Friday, January 15, 2016

CC Notes Thursday 01-14-2016

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC from Thursday Night 01-14-2016

Yesterday we gave you information and it was good…..all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father and congratulations to our TEAMS.  The first thing I want to do is reach across the internet to someone, even though I think he is not here tonight…..we have a bunch of new people with us….I just know that…and I don’t want them to be bored with what I’m about to do but if you could just give me 5 minutes and then we will go into the meat of what we are about to do.

KTFA Family what we brought yesterday was a good explanation of where we are at with the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar….it was the gospel truth….in fact there was a correction that was made on my behalf…..there was about three people who posted on the forum that said something like….I’m going to give up my…..I can’t wait till June………who said it was going to happen in June….another one says….it’s another story….another situation…..what……of course it is different it is a lava flow….almost every day there is something new to teach and share….you see I think a lot of the problem is that many people only listen to what they want to listen…..and once again we waste a little time and explain that the majority of us do not belong in this investment….we got involved in it purely by emotion.

You Christians… this is the place….the same place as the four rivers…..uh-ha….same place where the wealth transfer occurred for baby Jesus with the three wise men….yeah….so it is happening again for us Christians….well I want to be a part of this.

You see that is not how you get involved in a speculative investment.

Let me give you another example…a housewife gets a call…ring…ring….Hi Joyce how are you doing….Mary you gotta call Frank and you gotta order this currency….why….well just do it…and when you call him he will explain everything to you….ok thank you bye….ring….ring….Hey Frank can you tell me why I should buy a million dinars….No…..that’s not how you do this….and I’m sorry I feel bad for a lot of you….you are innocent….you are sweet people….and when you post….I and my staff and others sometimes see your posts as insulting….and you didn’t mean it to be insulting… see it is very difficult to express….that is why I use LiveStream….hi….can you see me….check it out I have 5 fingers….see that….yeah I’m normal….posting is like eating cardboard without salt…what’s the point…..and when you post that is two-dimensional….you are missing the other dimension….you…..if you say to me…..Frank, I like you….all I can say is that is a nice compliment….but I didn’t realize was that you meant…..Frank I like you far away from me….oh ok…..posting maybe didn’t complete the sentence……and that is what we saw last night after our CC….there was a handful of you that just lost it… I am here to put my hand out to you and tell you….try your best to be more calm….and try to study.

Before I get into the study part….do we have hootdozer with us….if you are would you please post sir…..and if he’s not….I want my KTFA Family to bear witness that I am reaching out to hootdozer….because you see last night when we were doing our CC lecture….hootdozer posted and he said well I don’t understand and I’m confused, now we are waiting until June for blessing to come…and when I saw that I reacted and I said… see there is the problem and no I’m not going to answer that…..but that young man…with a beautiful young family was offended by that….how do I know that, he didn’t tell me that….but the Holy Spirit let me know this morning….how do I know that he was offended….he didn’t post any more and he is not with us tonight…..and I apologize to hootdozer because he asked the question innocently….I don’t understand Frank….so I offer apologies right now to anybody that I rushed through with our lecture last night….it’s just that I expect you to study with me….I bring you these studies as a gift from our TEAMS….but I will not chew the food up for you….I will not digest it for you….because last night what we gave you… was a MASTERPIECE…..I actually thought…maybe I failed….maybe I did something wrong….so I went back and I listened and I thought holy cow…..people only listen to what they want to listen….or they only listen to the very last words in a sentence….and those two or three that got emotionally involved last night and said….oh this is not right and I’m lost and I’m confused and this and that…that can be contagious….and that is why I didn’t want that….so right now it is 10 after…..and there is the 10 minutes that I wanted…..let’s take the next 20 minutes….30 minutes and let’s do this one more time…..I’m not going to waste your time….you are going to learn a few extra things tonight.

When you think about it….did you read the notes….those notes were…..and again I’m not patting myself…..there’s a lot of people that stand next to me…..those notes were superior….and I told you we scan the Internet and we couldn’t find anyone who was even near what we presented yesterday….not patting ourselves on the back….just simply a fact that…….what more do you want.

For you newbies….for those of you who are… are innocent… really are and you don’t mean to cause trouble….but you do….because you don’t study….alright let’s study….look it’s not a concept of a date…..before I get into talking to you….once again…you all heard….did you hear what Frank just said….he said that the IMF has a contract with Iraq….and the contract apparently goes until June of 2016….and then I held up this (IMF report) for those of you who are watching on our live program….I said look at this….it is the IMF themselves who says that Iraq will return to the mainstream in mid-2016…..Iraq will return to the economic markets during the first half next year….of this year….because this is from December of last year. 

