Friday, February 5, 2016


Hello Family let us please pray together,

Heavenly Father our hands and arms are reaching out to You on this day offering thanks for so many blessings that we encounter today.  Father you are forever our strength, You are the pillar upon which we need to see our life.  Protect us Father, feed us, clothe us, and guide us Father for it is Your light that we know shines the proper way for us.  Urge us gently back to the path You select for each of us Father when we attempt to wander, keep our vision focused on that which You know is right for the season we are in today.  Father we pray for healing of those we know to be sick or ill, we ask for Your favor to bring strength to those who need some type of physical or mental boost in their lives and maybe within their family, wrap Your protective arms about us Father and let us feel Your warmth and love.  Father help us to be the best stewards we can be with all that You rain down upon us, the many blessings that we in turn need to be more open about and sharing with one another.  Help us Father to see we are no different than the homeless, we are each your children, help us to know we can get along even with those who do not profess any knowledge of You at all.  Our differences are small compared to the worldly issues You touch each day.  May we be made stronger because we know You to be the source of all our strength, today and every day… the name of Your glorious Son, Christ Jesus…..AMEN.

Welcome again Family what exciting times we seem to be facing.  I know I have claimed that more than once in my posts and I still am astonished at all we see happening, yet here we are together yet, I know God has a purpose for us, a greater purpose that He prepares us for; teaching as He does through the life of His Son Jesus who walked with us on earth.

For those who have been with us for a few years you might remember my beautiful bride and I took a vacation through parts of Germany where we and our friends visited a number of castles, some quite large, like the Heidelberg Castle, and a number of others that were quite smaller.  They all seemed to have one thing in common though in how and where they were constructed.  It seems at least one major wall or section was positioned over what seems like an insurmountable hill or mountainside.  This was probably done so they would not have to guard all of the walls with soldiers.  There are times though when that method of defense has proven to be in err.  The Edinburgh Castle in Scotland comes to mind.  It has one such wall and yet it was here where a conquering army chose to send a small group to scale and surprise the inhabitants which they did taking them all in capture.  Where it was believed to be the strongest, the castle may be at its weakest.

Have you ever read these words….."There is perhaps no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive. Even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility"…..maybe not…..they come out of the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin….sage words though he speaks.  I will venture that each one of us struggles with pride in our lives, I know I do, in fact the best of the best probably struggle more so than the rest, and they may not even be aware of the struggle….that is sad…but true.

We all walk among an enemy who has a goal to see us stumble in some way, especially so when it appears to be an area where we seem to be the strongest.  Think of a highly paid professional basketball center who is known for making great shots….even the greatest of us humans have our moments, did you see him bounce the ball off his foot, many are quick to point out that mistake, that “stumble” if you will.  Sometimes we get so “seasoned” at watching for the “stumble” we fail to see the good that was done, or to acknowledge their effort when they blocked a shot on the other end of the court.  Yes indeed it is a TEAM effort and we should be acknowledging the good things and trying not to dwell to long on the “stumbles”…..they can be righted, especially with the right kind of support.

Don’t put all your hope in what you perceive as your own strengths, you will be let down…..don’t even put your hope completely in the strengths of others…again you will be let down…..where then should we turn….there is and always will be only one answer… the Lord….He is our true strength, now and always.

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.  Proverbs 16:18

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all



CC Notes from Thursday 02-04-2016

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes from Thursday 02-05-2016

Let’s get started Family with our discussion on the Iraqi IQD.  Tomorrow is Friday and there will be no TEAM Chat.  We believe that next week you will see the NEW WEB SITE and inside of the new web site will be an area that deals with KTFA PREMIUM….where we were charging $15 per month for Premium, we are now reducing it to $10 per month….and what we are going to do is try to get it going into the second week of next month.

If you don’t know what TEAM Chat is all about, my TEAMS and I look at what information we have at that moment….at that time frame and determine what it is that we want to share with you the following Monday… is left with me to make the final decision on what we share….so you who have PREMIUM get a little sneak peek at what is coming.

Also, you know Ray Brooks, we’ve asked him for data and information and what we are getting from him will also be available inside of PREMIUM to help you about asset protection.  There will also be other things we put inside of KTFA PREMIUM to make it worth your $10 effort… be honest with you to get the opportunity to see what we are working on as a TEAM is worth it….is worth the $10….about .33 cents per day.

Announcement #2:  Next Monday, we are going to have a guest, remember Blue Star, well he is going to be with us….you know why….John has worked on 6 presidential campaigns going back to the days of John F. Kennedy…..and right now we are very close as you know to picking the Democrats and Republican sides…..John is very close to a lot of these politicians….he’s been interviewing some of them the last few days and we are going to have John come for about 10 minutes and give us an update on the political status of where we are at right now with this presidential race.

