Saturday, December 19, 2015


Hello Family let us pray,
Heavenly Father no matter the season each of us may be standing in, no matter the trials we may be experiencing You bring gifts each day that we can…through the senses that You have given us experience Your splendor that is showered upon us each day and we give thanks.  Jesus You come into our lives and change our very life from that day forward, thank You.  You left us with wonderful teachings, with words of great power, and demonstrations of many miracles.  From all of this, those that know You attempt to be so Christ-like in what we do, we become a disciple that encourages others to claim You as Lord and Savior.  Witnessing those moments for others is such a joyous occasion, thank You for guiding me in this direction.  Father I have overcome the thoughts that I am not deserving of Your gifts and instead I see the gifts You provide as things that I can share with others at the appropriate time.  I ask that You use Your healing powers with all today that are in need of improved health, protect us from evil and give rise to renewed strength so we may continue to walk in Your ways.  In the name of Christ Jesus…AMEN

Welcome again Family there are things that I witness that to me seem to be God’s plan, sometimes they happen to me, sometimes they happen around me, other times they happen elsewhere and I hear or read about them from others.  But the one thing that is so obvious to me is God’s work with us, for us, or through us far exceeds all that we can ask for or ever imagine.  How strongly we see or feel God working within us is dependent on the power that works within us.
If we am the type that says “I am just average; I am not all that talented; I come from the wrong place or family,” then the greatness and fullness of God’s power is not going to work within us.  The treasures of His power are there, but because of how we allow ourselves to think it stays buried deep within.
It is only when we can see and acknowledge God’s greatness in our life, when we can open our eyes and mind to the way that He sees us, and live by His Word, then we will come to know and see His power working within us.  Do not forget that each of us is created in the image of God.  The treasure that lies within, if it is going to come out, we must develop the attitude, “I have what it takes.”  We must encourage the mindset that we are not waiting for the treasure, we are not hoping to get it one day, we do not catch ourselves begging others to give us a break.  We open our eyes and realize that we are fully equipped, God has empowered us with talent and creativity that will completely fulfill the destiny He knows to be ours.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think...  Ephesians 3:20
Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