What more do we want…..just because we made a mistake and we told you that contract expires in the first quarter of 2016….what the dickens does that have to do with the IMF who is also saying we are going to bring Iraq back into the international community within the first half of 2016….and then I said…Dr. Shabibi as you know loves the beginning of a year or the middle of a year….so your brain said to yourself…..oh yep….it’s not going to happen until June 30th or whatever day the end of the month is…..when did I give a date….when did I say that on this day at the end of June that is when it is going to happen…..and that is where the emotions drain me….you have to be a student… must not be lazy about this.

Last night we gave you a plethora….it is a cornucopia….go look at those notes that Randy did for you….they are huge….and they are loaded with information that many people just bypassed….I mean walked by….there are two things….there are two things in those notes that the net is not talking about….you are not talking about….so ok……why should I open new files….why should we share with you our latest studies…..when we can’t even get past this point….so let’s try to see if there is any way we can figure this out a little bit more.

And by the way strongcbm….wonderful post that tried to explain what we tried to explain last night…..Randy….aggiedad….wonderful post that explained….I even copied part of his and put it in one of my posts…..jr1353 same thing….you answered a gentleman by the name of Jorge793….George in Spanish….and you explained to him….well this is what Frank is trying to tell you…..I want to thank all of you….this is what it is all about….we are a Family… there is nothing wrong with asking a question and that is why I am reaching out to hootdozer….who asked an innocent question….and I did not treat that person the way I should have….I apologize to you sir…..I looked at your avatar….you are a young man with a beautiful young family and I wish you the best….you’ve always been polite and you’ve always been supportive of those of us here at KTFA…..and yesterday you just got confused… hootdozer and anybody else….listen to me….let me ask you a question…..have you read the 3 pdf files from the IMF that met with the CBI….have you read the three files….alright if you have not would you please….because that is where we are at right now. 

You know very well that the first meeting occurred in October….the 10th……10 cents good….no…how about 40 cents….no…..alright then the next meeting in November….they told us about these meetings and when they came out we told you that the LD’s had been moved and we think they got rid of the 40 cents and they are going to a 1 to 1 and they are going to free float their currency because look here is the article that says that…..and then we walk into December and we tell you Family it turns out they are not going to free float…..and we are looking for the Taxes and Tariffs and the LD’s being put into the hands of the citizens of Iraq…..oh and also they are talking about a 50k….I don’t want you to worry about that now….that is to collect the 000’s….which in all honesty was a far reach….because the LD’s will collect the final 000’s….but that was the only logical thing…..ok hand in 2 25k’s for a 50k…..I don’t understand why they are doing this… the CBI comes out in December and they say…..hey guys stop….no….no we are not going to do that…..Allak he doesn’t know what he’s talking about….we are going to introduce the 50k’s in January or February of next year….oh ok….fine and dandy… the first week, the second week, and then in the third week…them son-of-a-guns.

They started to blind us….the CBI… TEAMS can read Arabic and they called me and said….Frank we don’t have anything on the Arabic side…..I said…what are you talking about….it’s a blank page….you see before it was difficult for you to read in Arabic….what they were announcing and they kind of covered it up….but then it disappeared….and what we missed at that time was the fact that they were announcing to the citizens we are going to give you the 50k’s….they are in the banks come on in and get them if you want….and the citizens said…..Up Yours…..what would I do with a 50k….I need the LD’s so I can buy bread, cigarettes you know…ok….so I don’t want nothing to do with you banks….so that project kind of failed and went down the toilet.

But around that same time around the 20th of December when they did this on the 21st guess what else happened….Hi….how you doing IMF…..I’m doing good CBI….I’m doing good too IMF it is good to see everybody….here Abadi sit down….everybody sit down….tell you what….we need to tell you something….we need for you to hand in your homework….really now….yeah now….in fact let us create an LOI…a Letter of Intent in which we are going to spell out what we are going to do in 2016 because you know we are going to bring you into the international world…..Frank showed an article with 10 or so lines highlighted….all had to do with international this….international that for Iraq……you want us to do all of this IMF plus you want our homework that shows you what we are doing with our budget…yeah….but oil is still down…you really want it now…yeah….well ok….are we going to launch the budget on the 1st….we will see.

