Friday, November 13, 2015


Hello Family let us pray,

Dear Heavenly Father we offer thanks for the blessings You have heaped upon us this day.  Father we stand proudly as Your servant ready to do the work of the Kingdom, from whatever ability we have we are here to help You and others.  Keep us strong and healthy Father so our work may continue.  For those who are weakened, may be sick, ill, or injured we ask that Your healing hands return their bodies to full strength and sharpen their minds so they may again fulfill their duties for Your Kingdom.  Father we pray for our brothers and sisters who struggle in one way or another, be it a job, finances, or marriage, or something else, You know the situation and the facts and we pray for Your intervention to light their path and guide their way to a less stressful point in this life here upon earth.  Father we pray for those who yet have found a savior that they may discover or be led to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and come to know Him as we do and fully understand the greatest of sacrifices He has made for all of us on earth.  Father we stand strong in Your name ready to perform in whatever manner You call for our talents.  In the name of Christ Jesus we offer these prayers to You on this day…..AMEN.

Welcome again Family, what a perplexing day, for as I start to write this our forum is down again, I pray it is simply growing pains as the new location evolves for us.  Yes we’ve had reports that it will occasionally go down for some, but it seems to be down for many right now, pray it comes back to us soon.

In this wild world in which we live, we all too often find ourselves just sitting and watching….almost wasting time, watching it go by.  It reminds me of an older couple, who lived maybe in the mountains of Colorado somewhere.  One late fall night, they had a nice fire going and they were sitting there, just “whiling” time away.  Then the wife turns to her husband and she says, “Hon I think it is raining outside, why don’t you get up and go check.”  The old man continued to gaze that the flames of the fire, then said, “Ma, why don’t we just call the dog in and see if he’s wet.”

Sometimes our laziness can get to be a bit overwhelming for us.

Who knows who John Wesley was?  He is credited with being the founder of Methodism.  He was born in 1703 and died in 1791, dying at the grand old age of 87.  He travelled much of England, Ireland, and North America on horseback, preaching outdoors to many in his lifespan….in fact over 250,000 miles on horseback…that would be an average of 20 miles a day for 40 years.  He preached some 4,000  sermons, wrote 400 books, and knew at least 10 languages.

At 83 he became annoyed that he could no longer write for 15 hours a day, that his eye sight just would not stand that kind of rigor.  At 86 he was heard to complain that he no longer was capable of preaching twice a day.  In fact his diary indicates there was an ever increasing desire to just lie in bed in the morning….rather than rising at an “early hour” he would languish in bed until 5:30 am.

What a man, a work-a-holic by today’s terms and beliefs no doubt.  However, how much time do we waste each day.  There is so much work yet to be done in God’s Kingdom and for God’s Kingdom….think about that the next time you find yourself idle….yes there is much work to do…..decide today….to do something.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all



CC Notes for 11-12-2015

Here are my notes from last night's soon as the forum is back up I'll post them there as well....enjoy.



*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes from Thursday 11-12-2015

Tonight we are going to talk about the security that abounds is the only reason for the conversation that we are going to have. 

Do you remember the original 1, 2, and 3?  Number 1 was security, what Dr. Shabibi wanted….the top priority.  Yesterday when we showed you the article from 2012 from Dr. Shabibi right before he was kicked out of the CBI, due to false accusations by Maliki….he had to run….the article said some things about the 50k note that would only be worth $43….how can that be…but it’s only going to be marked as a 50 IQD…..well what we taught you yesterday is what we have are two completely different categories one is the 50 and 100 notes….LD’s….introduced by the end of the year….according to the IMF……then a second category….completely different category….we were wrong about this…and we corrected this yesterday…..this is about a 50k note and they released it today…..remember I even spoke of the dimensions…..why did I give those dimensions….to show you they aren’t LD’s…..yes it is a “lower class” it is not going to be used by the citizens….it won’t be used outside of Iraq….a completely different animal…..for many the light bulb went off.  Don’t get depressed that they added 000’s…..of course they did….we explained this yesterday.  They are working on the RI….we made ti clear that the RI has nothing to do with the exchange rate or the value….the currency is being poised.

