Sunday, December 13, 2015


Hello Family what a joy it is to be a part of this day with you, let’s pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, creator of the universe, without a doubt a creation that can only come from the God most high.  Thank You for the splendid things we have in our lives today.  Father I pray that You will be of a mind today to share many miracles, especially with those who have been stricken in some way that causes them to be weakened and in need of serious help.  I stand with them Father near and far and ask for Your healing powers to protect and keep them warm.  Father we each are fragile in this world we call home, help to keep us strong and worthy to be Your children and share Your treasures with others.  Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to live amongst us.  His perfect life is something we strive for, his teachings we are forever learning, and because of His death upon the cross shedding blood for the sins of this world, we live in thankfulness to His monumental sacrifice.  Father help us in our times of fear and weakness, for with You we are made stronger, bolster us when we are bent or broken, as we know You as God Almighty of Heaven and Earth.  In the name of Christ Jesus…AMEN

Welcome again Family I want to talk about a couple of things today, one at one end of the spectrum and the other at the opposite end.  Without a doubt each person on Earth has been made for a purpose.  Just as was discussed about our God given talents, this purpose we were made for isn’t always clear or easy to discern.  The Apostle Paul spoke of “fragile clay jars” when he was before the Corinthians.  He used this analogy because each one of us is fragile and easily broken and at times we struggle with even the most basic things of life.  Even though fragile, God creates us in unique ways so we may share a treasure with others.  This treasure is the gospel of Jesus, contained in these fragile clay jars so it should be readily apparent to us that our power comes from God not from ourselves.

God intends for our lives to be filled with commitment towards Him, so that what He fills us with flows naturally to others.  The key for each of us to remember is we must give liberally to others so that God will always be refilling us so we never completely empty, nor will we ever be overflowing.  Imagine a clay jar with many holes and from those holes will flow the treasures He wishes for us to share.  What we witness being poured out is love of Jesus.  By continually pouring out the treasures of God we will never have a problem in serving those He wishes us to serve.

We can unfortunately allow the clay jars to become empty when we allow our attention to be taken away from God.  Once the jar is empty, all it does is take up space.  This is when we hopefully discover that God does not want or expect us to ever simply exist.  Remember we were each created for unique purpose.  But when we become disconnected our desire for serving God or others significantly diminishes.  I believe we can all identify with times like this.

As we think about today, where we are, what we have done, where do we see our vessel of life.  Are you storing the goodness of God to readily share with others?  Or has the goodness of God evaporated from the vessel due to days or months of non-use?  Hopefully our life container is full of holes, leaking forth the goodness of God on a continuum basis so at the same time we are being forever refilled.

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.  2 Corinthians 4:7-9

Go in Peace
Blessings to you all