And it turns out on the 21st they made an LOI and they told each other these are the steps we are going to follow….and by the way we lied to everybody….we told the citizens we got the 50k’s in there….the reason why we got the 50k’s in there is….they are counterfeiting everything….and these 50k’s they got new markers on them….yeah like the 10k’s.

You told the world that you got new 10k’s with new markers….why did you tell them about the 50k’s…..well we just got the 10k’s done and the 50k’s were in December and we had to lie about the fact that we were sneaking them out….but we don’t lie about it now….everybody knows….they know we got the 1k, the 5k, the 10k all these k’s are coming out with new SECURITY….and the reason why is to trip up the counterfeiters….you see the counterfeiters reproduced….oh my word….zillions of these k’s….because they think they will be able to trade them in for the LD’s….but what they make copies of counterfeiting does not have the new markers on it….so they are busted….all that work for nothing…and what is this…..SECURITY.

So that is why Frank is always talking about SECURITY…yeah because we told you on the 20th to the 21st and the 22nd they turned in their homework…..the mathematics of the Monetary Reform within their budget…..and the IMF is grading it… they graded it and on the 22nd they came out and said…..Kumbaya guys….here’s what we got….so they put that plan into effect and they just recently told you about it in 3 pdf files and they blinded us all this time….we could not see them….but we can see them now.

Now IMF….did we do good with our homework….yeah you did….well it’s the 1st….but you know we can’t do it just yet….we are still with the homework but there are two things we are asking you about to be Article 8 compliant… other words to be internationally welcomed back into the world….oh ok what is that….you need to be 2% compliant with the street market and the CBI so we can avoid counterfeiting….hey we did that already….good… here’s what we are going to do….what’s the rate…..1182….good…ok….let’s introduce it at 1180 and we will continue to do the mathematics and we will get everything done within that first half of 2016….wait a minute…..we are 2% compliant….yeah of course you are…’ve been that way for over a month now….that’s pretty darn good…wait a minute….and you are telling me we are going to go ahead and introduce the budget at 1180….I thought we were at 1182….1180 is an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar….wait a minute you just wanted two things…..2% compliance and an increase in our currency….are you qualifying us for Article 8….is this a gift….did we earn it.

Meanwhile you get confused….so read those 3 pdf files and try to understand that their goal is what….what did I call it yesterday….they call it a meeting….the Internet calls it meetings….I call it a mission.

Whether they do it in the first quarter or the first half of next year….I don’t give a darn….I cannot give you a date and you cannot ask me for a date and you cannot assume he said it was going to be….what…..come on….I waste time dealing with this kind of attitude….now I will admit it is hard to determine if people are being sincere….hey I got a question because I am confused….or if someone is just being a pain because they don’t want to study.

Those of you who are with us the ones….IMO…who study because look at you it is about half the amount of people that we had yesterday….the other half are people that IMO go to other forums pick up information and come over here and try to then understand what we are saying….because you are with us all the time….you are with us every day….I know you….I see you posting, I know all of you, and not a single one of you complained yesterday….not a single one…and you understood those 3 pdf files….did you ever go see the movie “Indiana Jones”…..remember where he got to the point where he had to cross over this area and he had to step on these stones….it reminded me of hopscotch…..well Indiana Jones had to step on the right combination of stones in order to not get those poison arrows shot at him….well wouldn’t you know it….he got through it didn’t he…because he stepped on every perfect step….and I’m telling you that is what they did on the 20th, 21st, 22nd…..these guys came out with the perfect steps…it’s a plan….that is why I call it a mission I don’t call it the meeting….this is amazing….these 3 pdf files Family explain the step by step by step of what they are doing.

Today the CBI announces we are coming out with Oracle…really what the heck is that…..well actually it is an enterprise-wide, global platform system….good God almighty what does that mean…..well look at your notes….because you are studious with me…..those that don’t take notes….those that say I’m confused….maybe they are just not that studious….can you see in your notes where it says somewhere that…..Family the 50k’s and the 100k’s will eventually be used for PLATFORM banking international…..remember that.

Do you know what a PLATFORM is…..well of course not….in fact that is such a rare word in our vocabulary that you would not have any idea….PLATFORMS are kept quiet….they are very secretive.

Look when a citizen goes to a bank and opens an account….there is evidence of it… is called a statement… account statement…you can see the money going in….you can see the money going out….how much you borrow…..the interest….all that good stuff.