The currency of Iraq is poised for 2016 but boy is it ready for 2015….you need to understand that foundation as we move forward.  It has been a long drought….I bought mine in 2004.  But in the last 2-3 months there has been a downpour, like we are in a rain forest, everything is wet…..thank God we got rain……understand this rain in 2015 has to give us crops…..but do you think overnight the seed will grow….we knows….some can grow in a few days….therefore KTFA Family the IQD is poised with the CBI and Dr. Shabibi and  the GOI for 2016….but it is so ready for 2015.

Don’t forget about the Lone Ranger and the silver bullets because this is important…..I think….before we see anything…..don’t forget who the Lone Ranger is or what the silver bullet is….we talked of this first over 2 years ago….I told my staff of our expectation of seeing the LD’s by a date in November…..same as we have an expectation of seeing Maliki arrested soon….don’t forget these things.

Don’t forget about the 7-10 days….don’t be greedy….remember what we have been teaching you for years……here is an example of what I’m talking about….someone asks “who is the Lone Ranger”  I can’t keep going back to review….go and look at your notes, the notes from the CC’s to get you up to speed.

Understand we are in an RI…that it has nothing to do with the value of the currency.

IMO….we are not going to see anyone or anything until we see Maliki arrested and other bad people too…..very soon.

You understand that adding value to the IQD is poised for next year but ready for right now….even though they are ready right now we still have some things that have to grow.

Now let’s move forward with some new things.

Now that we’ve seen the 50k, you are going to see laws implemented….it is possible that you will not be told about these laws being implemented, because they don’t have to tell us…..I’m going to give you four laws tonight…..the laws are on the books….the HCL is for the citizens….the rest is for international processes….well the laws for the Army too….they are poised for 2016….but ready for 2015.

The monetary reform is ready….you will start to see corruption corrected….every 24 hours we see many new things from our teams…I’ve brought two things tonight.

Security is now at a PhD level…..2 weeks ago I introduced you cyber war fare with regard to security….such as Russian subs getting close to world communications cables…..there was satellite feed that was in Iraq that was being sent into Iraq for functions of that country but it was being controlled by Iran…..Iran is complicated with regard to Iraq… is complex in dividing up the spoils.

Iran is feeding for years under Maliki orders and finances from the CBI…..providing false information to Iraq…..but this is not right….what I just told you is just one of the files of corruption from Chalabi…..who gave the files to the Holy Man, who gave to Dr. Shabibi….who gave it to the GOI….there will be arrests soon from all this…..they are scared….too scared to arrest Maliki… in comes the Lone Ranger and the silver bullet.

This is just amazing….how much of the state’s money that Maliki wasted….the citizens money….he funded this false information with Iraq’s money….all coming from Iran….stop this.

War is ugly….but I find politics to be even more sinful…..when they reinstate the IQD from the program rate that is the process of the RI and we are in that process right now.

Meanwhile the DAWA party is giving Abadi all kinds of grief….about the satellites….it’s in the files….what they stole….so much of the state’s money….we will bust asses….soon…..$50 million dollars per year…..using it for their own political agenda….funded the Iranian Revolutionary Guard…with stolen Iraqi money.  They fed the media….the government owns all media….the three major TV stations….Maliki was paying them all off….they gladly cooperated…you had no idea what was going on….but we came and cleared things….like clearing the table….but now the media has become more friendly….but still the interpretation level is still bad….but that is why we are here together….to study.

I want you to add this satellite info to a pile of laws that is burning bad corruption all over Iraq right now….but we may not see anything….but we say the 50k’s….no we haven’t….the citizens saw the 50k….but only them….we will never see it…..don’t appreciate people who don’t study properly.

