. The reason I don't post is that about
all I know, about the dinars is that I have a few. I am not one of these that
has millions. I read all of this and I listen but it is still greek to me. I
just hope they revalue for enough that I can pay my bills and not have someone
calling wanting money. I would also love to help some people in need. I want to
thank Frank, Tink, Delta and the rest of the team for all the hard work they do
to bring this to us. May God Bless you all.
The posts by Aaron have been
very well thought out and articulated. If Frank would address some of Aaron's
thoughts and theories it would make for an interesting listen.
When I talked with Aaron he
takes our CC’s and puts them with his ideas….why would I redo what we have
already done…..he uses excellent illustrations…today he used arrows….take the
examples out and you have our CC’s.
Question: Is the new
math the hold up ,,,because they don,t know how to do an exchange between a
country that is digital and one that is not?
That is why we are there….we are doing things for them
because they don’t understand the process, especially this digital process….they
are not the brightest light bulbs in the box….I am sorry….they are survivors
and survivors will do anything to survive and now they have to survive in a way
that belongs to the rest of the international world….and that is so foreign to
them….they find this insulting….but in
reality it is they who are the insult to the rest of the world….they need to
catch up….but they are trying and we are there pushing them and making them
Question: What's up
with sistani? He was pretty vocal and demanding the MR. How are they managing
to keep him quiet? We know he knows it's coming but that can only pacifi him
for so long I would think.
No the Holy Man hasn’t been quiet…..trust me his assistants
are doing things….trust me.
Question: How are the
citizens? They keep hearing it's coming, come trust us, make deposits, buy
bonds etc. I'm sure they are tired of empty promises from their government and
want progress.
I would say the citizens are feeling like you and I are
feeling….the citizens are like our mirror image….they are the right and we as
the investors are the left than…..we are not identical twins but we are mirror
images with each other….we seek a financial gain….they seek a financial
survival….they just want value to their currency….we want to add value to their
currency so we can have a gain…we both want the same thing….just being done
with completely different vehicles….but watch what they do this weekend.
Question: Has Allak
been dismissed? If so will there be charges
against him?
No he has not been dismissed….but why would you bring
charges against someone….because they did something wrong….same way you would
dismiss them….they did something wrong….but you don’t see the evidence yet of
what they are doing with Allak….don’t you think Maliki should be somewhere hanging
from a tree…..if so….shouldn’t Allak be hanging somewhere from a twig…..but
ironically both of them are survivors…..make note of that….but that doesn’t
mean that Allak is going to stay as the governor
Question: So we hear SADR is wanting a HUGE protest
will this go off with out blood shed?
Wait until you see
this weekend…..there are things we have not shared with the Family….I tried to
tell the Family there was bad news for Barzani….over their heads…..if I said
that about Zebari….zoom over their heads it would go…..today Mehdi gave up as
Oil Minister….but he’s going to be a VP…..he’s a good friend with Abadi from
years ago…..watch for it.
Question: There are
two contracts between the IMF and Iraq being mentioned in the CC's...
- the first one Delta mentioned in his report on our Monday
CC a week on the Imf requirement that iraq has to lift restrictions on exchange
rate by end of February
- the second one being mentioned is the one between Iraq and
the IMF that Iraq will re-enter the international financial world by the end of
the first half of this year
So my question is, what types of contracts are these? Whats
the difference between the two contracts? What is the likelihood of these
contracts being fulfilled? Does the first one mean going to an international
rate or what exactly does it mean? (Same with the second one). Just trying to
get a clearer picture on the nature of these two agreements.
Both of these are within the one contract…..but this is a
question of when….a date….who knows….we hope we see some advancement by the end
of the month but if not we move into next month….we just don’t know….we need
those cities….they still haven’t told you everything yet….that is why we spoke
of communications in Fallujah being cut off…..one of our snipers has killed a
top leader of ISIS….they try to give up but it may be too late…..Iraq has now
asked us to come in and help them with what they are doing….it is
official….Iraq has 12 brigades that are ready….to become the security force…and
the US is saying you guys are doing good….Iraq’s army is advancing and they are
steadfast….Abadi has kicked out the Iranian militants….out completely
Question: Just
wondering if you know if the Conscript law is done?
What else needs to be done?
It is waiting to be activated by Abadi……he told the Iranian
militants to get out…this is a first that he must do….the US is helping police
Iraq…the stage….keeping the riffraff off the stage and we are getting things
I appreciate what people post but it’s just that when we do
post it is two dimensional….there is height, there is width….but there is no
depth….there is often no way to understand the meaning of the words being typed
by someone.
Today I had a man call me and say I wasn’t being critical….I
said I wasn’t being critical….but he replied….the response to my post looked
like you were being critical about me that I was being negative…isn’t that
interesting….I misunderstood you, you misunderstood me….maybe we should meet in
It is all good and it is going to get better…..just don’t
know when….deep in my heart I feel they have a good chance of accomplishing
things this year…..but the same way we are looking to see that they accomplish
the restrictions and remove the negativity of their math by the end of this
month……God only knows if they are going to be ready for the end of the first
half of this year….and just those words alone….sends shock waves through 3-4
members who right now are rolling their eyes, throwing their hands up and
saying oh he just said it’s not going to happen until June…..I can’t even
express myself the way I want to because people manipulate it….to assume….makes
an ass out of you and me….that is not right.
Check this out….from WalkingStick and no one paid attention
to it…..”Dinar Exchange Rate However It Is Problematic Unexpected Must be Taken
Into Consideration When Trying to Explore the Dinar Exchange Rate Against the
Dollar in the Parallel Markets This is Going to Dealt With Over the Coming Days
and Months”…..so breaking this down….the exchange rate and it’s problems is
being taken into consideration…..against the dollar…..those parallel
markets….the problem with the citizens not using the dinar but their
currency…..and it will be dealt with soon….exactly where they are and what they
are doing right now…..watch the tangible things….cities, laws, governor….all
the horses at the gates…..stop trying to guess when the gun is going to release
the horses to run….we cannot see into the future.
They are sending over 4,000 new files to the Integrity
Remember Cramer….Mad Money….on Monday he talked about the
Iraqi dinar.
Dismissed with a prayer.