Now watch this….I am a bank….Hello bank….how are you doing….I say hello to another bank as big as me….want to do some business…how much do you got….want to move that….I’ll tell you what, here is what we will do….and they get together with other big conglomerates which is mainly other banks and lenders….and they put together these HUGE PLATFORMS…..and they put billions upon billions upon billions on these PLATFORMS….but there is no paper trail….why….because it is none of your business….it is between that bank and this bank…that is a PLATFORM.

Now watch this… the CBI announces Oracle….the enterprise-wide global technological PLATFORM system…why…..I mean all these things that are being done right now….they never did them before….we know that….but the importance of these international telecommunications  systems…..these optical networks that are being lined up between all the bank in all the provinces to connect with each other….they even have international calls now ready….operators ready, computer systems ready to go.

Family this is a word that carries a lot of definition….to be international means your currency is of IMF qualifications…that Article 8 has been lifted…..and we just said they have had an increase in their value and they are 2% compliant.

Alright….that is a technicality….let them finish the homework sometime in the first half of 2016….because they have already increased the value of their currency…..they already did the 2% compliance….and this is ALL the IMF asked them to do….in order to be out of Article 8 from the United Nations Security Council….I’m sorry I said that wrong….out of the Article 8 mandates from the IMF.

This is exciting….this lava flow is just beautiful…and I’m telling you once again with respect….our CC last night was SUPERIOR….and I didn’t see anything like that anywhere on any forum and of course that is not important….and the notes that Randy handed out….they were a masterpiece…..and people are only paying attention to their needs.

Now I had many phone calls today that told me, Frank….no…no…no you are wrong….look at it….there is no way that oil is going to go back up at the end of this month going into next month….and I said ok…..many times that people have told me that and in a few weeks they see what we share with them….that sounds cocky doesn’t it….I’m so sorry I don’t know what to tell you….there are many parts to this whole structure….and not everything belongs to the Monetary Reform….but there are many parts to this whole structure.

Yesterday I showed you China….and what they are considering with their currency….nobody talked about it….not one single post….not one desire to go out and look for those posts and bring them into our forum….hmmmm….you know what….if I were to say to you…do that the capture of El Chapo has anything to do with the spokes of the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar….I bet you say….no….kind of a bad example but…what I’m trying to tell you Family is that….especially with the PLATFORMS that banks are setting up….that is for international usage….I mean they didn’t have this last year….they didn’t have it the year before…or the year before or the year before…you get my point don’t you….everything is being put through a venturi…..a venturi effect….a narrowing of everything that is being piled into an international cluster…..and the IMF did the homework with that was turned in in the third week….and they decided….look we still got to work a little bit more….why do you think they have to work a little bit more Family…..why do you think the homework is being delayed….if that is the word you want.

Family what is going to fund the doggone budget….Taxes and Tariffs Frank….my foot….that is miniscule…..the number one thing I told you is oil and that number two is tourism….and if oil does go up at the end of January and the beginning of February….oh what a coincidence… sure would be the right mathematics in order for me to complete my…..MISSION…..for the 2016 budget…that is so loaded…my God it is full of stars.

These stars must not go out…and I don’t think they are….because what I see is exactly what I want to see….it gives me great joy and I do praise God for what we are seeing.

For those who are down and in the dumps and feeling oh gosh and this and that….I don’t know what else to do for you….I’m sorry…I love you….in the name of Jesus Christ I want to help you….but if you are not studious there is nothing we can do for you.

Now for those of you who are studious go read those 3 pdf files….they are Indiana Jones stones that lead you to a treasure….seriously….they planned it, they plotted it out and said ok this is what we are going to do….this is how we are going to follow it….that is fantastic.

They have a financial crisis….you know that….I know that….they keep saying the words financial crisis because they have no LD’s, because they are in a program rate, because the new math has not been fully exposed yet….yeah they are in a financial crisis….and they need finances.

Well they have no liquidity……look they have plenty of liquidity…they just don’t have value to their money….oh I thought they didn’t have any 000’s…..they don’t 000’s but they got plenty of reserves….but they have no value to their money….so what the Frank good does their reserves do… sell the foreign reserves at the program rate and you end up losing money.

So they can’t really use their reserves can they…..oh yeah that’s right I forgot…..well then study and read those 3 pdf files because it is the IMF that is telling you look….we are raising the value of this stupid currency….and this is how we are doing it.

