Tuesday, February 2, 2016

CC Notes for Monday 02-01-2016

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Monday Night 02-01-2016

It is time to switch to the second part of our conference call, our investment.  We have a lot to talk about tonight….what am I going to share with you….first of all we will obviously cover the things you know about….the things you read about…..the things we posted about….things that WalkingStick brought to you…..AND….we are also going to fill in many gaps….giving it to you of course as I always do….IN MY OPINION…..with that said let us move forward and start studying what is going on.

Family the CBI right around Thursday going into Friday….they made some moves….and there is a good sound reason for these moves….but I want to tell you that it was around that time that our TEAMS found out that they were about 2 or 3 days away from taking the recommendations that were given to them from the IMF and many other agencies they are working with right now and move forward with the solution to their liquidity problems in Iraq.

DELTA and I talked and thought good gracious if they do this there is only one way and that is to lift the value of their currency….so these guys are very serious about taking the recommendations of the IMF and fulfill the solutions to many of their problems….paying debts to people…..the deficit in their budget…..all the bad things that are going on with Iraq right now with their reforms…..2-3 days….well that would put us right about now….today.

It is of no exaggeration when we say there was a lot of activity and WalkingStick put out some very powerful articles that had some equally powerful statements.

Now what I want to do is bring in the rest of the colors of the spectrum so we can see this full rainbow with our INTEL…..Sistani, the Holy Man, and we’ve been really hitting upon the Holy Man haven’t we…..there is a reason for it and now you know why…..in fact I even showed you the WSJ article where the Holy Man of Iran went to the Vatican….we are trying to show you something….we don’t need to show it to you anymore…..Iraq’s Holy Man, Sistani, you saw yesterday there was another Holy Man that got on the case of Abadi…..Family we have been trying to show you, say to you without really saying it…..in Iraq there is no greater law that the word of the Holy Man….his voice is the voice of their god…..Sistani….every Friday as we have been teaching with you and sharing with you….gathers at certain corners with citizens….and has actually been growing….you talk about the million-man march….well this might be close to it….and what do they do….do they protest, do they break things, do they set things on fire, do they shoot people….no….they discuss among themselves….and they can be heard by those who have to answer to them…..the politicians….and more have come to listen because the talking has become very loud….they like to use megaphones.

They will….IMO….avoid a financial collapse….and there will not be any bankruptcy….and even if Kurdistan tries to say we are going to go bankrupt…..please….it’s not even Kurdistan that is saying this…..it’s economic people who think they know what they are talking about and they seek their 15 minutes of fame….so they create an article that is popular within the streets….not with the agencies that are working on the Monetary Reform of the currency of Iraq.

We’ve tried to tell you that unless we bring it to you….and I’m not trying to imply that “it is only Frank’s stuff that is important”……it is because we have put it through the ringer, we have filtered it, we have done a lot going through seven layers….if we bring it to….if WalkingStick brings it to you….you think the man is wasting his time….so don’t waste his time by not reading what he is bringing to you……we said last week believe 100% of what you read and only 50% of what you go over there to see with your own eyes.

So while this was happening over Thursday-Sunday, they….they being the CBI….they said look citizens we need you in here….hey Sistani you got these guys all riled up…..give me that megaphone….guys we will give you 18% what do you think of that….get into our banks….now…..ok…..Sistani already told you to get in and you aren’t paying attention to him…what do you think about 18%….up yours….says the citizens to the GOI and the CBI….well what if we up your rate….and I really feel that is what they are doing.

The 18% is just another tool to supposedly lift the 000’s….but that is ridiculous….they don’t need to lift any more 000’s….physically….they only need to lift the 000’s from their exchange rate….and they know this.

