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CC Notes for Wednesday 02-03-2016
It’s time to continue our study of the Iraqi dinar
Family. I want to tell you something
tonight, Frank26 wants to tell you something, if you know me you know that
means I will do so at the end not at the beginning.
Remember my KTFA signature, Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” I believe the evidence of things hoped for I
believe is in front of us.
Look at your notes, when we started talking to you about
military about 4 or 5 weeks ago, we told you there is a place just being torn
apart…..we told you they are doing pretty good in Ramadi, that they are
advancing very well…..and somewhere along the way we told you to look for a
flag. Well it was something like 2 days
after we said that you see an article with a photo of Abadi raising a flag on
top of a vehicle…..in Ramadi….that flag symbolized a lot of things….but there
was very little information from the media and from of what was going on in
Ramadi….the place was being flattened, constantly 24/7…..look for a flag…..then
5 weeks later, just this past Monday I tell you, Family, look at Fallujah….I
know the Internet is talking about Mosul….but what about Mosul…..here’s what
about it….there is a progression, take out a map….tell me where is Fallujah….where
is Mosul…..where is Ramadi….so if you study that and pay attention you
realize…..oh this makes sense…..so Mosul was put aside….we had to be confident
in Ramadi…..then move into Fallujah in order to then conquer Mosul.
Just today they are telling you that coalition forces are
moving into Fallujah…..what I say is Bologna….remember what you read about
military action happened at least 2 weeks ago…..IMO…..the last time we were
together, on Monday, I gave you information….I said we are three clicks from
The media tells you about 2 towns that were liberated, they
are to the south of Mosul….they tell you about it but it was a while ago….the
Peshmerga will come from the North, the West, the East and we will come from
the South.
What is shorter in distance….a straight line or a crooked
line….I like how strongcbm posted today and he said a straight line to the
crooks will cause delays to get shorter….that’s funny and good….yes a straight
line is shorter, that is why we told you it has to be Ramadi, then Fallujah,
then Mosul….stop and think about it, we gave you exact information on Monday
what the articles are telling you today.
Before Barzani came down from the North, he was interviewed
and he said, without a plan to retake Mosul, there isn’t anything we can do
about it….but it turns out they had a plan….it was called Ramadi, then
Fallujah, then Mosul….but he couldn’t do anything about it prior to that
because they had no plan….”without a plan to retake Mosul”….there is nothing I
can do. Yet we told you on Monday, once
you see the battle plan start on the ground in Fallujah we are close….IMO.
You saw it start didn’t you….but IMO….that information is
old….we were looking for the flag…..we were very happy that we saw the flag,
but we didn’t really talk to you about it.
We’ve learned if you aren’t going to pay attention to certain things….we
are not going to turn the dirt over….we are not going to cultivate it for
you….we are not going to say….hey….look over here….no….if you missed it you
missed it.
On Monday we told you the US troops are pouring in….also
old….but the main thing we told you…where are those troops….they are at the
borders…..these troops are at the borders to protect the taxes and tariffs that
are there now and we explained to you…..no more of this nonsense….no more mafia
style junk…..well these troops are also creating another border….creating
another border….I thought you said they were protecting the border Frank……they
are creating another border….around the city of Baghdad….you have to think
really hard about what I am telling you…..at this moment they are building a
wall around Baghdad….they are called temporary walls and they are also building
a trench….like a moat around a castle….think about that…..why.
Newspapers are saying that more troops are being used to
fight ISIS….you know the USA is a mighty fighting machine….but it is a really
stupid political arena….politically it is really silly….H won in Iowa by such a
close margin….but I told you she would be there in the end…..it’s not really
the end but it is coming….you think you vote for your President don’t you.
May I suggest that you look at what Aggiedad posted
today….what Aggiedad did was give you a pretty decent explanation….IMO….about
what is called the Northern Oil Company and the South Oil Company…..I talked to
you on Monday about this company that is being established to represent the
citizens equal rights of the oil….in other words the fourth prong of the
HCL….or the oil and gas law…..I think you need to go back and reread that again
and understand….you see the NOC and the SOC….they are in line….that Long
Line….they have to be….because they too have to be ready….because the moment
they raise the value they will represent the percentage that belongs to the
citizens….and because these oil companies are the cast mold of the true HCL….I
told you it was in the budget….the fact they are talking about the oil and gas
law instead of the HCL is simply a disguise, nothing more….yep same thing….then
you get this company to represent the fourth part that belongs to the citizens
of Iraq.