This RI that we are in is a “state” a condition to try and take the currency back to international status and what you saw today with the 50k has nothing to do with it…..they called this the RI…but understand….what is the rate….1166….understand they can RI with 1166….it is Article 8 compliance they seek in order to attain international status.

Yesterday I tried to use the Zimbawie currency but that backfired….but we are here to talk about the IQD….let us shift gears and focus on the 50k…..the 50’s and 100’s we’ve thoroughly discussed and nothing to do with what we are doing now…the RI.

So the 50k comes into the world of the Iraqi citizens….not into the international world…..someone posted that Delta is wrong….he said they would never come out with another currency with 000’s on it…..we were talking about LD’s…..this 50k is not about the LD’s or the streets of Iraq….they won’t come out with this as currency for the citizens to use….or even internationally….those would be the LD’s.

What happened yesterday…the 50k came out…they are part of a “lower class currency”….not the LD’s…..the article had translation issues…..look at the the bottom of page 4 of our forum…..because the posts are not numbered…..look what your Admin Aggiedad did….a masterpiece…..he explained the break down of the 50k…..go check this out…..please add this on to the bottom of the notes.

Be careful with translations…..example… article…..they were issuing currency with the evidence of inflation…..”the article is telling you we are issuing these 50k notes as evidence of inflation….no this is the total opposite….so be careful with translations….I’ll help you walk across the street….you need to know the article was talking about the 50k….we should call this a sponge….it has a purpose within Iraq….with the citizens of Iraq….not with the streets, the banks or the international aspects of Iraq…..but didn’t I tell you we have had a drought…but now it pours….this sponge…the 50k….will literally will suck up the rest of the 000’s….this will be what they can use…..this seed will germinate because of all this water…..we will use this now, because they can’t use the USD….they can’t use the 25k, the 10k, because we are introducing the LD’s….the citizens have no choice but to come in and bring in anything they have to get the 50k….if you do this citizens….well actually you have no choice…..hey bank….can my cousin in San Antonio, TX get some of these….no it is not for them….this is genius working…this is Dr. Shabibi at work since July on this….two weeks ago we told you we are so close…..the intel is not being translated properly….but not on purpose.

Be calm, be focused….don’t be depressed, don’t blame yourself….what is happening is the best of times…and there is no worst of times….this goes in the direction we want….not in the negative direction which would be a LOP……this 50k is designed to suck in all the 25k’s and other currency….use this 50k in exchange for a higher rate…..the international world has it….yes that was a deal we made with them…..Frak26….you want a million dinars in 2004….do you know this currency is worthless…but I want to invest in your currency…..I saw what happened in Kuwait….and I don’t want to miss that again….you take my $1,000 and use it how you need….I just bought a stock it is called the IQD….a company called Iraq…it has a dividend which is called an increase in the value.

The 50k is a brilliant step that will move at lightening speed….no Iraq citizen wants to be without money….they are running in.  Let’s do some math…..the citizens say they are lucky to count to 5…..CBI wants you to understand…..btw…the biggest light bulb is about to come on Family…..yes this is Dr. Shabibi…..what can I do for you….let me have those 50k’s….I brought my dinars and I want to exchange them….Dr. Shabibi has new math now….still in the RI….here it is…..6 + 3 = 6…..Dr. Shabibi that is 9….I don’t understand…..well you see….give me 2 of your 25k’s….now what….I’ll give you one of my 50k’s…..each 50k is 3 000’s….2 25k’s have 6 000’s…..ohhh they are removing the 000’s……when the value goes up you aren’t going to use the 50k…..we will give you LD’s for it… may not even have much time to use it… will be all electronic….brilliant action…..this action alone what it is sucking up right now, today and tomorrow…..the monetary reform is poised for 2016…but so ready for 2015….now you understand the meaning behind the 50k.

The US went through an industrial revolution in the 50’s…we had a $1,000 dollar bill, and others….but they were stopped in use…we stopped using the 3 000’s…..just like Iraq is doing now….we used the LD’s that were given to us…the same mirror image. 