A guy comes in and he deposits one million IQD….you are trying to tell me that you are going to be able to pay the 18% on that….you know what 18% is on a million….you know you can’t….so why tease the citizens…..well we are not teasing them we are trying to work with them, trying to tell them there are a lot of things that are great for them, we got these 50k’s, 100k’s, we got this gold we are going to sell them….we got these beautiful bonds we are going to sell them…..we’ve got this 18% interest….what is it in the US now, maybe 1.5% if you are lucky….if you have an annuity at 3%...woohoo….you are making some money honey.  So 18%....is that out of desperation…..or….is that a proclamation of the size of what you are about to do.

The IMF agreement has agreements with the CBI and they said….look GOI you guys have to help them lift the restrictions on the currency….in other words pass some laws…and that is what we’ve been telling you over and over again.  In fact the Investment Law….that is a good one….we need investors to come and know they have freedom to use their capital and to know it is not frozen especially at some program rate.

Sistani can you just tell the people one more time…..you aren’t going to tell them again are you…..are you mad…..you didn’t get coffee this morning….so Sistani is with the GOI…..technically.

Our flavor of our CC’s is nothing like what you find anywhere else….and you know that….so get ready.

Sistani is angry and he’s gotten the people together and he’s talking to them….in fact four provinces in Iraq right now where the citizens are doing this Martin Luther King style of demonstrations and it is working…..because they are not doing anything stupid that would cause them to be arrested or killed…..what they are doing is using the voice of a very angry Holy Man….holy cow Batman.

The high ranking officials of the government and the CBI have been in a meeting at the Presidential Palace…you mean extra meetings….yeah….to solve these problems….so there’s an acceleration of the implementation of the reforms, especially the Monetary Reform…yeah.

The CBI is saying….look we took care of the recommendations that you gave us and we are using them…..excuse me…..we are using the recommendations of the IMF and we are acting upon them right now….are you securing the borders…..yes in fact we will have the taxes and tariffs very soon….in fact we meet with the Kurdistan on Saturday or Sunday and we are going to talk about it with them….and you are oing to increase the value of your currency….well that is our plan in order to break our deficit because we really don’t know any other way…..we can sell some of our property but we don’t want to do that….we can sell our gold but that would be dumber than selling our property…..look we take the recommendations and we are working…..and this is the CBI saying this…..they said we will make the IQD more attractive….I’m not creating these words….I’m not giving false hope….I’m not misleading anyone.

Sistani warned the GOI and Abadi….with the citizens….in the streets….on the corners backing him up….there’s Sistani….there’s the people…..look we are tired of hearing about it…..we want to touch it….that is heavy INTEL…..when you look at Iran who got their SWIFT Codes set up just this last week…..it was two years ago that Iraq set up the SWIFT Code system…..by the way I really think that Iran is going to free float….but we will talk about that some other day.

The GOI is desperate to the point where they said…..look we got all this property….the GOI is trying to figure out ways to raise money in order to qualify for the reserves to support their budget….now you see the GOI has their money and their reserves….and the CBI has their money and their reserves….but they are not against each other….they are working together….the CBI needs laws that the GOI has already passed…..so they thought….what if we take some of the property from Saddam Hussein….there is at least $150 billion dollars of property they can sell….that they are considering to sell…..they only considered selling for like 5 seconds…..70 of these properties were Saddam’s…..the guy bought everything brand new….the best of everything….stole the best of everything….but no….that’s not going to be enough liquidity…..it’s not….no it’s not…..and I don’t think Iraq wants to sell it’s heart and soul….the way the US sold it’s heart and soul to Japan from 1990 to 1999.

The open private sector….or in other words the citizens are encouraging investors to come in through  the encouragement of Sistani….the voice of their god…..the voice of the GOI is the same voice of the CBI…..it’s just not working….well it is now….but it is sad you are forced to push them up to the very edge of the cliff where I told you….on their tiptoes, leaning forward with their arms wide open….where just a little gust of wind would do it…and sure enough the gust of wind turned into fear.

The 18% is nice….but even at 100% the citizens are going to say no we have no confidence in our currency let alone our government…..no….no we will not buy anything I don’t care what you try to sell us….leave us alone….no….get rid of the program rate….the citizens are angry….and that Holy Man that is angry….I mean those eyes of his….I don’t even want to look at him.