Everything needs to be in its place….here’s an example….did
you know about the NOC and the SOC….did you know that was needed to get the
fourth part of the HCL that is sitting in the budget waiting for the NOC and
the SOC….yeah I did Frank….then why complain….if you knew then keep
waiting…just wait for it….I want to tell you something….and I will tonight…..so
don’t forget….consider going back and looking that one over.
WalkingStick, I understand, line item, Article 6 of the oil
and gas law of 2007, thank you sir, the plan is there, I saw it….thank you.
Oh by the way, in yesterday’s thread if you look at page 3,
very first post on page three, from WalkingStick…..we told you that the GOI and
the CBI were meeting privately at the palatial palace and they were doing
certain things that were recommended by the IMF….there it is….then
Parliament….when they came out of these meetings, they vowed to overthrow a
number of senior officials who do not want to learn a new trick or two….it’s
hard for an old man to change his ways….especially when he’s been stealing and
getting away with it. Parliament, after
these meetings with the GOICBI and IMF and they took the recommendations….the
next thing we see is….hey Abadi doesn’t want to do anything with us….he told us
he was going to go and do these reforms without us…..so the first thing we are
going to do after passing these laws….we are going to get rid of you
sucker….impressive……the structure of stealing in that country is crumbling….it
takes connections to properly steal then put it away, then to move it and sell
it….being a thief is not easy….they got rid of thieves in Parliament just a few
days ago….that is impressive.
You know what is not impressive is that twice I said to you
that February the 8th, on Monday, and nada….you want more evidence
huh…..right after February 8th….next Monday….how do you know that
You need to look at the sequence….then….the next thing you
know….it turns out the CBI shows the citizens some gold coins….now you saw that
article today….they said….check this out….this is a 100 gold coin….and the
citizens look at it and say….so…..don’t you get the hint….yeah we know but we
still don’t want to play with you guys…..Sistani told us not to help you….raise
the value…..it is an order now from Sistani….and that is why Abadi is doing
what he is doing and that is why the GOI is doing what they are doing and
everyone is running all over the place doing things while everyone else is
complaining that we are not.
Come here Iraqi citizen….first they offered me 100,000, then
they offered 50,000….did you see that one Frank….Frank I got a 100k, I got a
50k….they are in my couch…..you got a blue couch…..I got a brown couch….in fact
we hoarded them….they told us to stop hoarding but we said….forget you….now do
you see what they are doing Frank…these coins….yeah I saw that….but Frank the
coin….it’s a LD…yeah I know…..so why don’t they give it to us in the paper
form…..because they are not ready to do that yet….well we don’t want to buy no
gold….we would much rather buy the 100 LD….we think it is funny.
Then the CBI announces up to 50 million in reserves….big
deal…what is it for….well it is for the monetary policy balance for the
interest of the individual to be for the dinar cheap and the interest of the
material economy to be the dinar most expensive and the head of the CBI said
the dollar would be this cheap price…..what….what the Frank did he
say….basically that was the crummiest translation we’ve ever seen….you know
what they are saying……look….yeah we are working on building our reserves and
yeah we are working on lifting the value of our currency….and yeah they said
that….but here is what we are trying to tell you…..if the IQD goes UP in value
well then the USD has to go DOWN in value….but the problem right now is that
the IQD is DOWN in value and the USD is UP in value in our country and it is
suffocating the Monetary Reform efforts of the CBI….oh well…why didn’t you just
say that…..we did….the translation just sucks.
