Hello Family let us pray,
Most Heavenly Father today we pray many thanks to You for the countless blessings we find upon the table, Your generosity is so constant, even in those times of doubt that we may have, Thank You Lord for what is given to us this day. Father You have the patience that can never be fully understood by anyone of earth, You endure such pain in seeing us trying to do things on our own. Thankfully Father You never give up on us and long for the day we realize we must turn to You because You are the maker of our universe and all within it. Father we are overjoyed even today so many years later that You sent Your Son to live with us, we are thankful for all His teachings and guidance. We know Christ to be the door through which we come to You, how exciting that journey is for us. Keep us strong Father as we follow the path that You light. Fortify us to defend against the enemy, provide us the wisdom to discern right from wrong and pour the passion within us that we may love one another. Father our life’s journey here on earth is short but filled with many events, I pray we never get too bored with whatever it is that we face and that we forever remember Your greatness and how it impacts our lives on a daily basis, just as Christ has impacted us with His walk upon earth. May we look fondly upon life eternal in Your loving arms Father. In the name of Christ Jesus we pray….AMEN.
Welcome again Family, I hope you are as excited as I am about being here, about the prospects that lie just around the corner with our new web site coming online next week, with all the great news about our investment and the changes we have been seeing in that regard. Excitement is definitely in the air.
Excitement is such a celebratory type word isn’t it, might make you want to dance….or at least think about dancing. But excitement can wane at times too. For those of us who were young in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s you should remember the NASA Space Program and the launches from first Cape Canaveral then last Cape Kennedy. Who knows the “original seven” and can name them without using Google? The younger crowd is probably asking, original seven what was that? Maybe your memories start with the launching of the Space Shuttle, or sadly the loss of Space Shuttle Challenger.
I can fondly remember the launching of the Mercury flights, the excitement, from the first few launches. But in time it became a common place thing, “oh we are launching another spacecraft today”….or….”they had another launching and I forgot to watch it.” What was exciting succumbs to the ho-hum of every day life as we live it.
The same thing happened to the Israelites thousands of years ago after they were led out of Egypt. At first they were amazed at the miracle that God performed in feeding them daily with the manna that rained down to them from heaven. Each day they continued to be amazed. However, as man is prone to do, it became less exciting and more common place…ho-hum another delivery from God….so sad how we react to someone so reverent.
The truth is we get bored and at times we get bored far too easily. Think about this, what if the stars could only been seen once a year, or once every 5 years, we probably would look forward to their appearance more so than each night taking them for granted in the evening sky as they start to show up.
The weight is upon us to not take the beauty we see from God so lightly that we become bored with it. Look inside your heart at the greatness that is there because of God’s power and love. Show your love in return by acknowledging your thanks for the blessings received on this day and every day. Strive with all your heart to not give in to the ho-hum of life and instead continually see God as the majestic giver of life and eternity that He is and always has been.
But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!" Numbers 11:6
Go in Peace
Blessings to you all