So citizens as far as opening accounts by the citizens…..look at the stocks….I don’t mean of Iraq….look world wide….they are all on hold….I showed you a WSJ article that said that stocks are looking at the price of oil to make a decision of what to do…pretty cool.

Bonds….why are they offering the citizens bonds when they are not taking them……it’s because these are tools and instruments that have to be set on the table to bring forth the international world….I know….I know the international world does not want to invest in those bonds at no program rate….but….the international world knows that those bonds are there……they know they are working on their Monetary Reform….they know this.  Look bonds are extremely important for a country.

Many of you are calling me and saying you want to buy the Iranian Rial….I don’t say much….but once in a while I will say….what do you know about the Rial…..they lifted their sanctions and they are going to raise their rates….you read that somewhere…..yeah….what’s the rate of the Iranian Rial right now…..I don’t know…..and if you are going to be a student of currency….you shouldn’t fail yourself….example……when I talk to you about currency…..I tell you that my broker and I only sell certain currencies….you can go to KTFAlways.com and you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the banner and you will see that we only sell certain currencies…..I also talk to you in layers and you know that….and every time that I talk to you about other currencies I mention two of them…..look at this….this is the WSJ in the Global Financial Section and what it is telling you is that the country of Mexico is drawing in amazing foreign investors because they are selling bonds….now that is exactly what Iraq wants to do….but nobody is going to buy them at a program rate….and look at the results….the results for Mexico is they are growing….oh but you knew that right because you are a student of currency….why haven’t I shared with you about the Mexican peso….because that is your business.

I’ve been teaching you about the Iraqi dinar….and recently you’ve been asking me to teach about the Iranian Rial…..so be it….it is a currency that is exploding all over the place…because they are selling bonds….the same thing that Iraq is about to do…..but they have to lift the program rate….fascinating isn’t it.

It is the right timing I think….the beginning of 2016….the first half of it…..it is the right timing to see what fear is doing with so many things….people need money in Iraq….people need money and jobs around the world and not just in Iraq….but IMO….it must start with the IQD….I mean that….I feel that…..based on my studies.

Many coalition countries have given much of their economies….of their country…..to be a part of Iraq’s economic future….that is actually very large….and that is why people are so patient and waiting in that long line…..because they have already paid their dues to Iraq….they committed money, time, soldiers….they committed whatever they have and know a reward is coming….if not the flock would have scattered years ago.

There is a target date and I don’t know it and I’m sorry friends….but there is a target date.  The IMF is in contract with the CBI and the GOI together…..there is a target date….and it is being rumored all over Iraq right now….Iraq is on the verge of something happening to the citizens…to the banks….to the Kurds….to Sistani….to the GOI….and there are more….but all are waiting to see the CBI’s next move…..and they said 2-3 days ago they were going to work on that.

The Finance Minister of Iraq and the CBI are with the same contract from the IMF Family…the contract was signed by both the CBI and the GOI it is a binding contract of their reforms….and the Monetary Reform is one of them.

And on January 1st for those of you that say I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting anything….well that’s too bad….because Sistani was….he is one angry Holy Man….which causes fear….in who….everyone….everybody backs off if or when he dares to talk.

Stop the auctions…..no he can’t stop those yet…that is life support….you want to unplug Iraq….if you stop the auctions as much as they need to be stopped….they got nothing….so that is why the auctions are allowed to insult anybody and they continue to do what they are doing….it’s an artificial life system….they will stop them soon because they will be changing the rate….IMO.  When they change the rate the truth can become a reality with the things they are doing….it all just seems so unreal right now.

The Finance Minister, Zebari, is working with the CBI to lift Article 8 by implementing certain things that are in this contract….there is no doubt about it…..the CBI is an independent agency…but in this case….no….not in this situation…..the lifting of the 000’s and lifting of the rate is a symbiotic relationship but they are Siamese twins I told you.