Now as far as our investment goes I am a little handicapped here, but instead let me go with the internal… see what I do is I take WalkingStick’s information and we line it up and in between we sandwich maybe a few pickles, a little mustard, a little catsup, some lettuce and that way you have a complete meal not only with what you read in articles but also what our TEAMS can share with you at that time.

I want to talk about something I mentioned yesterday, what is a shorter distance…..a straight line….or a crooked line….now the reason why we explained pretty thoroughly yesterday….we asked you to take out a map of Iraq and we wanted you to look at the line between these cities and where it is headed to….we even gave you the attack prong positions and how far outside of the city we were and now you know that yeah Fallujah is kind of busy right now….and because they are…..we don’t talk about it….we are not going to talk about Fallujah or these other military activities….we may talk a little…..for example either tomorrow or the next day you will see Iraq talk about their new jets.

The Iraqi citizens have been doing something and we’ve been telling you….that’s the pickle, the lettuce, the catsup…the extra stuff in between the articles that you already know about…what we are seeing is the citizens are uniting with Sistani as we have told you…..Sistani is the Holy Man and you do not disobey him… he went from his request to his Fatwa which is a demand or order and the next thing you know Abadi turns to the government and says…..guys I’ll see you….you are on your own…..ya’ll do your thing ok, because I have to go work with the reforms.

Now the reforms are going to start where….with money….from where…..well the GOI has some but not enough…..where is the most…where do you think…..who has the potential to make the most….actually they both do….but the GOI is mainly for the citizens.  So Abadi is busy right now….IMO….working on reforms….he left Parliament on its own… fact we have all been saying over and over again how we need confidence to be built in Iraq….well not really….it is needed in their currency….everyone knows Iraq is a beautiful girl that has a lot of potential and every suitor wants to marry her and every suitor is buying her the biggest diamond ring…engagement ring….but every suitor has to get in line until she says yes… the Iraqi citizens are working closely with the Holy Man to get a message to the GOI and CBI and Abadi heard the message loud and clear…..and Abadi is doing his thing while the GOI is pretty much doing their thing too….we will talk about it briefly tonight.

Look I told you that Abadi’s buttocks, his cheeks, are very red right now because he’s sitting on a hot seat….I’m not going into all that because we’ve talked about it on Monday and yesterday….and those were good calls weren’t they….all honor and glory to God and to our TEAMS.

Abadi’s on a hot seat so he is moving quick…..and it’s not because he is scared of the laws or the IMF….he’s scared of Sistani, the Holy Man…..he got a Fatwa slapped in his face, in person… they are doing a lot of things and the fear that was put into Abadi is also all over Parliament because those ministers are sitting there saying, my butt’s burning too.

The citizens they also have a fear, but their fear is not the same type of fear as Abadi feels, because he is the one in charge, he is the man….I’m in charge of KTFA….if anything goes good all honor and glory to everyone and God….but if anything goes bad….where’s Frank….he’s sitting with Abadi.

Iraq citizens are pulling their money out of the banks for FEAR of bankruptcy and for FEAR their banks are about to shutdown….well I mean….not really….but it sounds good doesn’t it.

Hey citizens why don’t you do some business with the banks here in Iraq…..I FEAR putting my money in there and not having them raise the value and me not getting the credit for it…..I FEAR going into the banks and they take my money and I never see it again…..I FEAR the banks and the GOI and the CBI they are all lying to me….I FEAR if I do not hear, then I’m going to have to FEAR Sistani because he wants me to FEAR.

So yeah there is a dressing, there is an attitude….there is a reign of FEAR….everywhere….on both sides of the fence.  You got our guys fearing they are going to get their butts kicked….then you got the citizens saying…..we got Sistani who we FEAR, so we want to tell you guys that we FEAR you….and this is working good.

The confidence in the Iraqi dinar needs to grow….inside of that country…..with the citizens because….I don’t want to say they are a delay….but the citizens are never going to cooperate….no matter what you offer them, green stamps, appliances, they will say no to it all….just raise the value….everyone knows that….even Bigfoot….what do you think…should they raise the value…of course everybody knows that.

