Friday, January 15, 2016


Hello Family let us pray together,

Most Heavenly Father, as our one and only God we give thanks to You for blessings we’ve recognized on this day.  Father Your continued generosity to each of us knows no boundary and we are forever thankful.  You bring light into our lives when things seem the darkest and we are thankful.  Your lamp shines a path for us to take when we seem lost.  We have only to reach out to You and know You have our hands.  Protector of us in times of sickness and injury Your Omni-Presence abounds to the corners of this earth that You created.  Father though we have never seen You we know You personally and call upon You with regularity to keep us focused upon all that You ask us to do in Your name.  I pray Father that we each will work on staying in communication with You even more than we have in the past, for I know as we reach out to You it is simply further proof of our faith in You, and I pray that others will realize that as well and take their troubles to You more and more frequently, but I also pray they remember to share the goodness in their lives with You as well.  For sure, you know and are totally aware of anything we can say to You before we utter it, however, it is the attempt that we make to communicate with You that is what You strive to see from us.  I will make that additional effort each day Father to be more like You.  Guide our paths as we climb the mountain looking for our time to spend with You just as Jesus did, hold our hand Father and keep each of safe.  Teach us to do your bidding to the best of our abilities and help each of us to understand and identify our treasures that allow us to help others in their search for a Savior as we too once searched.  Praying today in the name of Christ Jesus that we may all be worthy as servants in Your universe…..AMEN.

Welcome again Family, no doubt this has been one very exciting week.  I’m glad in many ways that the weekend has arrived.  Who wants to climb a mountain with me?  Ok, sure I can’t see your hands going up, and I’m not even sure mine would go up either, still recovering from pneumonia.  However, think about that mountain, any mountain, they all have a few things in common no matter where they are located….they are wider at the base than they are at the top.  The higher you climb the more treacherous the journey and the more focused you must stay on the path not only at your feet but ahead of you too.

Why did Jesus choose to climb a mountain?  It took him away from the masses, gave Him some “alone” time, if you call His time with His Father alone time, it allowed Him the ability to focus intently upon His prayers and conversation with the Father.  Our journey up the mountain can provide us with the same opportunity to focus, not just on our footing and the path we need to take, but more so on our life with the Father.  Use this time to give things to Him that you might normally tend to horde to yourself.

Crack the façade for just a bit and allow Him in deeper than you normally do in your everyday routine I do not think He will disappoint you.  Keep climbing, up above the tree line, move higher and get as close to God as you possibly can.  Do beware of lightening strikes though.  Jesus found this trek, yes it is lonely, but not so if you consider your constant companion, He is forever at your side and supportive, trust in His decisions and know He is never wrong.

This time with God is like no other that you can experience here on earth.  Having lived many years in mountainous country I think I can understand some of Jesus’ desire to seek His Father from the mountain.  There is a unity one feels in that environment of Mother Nature, not just with oneself, but with the unseen, the untouchable, yet you know it is as close to you as anything could be, it grows as your faith grows in Him.  To the unbelieving is not understood.  This time is to be cherished though and provides us with the opportunities to share with God in an uninterrupted sort of way that our hectic lives do not allow us to undertake. 

Find your mountain and develop that bond with God that allows you to create a space with Him that will allow grow bigger and stronger, find the time to give yourself to Him, the returns will surprise you.

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, Matthew 14:23

Go in Peace

Blessings to you all