The Minister of Planning if you go to his website….if you are a student…..he says to fix their problem they need to raise the rate to 1 to 1, actually he said a rate of about 1.13 to 1.15 for 2-3 years and then he said, maybe after that time period maybe we can see if we can take it up into the $3 range….you are students aren’t you….interesting huh.

The IMF information is classified right now Family.

ISIS…..Sistani asked for 100 volunteers….do you remember that….last year Sistani turned to the citizens and said….I want 100 volunteers….I want you to go in there and deal with these terrorists….that is when DAASH was first starting to invade.  Well if Sistani can almost at the snap of a finger find 100 volunteers that that Army could not…..did you see that Sistani is doing something with the GOI….I’m sure you did…..of course you did….the moment he did this on Friday and Saturday….woohoo…..rumors exploded all over Iraq within the citizens and even within the banks of Iraq…and count within the Kurds too….rumors were rampant over the weekend.

Sistani says we are on the verge of a collapse….well that is kind of like what Abadi said too isn’t it….isn’t that what the Kurdistan region is saying….yes but do you realize that this time it is the Holy Man who is saying this…..do you realize that to a degree he is telling them to get this thing over with….it’s an emergency….Sistani is talking to the citizens….to the government….this is an emergency….Iraq is not pulling the plug….we are not dead….we are not going to declare bankruptcy….the CBI said we are about to do something to remove these problems and we have a plan….back in December I called it a mission and it was actually a plan…..a plan of what they were supposed to do….this is what they are doing.

I will admit the quicker you can get this going the better for everyone in the long run.

The GOI says it is going to raise the tariffs imposed on the goods coming into the Kurdistan region….between Erbil and Baghdad….no kidding….from that plan from December did you know that was one of the things they had to do….yeah….and the other thing is to raise the value of their currency….well yeah…..they wanted 2% compliance but the citizens rejected that and pushed that back up….well can we at least have the tariffs….yeah you can have the tariffs at the borders….and Kurdistan is cool with this….yeah they are….wow Family…..if you secure your borders how much more secure can you be….red rover….red rover…..let no one come over….except the international world….and when they do….tax the heck out of them…..let’s start making money…..how about you Kurds you got your borders set….cool.

Now if I remember correctly the CBI is saying they are working with the GOI to solve their money issues….and the best way according to their economists is simply to raise the value…yeah….so the CBI and the GOI can add to their reserves to run their country….yeah….and to even be able to fix that deficit in that budget…yeah.

There is a change coming Family and I made a post today about the fact that I compared to what happened in the case of an extinction…it’s called the K Pg….the K Pg is when the life on this planet came to an end instantly….it’s akin to a meteor or asteroid hitting our planet and wiping out all life….but when it did that it brought forth a change….we went into a new species of life that was born and spread rampantly across the planet….oxygen breathing creatures for that matter.

I need for you to understand that KPMG was auditing Iraq and counseling them….they are with Ernst & Young….the CBI is working on the border law with them…they are working on a lot of things.

There is more change coming by the way….Sistani….what he did was he ordered something…it’s called a Fatwa….I need to talk about this, but before I do let me finish this thing that Sistani did after the Fatwa….there are rumors that Sistani said….hey Abadi…..I don’t want you as Prime Minister….welllll…..Sistani might have said that to cause some fear….but in all honesty….Sistani did not say that ok…wink…wink….maybe someone in the crowd said it….Abadi is working like a Tasmanian devil….he is not an easy man to deal with Family.

So Sistani takes this Fatwa and he says to the government of Iraq….get the Fatwa out of the way…because on 1/1 I was expecting something and I don’t see it…IMO….while he’s there he would say….”you got milk”…..GOI you got milk….no we have no milk but we have laws….now we are talking….Parliament will initiate laws that will serve the work of the CBI….look the only work the CBI is doing right now is work to lift the value of their currency….well the GOI is doing laws that will serve the work of the CBI….because they have decided they want to do all of this within the next 2-3 days….so laws are being born left and right….oh all over the place….I mean I don’t think they are going to tell you much about them.