Oh my God ok…..Frank said…..ok….ok….now I’m exaggerating this….carrying this to a point of being redundantly ridiculous.  In fact you all missed what I said on Monday…..(I’m sorry what kind of strings Frank???).

So they made this road map….this path….this mission that is about to accomplish….go read this.

If you don’t know what PLATFORMS are….oh my gosh…that is what the 50k’s and 100k’s are for….the PLATFORMS… citizens are going to use the 50k or the 100k….oh yeah but the fact that they tell you they now have international PLATFORMS between their banks….are you kidding me…..are you going to raise the value of your currency.

Tell me why don’t you talk about the high auctions….more….than one person…..let me see….Frank said that a low auction would be somewhere around 10 million or less….anything over 250 to 300 would be a high auction….look for them….ok….I guess we missed something…..yeah you did.

Frank you know this is all contingent upon the price of oil going back….leave me alone….ok.

I want to tell you another thing…..hey TINK will you bring up our email…..look up Iraq 2016 Convention….as we find this….I want you to know there is a 2016 Convention that is going to happen in Lebanon for Iraq….and the interesting thing is that this convention is just mind-boggling….check this out…”Iraq Finance 2016 the Third International Conference and Exhibition Finance and Banking Services in Iraq, March 7-8 in Beirut, Lebanon….underneath it says…it is our pleasure to introduce you to the Iraq finances of 2016 a major international conference…..they are not international….or will they be….oh ok….what are you going to do….show off all your latest technology and stuff….oh you do don’t you….you GO CBI…you GO GOI….you GO IMF….what else….why in 2016 Iraq finances might be the most important event to attend…..why….well there has recently been a huge expansion in Iraq’s financial industry and it is expected that in 2016 we will an increasing range of fresh opportunities in the area particularly as a result of privatization moves as part of reconstruction of state owned banks…..well if you reconstruct your banks you reconstruct your currency….ahhh yeah….well anyway…Iraq has already witnessed the expansion of major players in the country including JP Morgan, Citibank…..I give up….I won’t even read the rest of this.

What were the four banks….what were the four banks that I told you about when I first met you.

Have you read the 3 pdf files…..good… go read this conference article….you want to register…here is where you call to register….would you like to meet the governor of the CBI….would you like to meet the Prime Minister of Iraq…..I would….because I am a student.

We had a poster today, golfkidke1023, he says, I’m on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and I’m talking to one of my friends here a broker and he’s a dinarian….so I asked him what do you think…he says oh man…OH MAN….I keep talking to my friends here at the Stock Exchange but some just don’t pay attention….this person though said to me….In the still of the night we are going to be surprising a lot of people….and our KTFA member posted and said…”in the still of the night”….oh I’ve heard that before….God everybody listens to you Frank…..I don’t know….but all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father because what we do is bring good information.

I want you to feel good…..I want you to be happy….I don’t want you to be thinking….oh my gosh it’s going to take forever and ever…..I don’t know we don’t have a date….instead give glory….get happy about what we are seeing….this is phenomenal steps….amazing steps….I mean China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran they could only dream of such things

I would like for you to know about our latest file called Double-Dipping….we will talk to you about it soon…..we don’t feel ready to talk about it in-depth.

I also want to tell you that the media is now telling you about what we told you back in September….they tell you that Iraq is being flooded with troops…..they tell you that Special Ops are now landing and flooding the area….they are telling you we are there….and we are going to stay…..just like I’ve told you many places whenever we go somewhere we don’t leave….we set up DMZ’s and embassies but we don’t leave….in fact the US Embassy in Iraq is the largest embassy on this planet… you know why the media tells you know….it’s ok….all the credit has been given to Abadi….Abadi is planting flags all over the place…..I’m waiting for him to plant one in a special city and if he does then we will talk about it.

So in that third week, isn’t that something….December 20th that is my birthday, no wonder my ears were burning….a Letter of Intent…..they passed out the 50k’s not for the citizens but for the PLATFORMS….and the meeting with the 3 pdf files came out….and in all honesty this is the blueprints the final steps that will lead them to the mathematics that they are working on right now that they did introduce from 1182 to 1180….and I believe they will introduce once the price of oil goes up.

Did you like your CC….did you learn stuff….are you happy….I want you to be confident.  What are the two things they were to do….they’ve done them….so if they have done them….who is doing something….the IMF….the mathematics.

Dismissed with a prayer.