Greetings Family, please join me in prayer on this day,
Heavenly Father, I pray thanks for how You deliver blessings each day, an infinite power that provides blessings near and far. Father Your love for us is unconditional. I pray that I may return my love in a manner that will make You happy. Father cover us, protect us in the way that only You are capable of Father. Mend those who are broken, heal those that are sick or ill; protect and shield their families as well Father and do not allow them to grow weak and weary. Lift them in health and strength Father, please I pray. Lord Jesus, I am a humble sinner, an imperfect servant, that gives my old life and sins to You so that I may be granted new life that will allow me to guide others to You. Jesus, I know my wrongs are in the past, I pray for help in living right in the ways of our Father God. Lord I stand ready to walk with Your guidance. Father help us to know right from wrong; guide us onto Your path, the ways of the righteous. Father may your love and forgiveness rain upon us as we learn the way…Your Way to live our humble daily lives. In Jesus’ name I pray…..AMEN
Hello again Family, have you counted your blessings from God on this day? Have you taken time today to talk with God? I hope that you can find a time when it is just you and He and there are no interruptions. I often find myself talking to Him when I’m driving, but there are other distractions that can get in the way. I’ve had to carve time out of my day when I can have a relaxed but meaningful conversation with Him, listen to Him, or just unload some of my burdens to Him.
Do you find it as difficult as I do in unloading the burdens that we carry upon our backs? I carry them in my pockets, inside my shoes, in my socks, in fanny packs and all too often I am stubborn and unwilling to give them away. Guaranteed stress-builders they become…I am willing to stand up and confess that I am a card-carrying “stress-aholic” and I know better, but I still choose to carry the weight. Shame on me…shame on you if this is you too….God knows we are better, for He made us.
Remember this….God forgives the sinner and judges the sin. Our bottom line is that we should never hesitate to bring our sins to God. There isn’t a sin big enough to keep God from forgiving us if we show sincere repentance. That doesn’t mean we can keep on sinning, we need to understand that God loves us unconditionally, and with that unconditional love we are set free; He only asks that we confess our sin and be willing to give up the sins and burdens in return for our freedom.
Father I pray that I will learn to be more trusting of You, I know You control everything including me; that You are the Maker and Ruler. I am but a humble servant that needs to bow to You Lord and trust Your love, but I should no longer bow to these earthly burdens. I pray that my brothers and sisters who struggle in the same manner may overcome as well through their renewed faith and trust in You and walk in Your beautiful ways.
Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them. Hosea 14:9
Go in Peace
Blessings to you all