The Budget Law Family is something we talked to you about 3 weeks ago, almost 4 weeks ago…what we shared with you was that the Budget Law and the 2016 budget required that the taxes and tariffs be implemented at all border crossings including the Kurdistan region….and that is why the Kurdistan is working so nicely….they want their part of the budget…..there is so much harmony….so much happening….and in all honesty it is the laws that are triggering all of this….it is the catalyst that is making the precipitate to form.

Meanwhile, the CBI is hot right now….they tell the citizens….stop hoarding the dinars….instead invest in our national bonds….nope….no seriously we are not going to invest in bonds…raise the rate and then we will invest in these bonds.  It’s good to see that these bonds are out….really….but we don’t want them…..I mean really what good do these bonds do unless you raise the rate….we know you are working on this….now go about your business and get this work done….raise the rate.

Now they are telling you about the troops….back in September we told you they are coming in to sterilize the place but we can’t about it and on top of things we are just going to keep quiet and give them the victory….is that ok with you…sure….just bring SECURITY…that was number one…remember….check this out…..New US presence in Iraq to implement the goals and objectives of many things in the coming days….wow…those are our words….who is doing this….the US…what are they bringing….anything and everything….troops….yeah….weapons…yeah….advisors…yeah whatever you want….check this out…”The USA Has New Plans in the Region for Many Purposes and the American Presence Will Increase in Iraq in the Coming Days”….there it is again…three different articles that used that phrase “in the coming days”….one from the CBI about implementing things “in the coming days”….now we see new USA plans….”in the coming days.”

Didn’t I tell you once we go somewhere we don’t go anywhere….we are there forever….you can say we just arrived today….but you know better don’t you….they tell you all this…because they can….the timing is right.

They said the US is coming to exterminate DAASH….did you notice they say DAASH they don’t say ISIS…but that is done….or close to being done…..they will get credit today and tomorrow for what we did yesterday….even though the chronology is 100% wrong….the important thing is that it is the US who is busting the doors down because of plans that were established at a meeting back in December….and the Holy Man…IMO….is busting down some other doors….and telling them what to do now….IMO.

Meanwhile, the economists at the GOI are studying to see if they can reduce the IQD exchange rate from 1182 to 1 to 1…what are the consequences and effects of doing this….to the budget deficit….are you serious….with what we are reading there is no doubt as to what they are going to do….they are going to raise the value of their currency…..do you need someone to tell you that a suffocating man needs oxygen….a lot of the security has been very impressive….did you see what happened with Jordan….they closed the Bank of Baghdad….because they were doing some money laundering with the bank and the CBI and smuggling the laundered money through that Jordan bank….think really hard….about a month and half ago I told you my broker and I are no longer acquiring IQD from a Jordan bank.

You know what this money was being used for….laundering and sexual acts….don’t know if this is true or not…crazy world….yes Pappa-J you did remember, I saw your post, you remembered us talking about this.

So we are all happy on the western front….or we should say we are all happy at the border fronts right now….especially Kurdistan….they came to Baghdad…that is so important….to discuss the final issues of the oil and gas law and the enactment of the HCL….both PM’s agreed to levy tariffs in favor of Iraq’s reserves…and they worked on the HCL….check this out….”Iraq Revives the National Oil Company to End the Dispute with the Kurds”….”Baghdad, the company must be owned by the people by giving the people shares of their inheritance, the company must be owned by the Iraqi people through the stocks, giving each citizen a share in their inheritance….didn’t I tell you the HCL was in the budget…..there is a rider in there….that they are working on it….yeah.