Now what’s the next thing that would happen….ready…wait for
it….because we are not done says the IMF and the 12…..what…..we are not done
says the IMF….here’s what we want to say….we support this process…..what
process….the process to lift the value of the IQD and to decrease the value of
the USD….Family did you see the value of the USD today….97.29 or close to
that…..so the proper translation to all this…..if the IQD goes up and the USD
goes down….that is great….but the problem right now is the IQD is down and the
USD is up….that is not great….then on top of things the IMF comes out and says
we support this process…and TRUST us says the IMF……it will not lead to
inflation….that bunch of garbage that that bunch of economists who are trying
to make a name for themselves….TRUST me says the IMF who came up with a plan
that the GOI and CBI are taking counsel right now from the IMF….TRUST me says
the IMF…..and these guys and what they are doing….what happened to the USD
today….it went down…..so that is good IMF you are saying you support this
concept of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar….yes….we know what we are
talking about…..ok IMF….and we do not support the reduction of the value of the
IQD….well that is the same thing, you just reversed it backwards.
Fine, just raise the value of your currency….and lower the
value of the USD….and these were the ideas and recommendations that we present
to you……thank you for taking them….what stuff….the plan….the meetings….the
mission…..accomplished sir.
How are you doing USD….oh I’m getting to my true
numbers….you mean they don’t need you any more….well everybody needs the
USD….but maybe not at this moment.
Family we told you that in the third week of January the oil
prices would go up….they went up….from $28 to almost $36….that is a major
increase….Family then we told you in the month of February you are going to see
the price of oil fluctuate….with a slow increase towards the end of the month.
Now Frank26 wants to tell you something…..because this is
the end of our conference call….what I want to tell you is that….IMO….the
ground attacks for the cities that we need are in progress….and because they
are we as a TEAM have started a clock…..we call it an atomic clock….for
whatever reasons…..Frank26 wants to tell you….I am REALLY LOOKING forward to
the month of March….Frank26 wants to tell you that in this month of
February….this progression….these cities…..are going to lead us into an awful
lot more.
Family I am going to give you more……Baghdadi is back in
Iraq….his nephew was killed east of Ramadi along with 8 of his guards and one
super important military commander…..and that means IOO that we are getting
very close to the HORNET’S NEST…..may I define the HORNET’S NEST as a command
center that is very close to Baghdadi who is back in Iraq….Baghdadi is worried
about certain things….mainly the air strikes that are hitting him.
I’m not too worried about this because we are making
remarkable advances in Fallujah…..Baghdadi surrounds himself with his family
because those are the only ones left that he can trust….and because of this we
have started a clock.
I would advise you to pay attention to Backdoc, Thunderhawk,
and Pappa-J….when they post something you should read it.
Once we turned our eyes to Fallujah….which we have by the
way…..according to the media…..then Mosul is very close….and so are the
reforms….Family…..Fallujah lies in the pathway of Mosul….you cannot get to
Mosul unless you conquer Fallujah first….then we can bring a lot more advances
from the GOI and CBI who are doing a lot of preparation right now.
This may sound silly but I would tell you to pray for
Abadi….he is petrified….he’s worried and he’s under a lot of pressure.
Many of you are asking me about the Iranian Rial…..listen I
have an announcement to make to you….for those of you that have orders with
us….RIGHT NOW….you are going to be ok….but we are asking for you to be
patient….normally we get the product to you in about 7-10 days….we are running
behind and I am so sorry and I am trying to reach out to you and putting my
arms around you….nobody is ever gong to hurt you with me….so if you have an
order for Iranian Rials with us right now….you are ok…you will get it but it
will just take a little more extra time, and I am sorry. The other thing I have to tell you is that if
you want to place an order for the Iranian Rial I need for you to call me….I
would PREFER that you CALL me….because I have to talk to you….it’s not about
any date….but I have to tell you some things….at least for the next three days….I’m
not trying to be mysterious….my broker is trying to…..you see they lifted the
sanctions….and my broker found out more of the definitions of the sanctions and
the laws…..so my broker is trying to replenish his inventory by about 2 or 3
days…..so if you have an order with us please patient…..if you want to know
call me and I’ll tell you what is going on…..but if you want to place an order
for the Rial call me and I’ll tell you what we are doing.
Iran stated they are willing to wait for Iraq to enter the
international world….to become trading partners….what does that mean to
you….ok….what do I call Iraq and Iran….Siamese twins……there was actually a
study done to determine this….by Iran.
Dismissed with a prayer.