The confidence with the currency of Iraq inside of Iraq it sucks….and outside of the country of Iraq….we are waiting for it to stop sucking….in fact the IMF also says….we cringe at the idea of the citizens with their attitude….what attitude….they don’t want to do anything with the banks….do you know how dangerous that is….IMF just lift the value and everything will be ok… don’t think that is what we’ve been asking Abadi and the CBI to do…..we know but you guys basically went in there and took over and we put troops in there and we basically took over and we put T-walls around the city and we built a moat around it….and we got the borders secured with our soldiers and we are ready to go….so what is up…..nothing is up….in fact we the IMF would like to make a suggestion….what a suggestion another one…..well not to Iraq….what do you mean….we want all emerging economies…..oh you mean like Iraq and Iran….yes….we want all emerging economies to reduce their foreign exchange war chests… they can use their own currency….well yeah….and if they do this then there is the greater possibility of them raising the value of their currency….but first they need to obey….first they need to put their socks on and then their shoes….first you got to stop using other people’s currency and use your own….and then you raise the value… it….and what we want to suggest….we the IMF….we want to suggest to all emerging economies….no you don’t….you just want to suggest to Iraq….no to ALL emerging economies….ok…Iraq….we want them to stop using foreign currencies….you’ve already told them this over and over again….well we said we are not telling Iraq….we are suggesting that a lot of countries do that….whatever.

Mcdan….a member of our forum made a post today that really caught our eye…you see this FEAR that is inside of the country with the citizens and outside of the country with us….it is also within us when we think about their banks too….for example how do you feel about Warka… you investor of the Iraqi dinar have something in common with the citizens don’t you.

Meanwhile Parliament who was left alone by Abadi….IMO…..because Abadi is busy with the reforms…meanwhile Parliament Integrity….you saw what they did, you saw the report, they opened the corruption files dealing with large financial thievery and corruption…..well good for you Parliament….you are doing something aren’t you ….well yeah we were left alone….so we are opening up the files and we are committing cannibalism….I suppose you are eating each other up….but I would rather call it phagocytosis (gotcha Frank…smile)…..what I’m describing is a state within a human cell…there is a structure that exists for when something goes wrong with a cell the capsule breaks and destroys the cell so the cell does not mutate and reproduce itself…it’s a back up for a back up….God was smart He knew we were going to put garbage in our bodies….so when I say the GOI is in a state of phagocytosis, they are in a state of killing themselves within themselves….because they have to.

Fear, trust, confidence….and Parliament who is most corrupt is actually opening files and pointing fingers at one another saying…BANG….we don’t need a gun though….you are going to leave right…..yeah I’m leaving….because they don’t want to stick around for the consequences…..what are the consequences….HiHo Silver.

Now we returned in the middle of last year and literally flattened the living daylights out of the enemy….and in doing so it allowed what we were looking for… allow a lot of things….to allow the Monetary Reforms and other reforms to continue….of course we couldn’t talk about it and we didn’t talk about it….until they told you certain things….Ramadi….yes…..Fallujah….we will talk about it….Mosul….we will talk about it….Baghdad….we will talk about it.

So the US comes in and we rescue everybody and we give them all the credit but we also start getting INTEL… remember I told you….why don’t they arrest Maliki….you realize that is a great source of INTEL…..they are so stupid they will turn on each other.

Before I leave the IMF….yeah they want them to reduce the foreign money….and they also said….look….do me a favor…..what IMF….Iraq do me a favor….are you talking to us…..oh I’m talking to you emerging economies….we want you to spend money on  your infrastructure and less on defending your currency….oh yeah you are talking to us….alright we will work on it.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Planning…..we are back at the Parliament again….he comes out and says….Jubouri wants to talk…the Minister of Planning… that we are pointing fingers and we’ve given ourselves this phagocytosis to everybody….tell you what….I’ll give up my immunity….you want to look under my armpit….look under my mattress….knock yourself out, in fact, all these deputies, all these ministers….let’s just lift all their immunities….well that is basically what we are doing sir……oh ok, just thought I would suggest it…..yeah they will check him out too….because the INTEL has been pouring in from Maliki’s goonies….in fact there is a list of a lot of people who are ready to be arrested….in comes the Lone Ranger again…..HiHo Silver….do you need me…..yeah….we are done with Maliki.

Meanwhile Maliki finds himself under house arrest by the US….gotcha sucker….you know how serious that is….when did we invade Iraq…..remember who we found in the spider hole…..guess what…..they found Maliki in another hole.

I told you yesterday Family….give me a direct line of cities….that can only lead to the Monetary Reform….do you know how close these cities are… their target……they are coming back to Baghdad.

Quote from Frank26, “February will give us March, or nothing at all”….and I kept telling you on Monday twice and it went in one ear and out the other….no posting….no nothing….I’m going to say it one more time…..FEBRUARY 8TH… a point in time when our atomic clock is ticking towards….because after that date you are going to see a plethora of many things.

Look I also respect Backdoc, Thunderhawk, and Pappa-J…..but I do not study with them… you understand….as far as the TTP goes….I know it….I understand it….of course you are going to increase economies which is going to increase their currencies and their GDP’s when you trade….they won’t just trade goods….they will trade their money….exchanging hand to hand….using it back and forth…..only as confidence….I’ll be darned….only as trust….I’ll be darned….only as stability….I’ll be darned…..only as values to the currencies….but that is a few years from now.