They have to raise the rate because both Abadi and Barzani have come to an agreement that the oil company has to be owned by the citizens of Iraq…why….because the HCL that is in the 2016 budget has four prongs to it….one prong says how much money should the government of Iraq make from the oil revenues….another prong says how much money the companies that come into Iraq to help them produce their oil…how much money should they make, the third prong says how much money the refineries within Iraq should make, and the fourth prong says how much of this money belongs to the citizens….therefore the 4th part of the HCL is there…they just told you, words we can only dream about….citizens inheritance…oh my wow.

Meanwhile, let’s go back to this Fatwa….it was issued by the Holy Man…it’s like issuing an edict….at first the Holy Man just pointed at Abadi and said….lift the reforms…we are working on it….I know you are…but this is November 2015…get it done….then January 1st rolled past and the Holy Man obviously got very mad…well now he didn’t point a finger and he issued this Fatwa….a Fatwa was what they did when they were first invaded by terrorists and the army wasn’t organized so he said give me 100 volunteers….he had them in 5 seconds….Fatwa’s are rare, kind of like Executive Orders but on steroids….because this is their god speaking to them.

In November what he did was demand….I demand Abadi that you do these reforms….then after 1/1, first anger….then the Fatwa…it becomes an edict from the Holy Man….a proclamation….a command…because the command in chief Abadi is not doing it.

Sistani is way above being physical….he’s a Holy Man and that is why I compared it to a Martin Luther King style of what he is doing.  But it is not being done through the Holy Man himself….it is being done by the citizens or his representatives.

Look we believe….IOO….the Fatwa was going to be used to arrest Maliki….but instead it was used in anger at Abadi….as an order….get the reforms finished….that is why I say IMO….there is a target day….no I don’t share it….but I can tell you in my opinion there is a target date.

He did not order the Fatwa for Maliki because in all honesty that was already being done by US intelligence….long before Abadi caught on to what Maliki was actually doing….INTEL is acquired for years.

It’s not the first time we see a Fatwa….but it is the first time we see a Holy Man do it himself….normally it is his representative that delivers the Fatwa…but we found out the Holy Man delivered this Fatwa directly to the GOI himself….it scared everybody really bad….and the Fatwa is always presented in person never on paper that comes later.

So the first Fatwa to fight ISIS has been accomplished….what do you think is going to happen to the second Fatwa….Sistani is mad….yes about corruption…but he’s looking at Abadi saying….knock it off…we know you are working on things…but come on get them done….if not I will order the people to kick butt.

Protests in the streets, led by the Holy Man, back up and get out of the way ministers and GOI.

I remember when Iran tried to tell the Iraqi Holy Man something….he replied back to the Iranian Holy Man….mind your own business.

He’s telling Abadi this is why the citizens don’t want to work with you and the banks….you were supposed to stop the auctions on 1/1…you know very well what is happening on February 8th….you were supposed to get this done…..don’t be slow about it now.

Meanwhile the e-dinar is talked about in the media even though the e-card has been used with the IMF for a long time….they are now going to allow the dinar currency to be electronic…that is good because it is a good way to protect it from forgery….it’s known as e-commerce….but e-commerce also has its enemies….remember what I told you about my own bank account last week, someone was using my bank card in Pakistan….shut it down…that is e-commerce.  For the IQD to be moved electronically on an international basis that is good.

For now it is important to tell you that our troops are pouring in…and that taxes and tariffs are being collected even in the Kurdistan….but I tell you….soldier…..red rover…red rover….let no one come over.

Do we have taxes and tariffs at the borders….yes….do we have our troops protecting at the borders…yes…protecting against Mafioso style business….that game is not played any more.

Pray for assassins…..actually pray for mystery assassins…..they are mystery assassins because they are known by someone….they clean up in Iraq as troops do other things.

Now let’s talk about military because I can…do you remember when we told you many of their leaders were running like crazy….citizens were chasing them….they have no weapons but they got knives and were stabbing them to death….remember we talked about a dam….then we got the dam back and fixed it so they couldn’t blow it up and flood many areas….remember we said they were cornered like rats….look…WSJ….candidates running….I told you she would be there at the end…and wait till you see what else happens with her….then inside the WSJ….it says Iraq Blockade Leaves Residents Starving…that is what happens when you get cornered….then they scattered and ran.

