Saturday, December 12, 2015


Hello Family let’s pray,
Heavenly Father today I pray a simple prayer to You, one of great thanks for all You have bestowed upon us in the way of blessings.  Thanks to Jesus for His great sacrifice that sets us free of our sins.  Thanks for His wonderful teachings with the ability to emulate His actions.  Father I pray for recovery that those who have been stricken with illness or sickness will be healed by Your hands, that a blanket of protection is wrapped about them as they heal.  Father we feel very safe in Your hands and arms, protected from the evils of the world.  Let us share our love for you with others who have been less fortunate, allow us to bring them back to You, and may they too find Jesus when they search for salvation.  Father thank You for happiness and guidance on this day.  In the name of my Savior, Christ Jesus, we pray….AMEN

Welcome again Family, it has been an interesting day, sometimes we start looking so hard for something, we peer so hard for something we get frustrated when what we seek isn’t there.  Yes I am talking about this investment.  We search, we seek, we question, we visit countless websites exploring for answers…for proof of some existence of what is sought….only to come up empty-handed again.  How often do we look?  Do you remember the story of Elijah in the Bible?  He prayed and asked God to end their drought.  He then told the people, “I can hear the sound of an abundance of rain.”

Effectually, he was saying, “Despite what we may or may not be seeing today, there is a yes from God in our future.”

Elijah had an assistant that he told to got on the far side of the mountain to check for signs of rain.  He reported back there was no sign of rain.  Shortly after that he sent the servant back out again with the same task.  He returned to report, “There are no rain clouds visible.”  This rebuke a second time didn’t seem to faze Elijah at all, he just kept sending the servant to check again.  Elijah was amazing, he never outwardly showed any discouragement, he never gave up searching…looking for rain. 

Six times Elijah sent his servant, “Go look again.”  Then on the seventh trip, a small cloud was spotted; the servant described it to Elijah as about as big as his fist.  To this Elijah responded go grab the umbrella’s.

Now we got here for me to say this…we all have a common “something” that we believe in, but we all have seen for a number of years that not much was happening.  Some get discouraged, only to be lifted up again by a friendly post, or particularly interesting conference call.  Just like Elijah we are encouraged to not give up….why…..because we have faith…faith in what God has promised.  Many of us have articulated that God led them here to this investment to this forum.  That spirited belief in God assures us that He will do what He says.  Soon He will shower us as He did Elijah....go and get your umbrella and be prepared.

Go and look toward the sea,’ he told his servant. And he went up and looked. ‘There is nothing there,’ he said. Seven times Elijah said, ‘Go back.’ The seventh time the servant reported, ‘A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea...’ 1 Kings 18:43-44

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