Technically the citizens are using the 50k’s but technically not….they are sweeping the 000’s up off the street. 

Dr. Shabibi has been well protected since 2012….his work has continued all these years.

The RI….IMO….will come out at a low rate….then it will rise for the RB…that is why we tell you to wait….7-10 days….maybe 2 weeks….don’t trip over yourself trying to get to the bank.

They did not introduce the 100k….and I pray they don’t have to do that…..the 50k will do the work they have to do.

Let’s continue with more….in honor and glory to our Heavenly Father….when God spoke His word we came into existence in this universe….we are not wired for God’s dimension…..our souls were with God….he sang to us….but then He put us in bodies….who knows for how long….if you see the light at your death you will go to that light…..into a dimension that has nothing to do with our existence today.  You are about to become God’s insurance…and I pray that this money changes your life in a spiritual manner not in a destructive manner….it’s coming whether we are ready or not, whether we are responsible or not.

We told you yesterday….what is the day for 1/1/2016….a Friday…..yes….a Friday….Dr. Shabibi wants to add value at the beginning of a physical year….and he looks for an extended weekend….oh yes he is.

Did I mention that the 50k’s will not be international…..yes you did….did I mention that 6 + 3 = 6….yes you did…..the 50k is not for bank transactions… is for the citizens to use to suck up the rest of the 000’s….to finish the reform of the IQD….the citizens are coming in because they want money….but also because they want to help Dr. Shabibi…..only the citizens will see these 50k’s……they will be phased out when the LD’s come out… the Unity Cards…for the citizens to use….only them…..the 50k note is a reality for Iraq to finish their reform process.

The 50k is a tool…..yes….a tool for internal use….not for international use….it is not the mission to not to add value….the mission is to add value….by removing 6 000’s and replacing it with 3 000’s and that 3 000’s will disintegrate…..the 50k is not the future of the monetary reform… is a tool of the monetary reform….the 50k is wired to completely lift the 000’s off the street and out of the closets.

It is the 50 and 100 IQD that will be given to them once this phase is complete….that is huge….just as the US did with their currency….the 50k will fade into the history of Iraq….the 50k is on a mission….that mission is to pull in the 000’s…..and it will happen extremely fast…..and when it does that….it will retire itself…..remember the IMF wants the 50’s and 100’s out by the end of the year….then Friday 1/1/2016 will be upon us…..the 50k’s are being used for large purposes….specific purposes.

Now I told you the media is friendly but the translations are killing us….their machines…their numbers are not like our numbers….example….an article comes out and says they have trillions….trillions of 50k’s….that is wrong….that is misinformation….from our teams we think this is a translation problem…..I’ve never said this before….IMO…..if we knew how much….if we knew the numbers……IMO….in 2003 delarue was commissioned to print the IQD…..they printed 4.3….it wasn’t trillions and trillions as they exaggerate….many have been lost due to wear and tear…..they say in articles they have 30-40 trillion…..but back in ’03, they only had 4.3 trillion….no they don’t…that would be a LOP….that would destroy the country….the articles say because of hypeinflation….NO you DON’T…..this is an issue with translations and differences in numeric systems….WE ARE NOT IN A LOP situation now…….is the 50k going into circulation….NO….it is for the citizens and banks….to help Dr. Shabibi bring the 000’s in.

One of my favorite Presidents is Ronald Reagan, he had a way of teaching, he called it point by point bullets, bullet points….1, 2, 3….during his State of the Union speeches.

So it is a 50k note…think about this…..another light bulb will come on….how can they say the 50k note will be worth $43….well see the 50k note will be phased out and it reverts to a 50 note which will be worth $43 dollars which will be the same as taking 0.00086 and removing the 000’s and you are left with 86 cents….this becomes a 1 to 1 ratio…..BRILLIANCE… holes in this… problems….nothing leaks from this….because Dr. Shabibi worked with the US to accomplish this…..not with Maliki….not with Allak….no respect with people like these two….who stole from the innocent.