Here is what I need to tell you….Iraq’s Army has now entered into Fallujah battlefield….the US troops are pouring in….and if they tell you they are pouring in…it is because they already poured in…right….here’s the thing….I need for us, as the KTFA Family that studies the Iraqi dinar, I need for us to understand this….the Fallujah battlefield is first….then we can look towards Mosul…IOO it is still within about 2 weeks of work to do within these two cities.

IOO the way that Abadi asked for help from the US….IMO….I believe the Holy Man did the same thing just recently….to override the mess….to do certain things….and to do them Abadi….GOICBI to do these things in however a way you determine you have to do them.

There was a guy yesterday who came out….WalkingStick if you can find this…..there was this guy who claimed he was blackmailed to do corruption he says…..he claimed all of the GOI is corrupt….even Abadi….another reason for the GOI to be scared.

Here is how I will end our conference call….stay focused with me…..IMO….solely….I take the responsibility…..IMO….we are 3 clicks out of Fallujah….and IMO…we come from the north….you need to turn your eyes toward Fallujah….when Fallujah begins military ground we are very close….my TEAMS will start a clock when Fallujah begins….and I believe we are about 3 clicks out of it north….Abadi is a stubborn man…he’s likable  but difficult to work with…..he is sitting on a hot seat right now….both cheeks are burnt red….he’s done impressive things….with reforms…they haven’t told you everything about them yet…and the fact that they are going with the reforms as quickly as possible….and on top of this, he just recently came out and said…..look Parliament, I don’t need your permission, you guys are making me look like an idiot….I got the citizens all around me, I’ve got Sistani down my throat, the US is giving me dirty looks….come on….enough is enough, I don’t need you folks, you work on the laws, I’m going to do what the Holy Man is commanding me to do…this is all because of the Holy Man’s Fatwa and all the extra pressure from every direction, I’m sick of it…yes he’s working on the reforms but which ones….logic says it should be the Monetary Reform….but is it….we don’t know….as a TEAM we are trying to find out.

Earlier I pointed and said that was a squirrel for you….so look….the moment Fallujah starts…the ground attack….I think in my opinion we are close….you didn’t expect any of this tonight did you….I need for you to understand that after February 8th we are going to see many other signs….and obviously the laws are extremely important….number one on the list.

Dismissed with a prayer.


TUESDAY NIGHT Bible Study CC.....you are invited....come excited

The start time will be 7:30 pm EST

Family for tonight, because of the Super Bowl schedule on Sunday, we are going to combine our normal Tuesday Night Bible Study with Andy's First Sunday Prayer Call.

Tonight's Agenda will look something like this:

Opening Prayer and Shofar Blowing

My Bible Study.....but instead of being in Colossians again this week, I have something special planned for you

Frank's Message after Bible Study

Prayer Call

1. ANDY------------------------------------OPENS THE CALL WITH PRAYER AND SHOFAR
2. LENDER---------------------------------CONTRIBUTES
3. STRONGCBM---------------------------CONTRIBUTES
4. ANDY-----------------------------------REQUEST FOR PEOPLE TO COME ON CALL TO SHARE.
5. NANACAROL---------------------------PRAISING GOD
6. DUSTI-----------------------------------NEW PRAISES
7. NANACAROL----------------------------NEW PRAYER REQUESTS
8. ANDY -----------------------------------SENDS PRAYERS TO HEAVEN AND SHOFAR

Please consider coming on the call when Andy asks.
You can ask for prayer, share a favorite Bible verse, share how God has helped you or shown himself to you in your life, sing, anything you want.
We would love for you to participate in your family prayer call.
Think about it!


(641) 715-3640 pin: 156996#
or Skype:
Add freeconferencecallhd.3640 as a contact
then dial/call
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