Wednesday, January 13, 2016

CC Dessert Notes from Tuesday 01-12-2016

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CC Dessert Notes from Tuesday 01-12-2016

Greetings Family…..we had many files prepared for you, starting Saturday night and into Sunday and then all day Monday, many files were prepared for you…..we were excited about the things we were discovering and wanted to share to you.  Now my apologies to you….I did not know that a National Championship football game was being played last night and if we had known we would have waited and shared with you tonight.

For example we left out a lot of things, I wanted to expound on a lot of things…..the budget is ready, or preparing itself to be introduced and we will talk about it a little bit maybe tonight…..that budget has new math…..that budget is preparing itself to do the reforms of this country that are so badly needed by Sistani and of course Abadi and Dr. Shabibi.

We wanted to give you more information about that budget and the math behind it….and I also wanted to try and point something out to you….this budget is going to be shielded by oil….yes we told you that you need to study the concept of a Dutch disease.

The IMF pointed out to you folks that they are going to grow about 3+% in 2016….one of the factors that they used to come up with those numbers was tourism….I know….I know nobody is talking about it on the Internet…and yeah we are different….you see tourism is number two…..oil is number one and a lot of people think that new would be maybe their precious minerals….NO….maybe their gold….like they are going to give that up….NO…..I don’t know what is the next most powerful thing that will fuel that budget…Taxes and Tariffs…..T&T are actually part of the first part…..yeah….T&T and oil revenues are equivalent in our studies….tourism….come on… who in the world is going to go visit Iraq….that is the point…we are trying to say that this country is beyond what the media tells you…oh sure there are a lot of sporadic problems….but jiminy crickets it is no where near what you think it is….tourism is going to flood this country…bringing a lot of money….you see the country has been under sanctions for decades….historians and all types of people are just very interested in coming to this country and Christians…IOO…on this planet are headed toward the End Days…this is exactly the place that most of us want to go study.  Tourism is going to bring in so much money for this country and their budget….and that is international tourism….it’s not like the Kurds are going to go visit Baghdad.

You need to start looking at tourism and understand why it is so valuable….one international currencies coming into their country…they can’t use it but they will exchange it for them for their currency….and not at a puny rate…IMO…..gosh darn it…you are talking about MILLIONS of people coming in with their currency to exchange and that is a lot of profits for the CBI who now is 2% compliant….and that is perfect that is what we need for them when they come in and land at the airport and head to the kiosks for money and know you….etc…ect.

Tourism is so important and you don’t know it you aren’t studying it…you aren’t paying attention to it.  We wanted to really break it down for you yesterday but no…no we ran out of time….we miscalculated…..I have a feeling that tomorrow after our Liquid Bio-Cell CC I will talk a lot.  You see tonight I wanted to talk about the things we didn’t cover yesterday….but something else happened….actually a lot of things have been happening….something else happened….you remember….I don’t know if you remember that Dr. Shabibi told you….we had a problem with the CBI….we as a TEAM….the Arabic side….it was blocked….a lot of people say well yeah you can’t read it right….no we can read it….the problem is there is nothing on the Arabic side….well then how do you know there are two announcements on the Arabic side….wouldn’t you like to know….so whatever it is in how we gather information we knew there was something going down…..they buried an announcement…..IOO….about the 50k’s… DELTA brings it to you and he introduces it just to our Family….the rest of the Internet has no idea of the VALUE of what DELTA and I brought you today.

Look just like all the citizens and all the banks in Iraq….if they want….they are now in a position where they can go in and do business with each other….yeah….the citizens are still angry….they don’t want to use no coins….they don’t want to use no cards….they are used to their rolled up money they keep in their pouches in their long robes…it’s easier that way….and as far as fils…coins…you can forget about that….but they are learning.

We can see that there are some announcements going on by the CBI….just look at what WalkingStick is putting up for you….yeah….yeah you can’t see the Arabic side but we wanted to let you know about it….because they told you about the 10k….remember….it was just a few days ago….but they didn’t tell you about the 50k did they….no.

What about the 10k CBI….well we decided that the old and the new are going to be exchanged for security purposes and we are going to put features on it that are going…..yeah we know CBI….KTFA has taught us that you are not doing the Monetary Reform that you are doing the SECURITY features now aren’t you….yeah…and that is why we are telling you about the 10k and that we are adding SECURITY features to it.  Why don’t you tell us about the 50k….well…yeah….we did…..yeah I suppose you did didn’t you.

By the way Family the 50k is legal….it is legal and tender….in fact I’m going to ask my broker to go ahead and supply it so we can start selling it….the citizens and the banks have known since December 20th that the 50k was introduced to them…to both of them.