Frank26….you said that Maliki had to be gone to see the LD’s…but didn’t you say the 50k is a LD… it is not….that is why we see the 50k and Maliki is still losse….we might see a simultaneous event though…..hey Dr. Shabibi….you are back….Number 3….you’ve returned…..we are poised for this in 2016….but boy we are ready for it in 2015… as they do this process….the Lone Ranger grabs some bullets because the people of Iraq don’t know how to get rid of the stench….the same stench as Saddam.

In the Middle East you don’t make waves….you survive.

Did you notice they described the 50k note….the waterfall…the size….the colors….why did I do that….why did they do that….WS posted today all this same information….they didn’t have to do that….why…..write this down….this is important….all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father….they describe this 50k…you will never see it.

But for many reasons they release the 50k note…what are five of those reasons:

1.  Add purchasing power of the citizens when they go into the RV stage;

2. Increase the power fo the government;

3. Draw in the 25k notes and other 000’s notes….the 50k will never return, it is on a suicide mission…to collect the 000’s and 00’s….phasing itself out by attrition….like our own 000’s phased out with attrition;

4.  Most important….Dr. Shabibi wanted security for his currency…besides himself and the CBI…..what does this mean….the 25k is the most counterfeited currency on the planet….so they want to collect them….this counterfeiting has to stop before they raise the value….this information about a LOP is false information…this is why the IMF is allowing this monetary reform process to happen right before your eyes…it will cause Iraq to walk a straighter walk with the IMF especially with the international world.

5. The 50k note is also to get the citizens to stop using the USD…this is smart…..all of this is the voice of Dr. Shabibi.  (NOTE: This appears out of place…but felt it important to keep it with what Frank was talking about the reasons for issuing the 50k”

There is a National Guard Law that I told you is the Conscript Law….Abadi just last week paid all the armies….this National Guard Law has put ALL the armies of Iraq under one commander…the Commander in Chief of the Iraqi Armies….the National Guard Law has allowed Abadi to lead them all…even Kurdistan’s Peshmerga….all Iraqi armies….that unity is so important….he got this because of the National Guard Law….Abadi just paid all armies last week…..wait a minute….we the Kurdistan do not want to be a part of you….why don’t we make this a tri-part state…..Abadi calls Barzani on the phone….what’s up Abadi…..Barzani I’m calling you to congratulate you on the offensive with Sinjar….we did good there yes sir….we one…yes we kicked butt….no we are “ONE”….you pay our army….of course I like you Abadi….this town is close to Mosul….this is the same area where the US rushed in to the mountain last year and rescued many who were trapped, something Maliki couldn’t do…..these two leaders….Abadi and Barzani….need to work together….to become as one….both are cooperating with one another….so Abadi uses the Conscript Law to pay all the armies….the union of the Proud Son with the Lesser Son….they have Unity for the new card….one card for all of Iraq….as Iraq shows their unity to the rest of the world…..and this 50k will be seen as a clever and brilliant act.

They are poised for 2016 but ready for 2015…..the goal in the 50k is going to draw in the 25k’s and stop the 25k and 10k counterfeiting… is for that reason that laws are so important….why we keep saying these laws must come in….1 was security 2 was the laws.

When they give you too much information is was to mislead….but not now…..we are poised for 2016…but ready for 2015…and it is needed for this year….but we only have 1.5 months left….how quickly will the citizens finish the project of the 50k….it is on a suicide mission… will save many…but it must die….just as the LD’s have been delivered from a US base….they have arrived….they must go home to the baby banks….Dr. Shabibi’s brilliance will make all this happen.

I want you to know there is one more thing….remember when I told you that IMO we allowed the insurgents to steal certain banks….there was a reason for it….I can tell you now….these dinars that the bad guys stole were in sequences….the terrorists were not that smart…if they try to turn these in…they are busted….whoever turns the currency is will be interrogated to find out who gave it to that person….today Europe broke up a recruiting cell of ISIS….run Forrest run….ISIS will soon be no more.