Right now is the Iraqi dinar….and maybe one or two other ones.

Now I am pleased about the TTP signing and getting going….but without action there is no logic….but I would tell you to pay attention to what they are giving you….understand what is going on over on the other side of the world….because what is going on….IMO….what is going on right now in the ME… going to all over the other side fo the world in a year or two….please make sure that you understand I said in my opinion.

I’ve been telling you since Monday…..FEBRUARY 8TH is important and when you see all these things that have been laid out….oh my goodness….there are some serious things happening….wouldn’t you agree Family.

I want to take you to a post that Aggiedad did today….this post that Aggiedad did….he was commenting on the house arrest of Maliki….he took the article and made a comment about it and made me think…..he’s either talking with me too much….oh yeah he understands…..I know you read it….but for those of you who are not members of our forum check this out…..again this is because all of a sudden there are a lot of bad guys being pointed out at the GOI and Maliki gets a house arrest….and by who…..the US….because both Abadi and Sistani asked the US if we could help them with Maliki….and we told you when they asked for that help.

Aggiedad says you know something, is this the “In The Still of The Night” moment….notice this was supposedly published at ZERO hour on the 5th….the US troops were “confidentially” deployed….does that reek of in “The Still of The Night” to anyone else……ahhh yeah Randy I don’t know how you came up with this…..we agree with you and that is why I am reading this….again you hang around with us too much….but yeah….there is so much happening in the hours that the Western world sleeps.

So Maliki is under house arrest surrounded by American troops….oh what a slap in the face….yeah….the arrest orders for Amer and Shahristani…..two of Maliki’s key thugs in crime….where are the other 68….you can bet those boots on the ground have them in target sights….I can only imagine and hope….Aggiedad if you listened on Monday….of course you did….we said to the Family we need them to pray for mysterious assassins….I can’t tell you who they are….but I can give them that title and you can pray for God knows who.

He continues….the most high corrupt….crooked line is becoming much straighter….so straight in fact that a quarter may bounce back up from it back into your hand….the precision of the US military....put these clowns in orange suits and have them march ahead of the army headed into Mosul…oh wow Randy….let them try and remember where they planted any explosive devices along the way….I think there is one….BOOM….oh never mind….oh we forgot that one….please do walk more carefully.

So enough with the hodge-podge militants….keep your flags under wraps….let the Iraqi flag be the only one seen….let it send the message we are to be reckoned with….from within or outside of Iraq….Iran take your “up your” attitude and sit on it…..yeah they all have to wait don’t they Aggiedad.

A 48-hour deadline….oh that takes us ever so close to the 8th of FEBRUARY….so what if we are just a tad bit early…..we can be early can’t we….oh what a shock to the system….SURPRISE….SURPRISE….SURPRISE…. we are home honey…..SHAZAM….Gallee.

The author of this article must come to our conference calls…he says he wrote an article the middle of last month and spoke of the Americans returning….oh yes we mentioned that a few weeks ago on our CC….return to what….run Iraq again….keep Abadi he’s a good guy….he’s a little slow but he’s a good guy.

I don’t think the Americans care too much how many provinces that Iraq may end up being divided…..and that is a very good point Aggiedad…..I agree with that….in fact even scripturally it said they will be divided into three parts….so if we did we would have done that 12 years ago….so just pay us for the war….raise your rate….bring your citizens up in stature….put your country on the map….quickly…quickly….and don’t be slow about it….yes the Americans are back.

Finally, did you notice that Frank was excited about February into March….Ramadi….Fallujah…..Mosul….straighten that line….look sharp….be strong….then be stronger….and above all Keep The Faith Always….for the BEST is yet to come….Aloha….Randy.

I agree with you sir, in this month of February especially after the 8th, the information will be poured out into the international world and it will be rather interesting….many agencies will make decisions and make claims about Iraq….many banks will come out and say….hey look at me I am scot-free….I have come back home Baghdad….and you are going to see more peace….more harmony……the place will always be a cesspool….until they clean it up…..but the citizens are the ones who will get rid of the cesspool….the citizens don’t have money yet….but the citizens are about to….they are not only about to start receiving their pay for their work….but also their retirement after all those years of working….but they are also going to start making money like you….excuse me… look for a capital gains don’t you with your dinar…yeah… don’t think the citizens are also looking for a capital gain….but not from the dinar….a dinar is a dinar is a dinar….but what makes the dinar….their oil….they look for a capital gain from their inheritance from their oil….and they know it is coming….and that is why they keep at bay about everything….working with the banks….they could have torn the place apart… me….but they haven’t….the whole international world could have turned to Iraq and said….”Up Yours”….you ungrateful piece of land….but they didn’t.

Dismissed with a prayer.