Allak came out with the idea earlier back in October, towards the end of October into November….hey check it out we are coming out with these 50k’s…..Allak…..SHUT UP….ok….but I just want to play….I see everyone else having fun with the Monetary Reform….can’t I just announce that we are going to come out with these…..SHUT UP…..ok well I told them it was just to lift the 000’s…..SHUT UP….Ladies and Gentlemen….citizens of Iraq, the 50k is being postponed and will not be introduced until the end of January or the middle of February….I could have said that…..SHUT UP.

So October goes by and we walk into November and they said they are going to delay the 50k… for whatever reason….now they did throw a curve ball at us….we felt they were for the purpose of lifting the 000’s….I mean it is….but it is such a far reach that…….no…..not really….so now you do know…that they did delay them….no…they actually distributed them on the 20th of December 2015 but they told the rest of the media and you and the rest of the international world….Allak is stupid….he doesn’t know what he is talking about…we are not going to distribute them….nope…no 50’s and especially no 100k’s….and I’ll tell you want…the 50k’s we will postpone until sometime toward the end of January or the beginning of February….but this was done back in December Family…and when they said they were going to distribute the 50k’s later….they distributed them right underneath your nose…..why….well the 50k’s will pave the path to the change in the rate of the Iraqi dinar….how Frank….what do you mean, explain to me….well you see there are currencies that are being secured…..I know you keep telling us they are doing SECURITY at the CBI….well it is the CBI and the IMF…..because the homework has been turned in and that is why you have the budget….WOW….do we have a new rate in the budget Frank…..look let’s just cover this and then we will get to that….if we run out of time I will cover it tomorrow…..alright….go ahead what do you want to teach.

You see they are going through a change in SECURITY with the currency….as far as the lifting of the 000’s they will always do that right to the very end….in fact they will continue to that after they go into an RV…you know like us in the USA….but in all honesty we didn’t have a need to lift 000’s….why….our industrial revolution took us straight into the singles, you know the $1, $5, $10, $50 the biggest we had was the $100….the C-note but back then it wasn’t really prevalent as much as it was after we entered into the 1990’s.

So it turns out that these currencies for example…..excuse me CBI….what do you want me…..we are working on the 10k and we are changing the security features…you see that little guy in the window wave at him….isn’t that cute…..fine and dandy…..anything else you want to tell us….ahhh….NO…..are you sure…not yet…what are you leading to…what do you want to tell us….well I suppose, maybe….I suppose we are working on the 25k’s….why….no I didn’t say anything….ok…but I heard you….no we are working on the 10k’s and the features and everything….and the 50k’s….we will get them out at the end of January and beginning of February….you’ve already done the 50k’s haven’t you…..yeah….but we didn’t think anyone was going to discover them on the CBI site….even in Arabic we got rid of it even in Arabic but somehow someone was smarter than we were….you want to talk about the 100k’s….NO….you want to talk about them maybe in the middle of 2016….yeah….they will serve their purpose then won’t they….yeah.

The 000 notes will still be legal and tender when we get to that point won’t they….yeah….why….we don’t want to confuse anybody….we don’t want to confuse the market….I mean the 5k, the 10k, the 25k…even the 100k….well I mean not the 50k and 100k because they will be doing something else…..but you know the 5k, 10k, the 25k we tried over and over with the citizens….but you know….we will just keep them legal and tender even after we go into the RV….is that ok with you guys….sure….because then we will come in with these notes and trade them in for LD’s and fils….sounds like a deal….in the meantime what about the 50k’s….they are legal and tender…you mean like the 25k and10k soon will be after you change the security features….did we just say yes to that….fine don’t say yes to anything yet but I’ll tell you what….in all honesty the 50k is more for bank transactions….yeah that was our ultimate goal but the citizens can buy it and can use it….no they are probably going to go for the gold coins for investments…yeah we figured.

Bank transactions for international standards for the type of currency that is required for banks, banks move large volumes, the 50k will be good for that, as we told you before….and the 50k will be good to lift the 000’s….but not until the RV.

The elimination of the 000’s is not now….it was in December….it started back then….the IMF said something to all of us that we need to correct….once again….the IMF said something to all of us that we need to correct….I was going to give it to you tonight Family….I was even going to tell you were to Google it…what to do and how to figure it out….but instead I am turning this page….TINK mark this page.  I will talk about that with you tomorrow.  I said it once, then I said it twice and I think I better say it trice…..the IMF said something to us and I want to talk to you about it tomorrow.