All that is going on right now…these 1-5 things I gave you…this all falls under the Anti-Money Laundering Law….it is in effect…..the Conscript Law is in effect….the Investment Law was kicked in 2.5 weeks ago…..the next law IMO….you will see evidence of is the Amnesty Law.

(NOTE:  Frank spoke here about reason 5…but I moved it up with the other 4 reasons to maintain continuity of each of those.)

This is going so fast….very fast…..God Bless you, tomorrow I will be with Team Chat…..419-283-2552 if you want to be a part of Team Chat…..things are moving fast….in fact another law that Abadi works on…’s private….because of it’s complexity….I won’t speak on it yet.

The Amnesty Law will be seen soon, within 2 weeks.

When the value changes, you will be changed….I pray it changes you in the direction of God’s Kingdom…..there is honor in choosing and doing the right thing.  If you aren’t doing the right thing, try to figure out why not….then try to correct it…..we need to understand that our relationship with our Creator….1. Acknowledge that He exists; 2. Study His Word…His Doctrine; 3.  Walk the walk of the Doctrine of the Word….to live by the Word….we must find discipline to try and be better, more perfect like…it won’t be reached here, but we pray that we go to heaven to find that perfection.

Ended in prayer.

Below is the post that Frank asked me to copy into the notes, it is a post from WalkingStick and my response to the news article, regarding the 50k notes.......Randy

 walkingstick wrote:
Thursday 12 November 2015 | 18:17 |
Economic Analysis: issuing currency (50 000) dinars evidence of inflation .. The other option for the government


BAGHDAD / .. said economic expert, peace Sumaisem, Thursday, that the issuance of the Iraqi government to coin the (50 000) dinars came an attempt to cover the deficit in the internal circulation by introducing local currency new value and as pointed out that the measure does not mean that the Iraqi currency subject to restructure, expert confirmed that the new currency is not necessary to have versus the dollar in the Iraqi treasury for foreign transactions, being a dedicated local trading.

She Sumaisem for "Eye Iraq News", said the move taken as normal while the government does not have an alternative supplier plugging deficits, and in Iraq, the monetary policy is a fast track, which is required here, the fact that other alternatives require time to show effect, such as investment promotion in industry, agriculture or even the imposition of new taxes, which usually require nearly a year to obtain a real impact. "

Sumaisem also also confirmed that this step can not be counted "positive or negative" but is is inevitable on the Iraqi government being taken does not have another option to resolve the current crisis.

Iraqi currency and exposed to a real test of local and global position, on the back of negative data that gripped the country, from the failure of the project raise zeros, announced over the past years has not been implemented, to the case of austerity and low oil prices, which have left the country's economy vulnerable to variables Mah.anthy 5

Kudos to justinanddeb for showing the way back to the previous pages....what they posted above does work.

Now with regard to the above article posted earlier by WS....regarding the Economic Analysis......the title mentions "inflation"....but I know better, inflation is NOT an issue in Iraq today.....I think it is at 2% or so.....unless they are hiding something from us and I doubt it......this article walks right into what Frank was talking about last is for "local training".....just as he draw in or suck in the other 000's.....and they also are telling you the monetary reform is what......"FAST TRACKING".....that means NOW....TODAY....TOMORROW.......NEXT WEEK, NEXT MONTH.....not next year.....or IMO....after the first quarter of next year.....NOW......they want be even more importantly....they NEED change can they make something happen quickly....make a change in the currency....change the value.....sure they could wait on the investment community...but that could take a year or more....taxes....again long term....the other industries....they are all stuck in low's not coming back quick enough either.....currency is the answer....adding value to that currency....that is their key....yes they have tried in the past to lift the 000's....Dr. Shabibi tried in 2010....again in 2012....they've failed though each time for lack of security.....well Abadi is telling us now 100% security.....put Maliki in a noose and watch what how quickly things "pop"....."FAST TRACKING" for it to get even faster...IMO.

Thanks WS for finding this.

