Hello Family let’s pray together,
Heavenly Father thank You for this day and the blessings we have surrounding us. You so readily prove that each of us have value in this life. We each play a significant role in Your Kingdom and are proud to be guided by such an all-knowing God. Father we gather around our family and friends to pray for their well being knowing that Your hands can heal. We look to You Father for daily guidance knowing Your way is always right. Have mercy upon us Father when we stray in our own attempts to go a way we feel is more correct. Your presence is the real deal for us Father, Your patience with us never wavers. Accept us as we are Father and know that we strive to walk ever closer to You with each passing day. In the strongest way we pray in the name of Christ…..AMEN.
Welcome again Family, I hope this proves to be an interesting post for everyone, especially the women of the forum. When it comes to history it is all too often spoken from and recorded from the male perspective I think. This is even true in Jesus’ walk and ministering to the world He knew in the first century.
You don’t hear much about the women who walked with Jesus during these times. In fact if the media were as present then as they are now their presence probably would be seen more as a scandal. They were privileged though in my opinion….getting to see and experience miracles, learning from Jesus along the way, taking time to serve Him.
This is a remarkable view of the lack of boundary that Jesus showed in His ministry, everyone was treated as an equal. So what is so worthy of this effort? It simply shows the significance that anyone has in God’s Kingdom.
The women who were known to walk with Jesus had one thing in common among them all; they each had value in the eyes of God. Their lives were not easy. Mary Magdalene had at least seven demons cast from her but Jesus still brought her into His inner circle. She was there to witness His crucifixion and was first to realize the resurrection. Joanne, the wife of one of Herod’s officials required healing from Jesus. Susanna is one we know little about yet God saw reason to redeem her and treasure her.
These women certainly came with limitations and various inadequacies….yet none of them allowed such to hold them back. Instead each stood by the forgiveness they felt, acknowledging their love for a Savior. As He did with everyone who walked with Jesus, He accepted these women as they were, but He also took the time to restore each of them in some way, restoring their health.
None of these women walked in the forefront of Jesus’ ministry but their ceaseless efforts for so little recognition is truly an example worthy of any of us following. They are proof that consistent and effective service to Jesus will eventually pay dividends far greater than any recognition we might receive from others.
So many acts of service we think go unnoticed or can even be devalued or demeaned by others, we have the words of Jesus in Luke 7:50 to guide us, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.” Words to live by no doubt.
Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, along with some women he had healed and from whom he had cast out evil spirits. Luke 8:1-2
Go in Peace
Blessings to you all