We are still waiting for the results of the true calculations that are in the budget….the budget has the numbers…but may I ask you…which numbers do you think it is 1182 or do you think it is 1 to 1.

The CBI said we have a DEAL with the IMF…you mean the contract….I did not say contract….the CBI just recently today in fact came out and had the bravado to say we have a DEAL with the IMF….so because of this DEAL with the IMF….we now have new NUMBERS….yeah we know because we go to KTFA conference calls, but the question that even KTFA is asking you is….is it 1182….is it 1186….is it 1 to 1.

This is the first we have ever…..EVER seen….heard…the CBI actually come out and say….we have a DEAL with the IMF….to work on these new NUMBERS…but what are the NUMBERS they are talking about.  That is the part where we are at right now Family with our studies.

The IMF said very clearly the calculations are done….the IMF said that the DEAL with Iraq has concluded….and all is fine and moving forward….DEAL….the DEAL…I mean they actually said that…what does that mean.

KTFA Family….we know they have completed their meeting on the new math and the CBI has just admitted it to you….we just don’t know if it is 1182, 1186, or 1 to 1….we don’t have the calculations….but we know they are done with them…..why…..because there was a meeting with the IMF…they called it a meeting….but afterwards they called it a MISSION…and at the same time the 50k’s were being introduced in the month of December in the third week a Letter of Intent was given that someone on our forum discovered. 

What was the meeting about….it was about the exchange rate and the mathematics behind it.

How are you Article 8….I’m fine…thanks for asking….calculations are done…and all of these calculations can be retro’ed back to January the 1st according to the PM of Iraq, Abadi.

If the budget comes out at 1182 and they do finally show you the numbers…because they are not showing them to you….they are on the Arabic side…and it’s not even up in Arabic.

We know what the budget contains….we know what it consists of…we just don’t have the final numbers that were done at a meeting with a mission followed by a letter.

The funds that are around if it comes out at 1182, they have enough funds to keep it going until they are ready.

The CBI auctions will no more be effective in a negative way.

Let me show you something….Iraq….how are you doing with the Monetary Reform….we are doing well, we are following all the steps and we are close to qualifying for Article 8 to be lifted and we are very pleased and happy with the rate we are going to the IMF with…..we will soon be adding value to our currency because of the new mathematics that were done at a very special meeting in the month of December.

Iran how is your Rial…..Up Yours……yeah I know….but you have a lot of balls you know basketballs, footballs, golf balls….for you guys to come out with 30 billion….that is an insult…you got a lot more than that…..and you are doing this for what reason….Up Yours… wanted to tell me that you are releasing the funds for your currency but you can back it up because you are about to do this in June aren’t you….Up Yours…..Iran you are doing all of this in a militant way….telling the rest of the world and the Powers that….that you should be obeying….you are telling them to go jump in a lake….and you are going to do everything you want to do just like Saddam did….or for that matter just like every tyrant does….fascinating your currency….fascinating your country…the  reason for the End Times….Up Yours… might be up yours instead.

Oil….no Frank look it hit an all time low today….I know and I told you two weeks ago on a Monday night CC, look at your notes….Family I do not believe that oil has hit its bottom yet….I do now.

This is what we would call a recoil…..ever see a snake when it wants to bite you….does it charge you…no….it studies you….what it is doing is it is breathing in the molecules around you and then slow…slowly retreats…it puts back its head…you think you are winning and get closer….what its doing is called a recoil effect and it is preparing itself to spring into action in a reflex that is going to come at you at the speed of light that you are never going to be able to get out of the way.

Oil…it knows it’s true figures…watch oil start going up like I told you towards the end of this month and into February.

The IMF told us something Family and we misunderstood it….and I know the Internet does not have it and I’m sorry and I humbly apologize because ever time I say something like that it makes it sound like I’m the biggest jerk on this planet…..oh Frank thinks he knows it all….oh Frank has intel….Frank has more stuff….well I’m sorry but we do….that is why all day today I just decided to be silent.

We have so much we want to share with you…but I believe this will suffice….we covered a lot of subjects with you tonight…..I hope you can put them all together and take it to God in prayer and let’s see where we are at…ok….as for your notes they need some updating…some of it because of my fault…some of it because they don’t tell you everything.

By the way did we know that on December 20th they had distributed the 50k’s…..No….but between the 20th and now Frank that is 20 some days…you think that the citizens would have told you….the citizens could care less about the 50k’s….they will eventually be used solely for bank transactions….but they are available to the citizens if they want them as they are available to you….because they are now legal and tender….such as their 10k and their 25k….they are going through their instruments that they will be using for their Monetary Reform….but they are securing them….just like we told you.

Dismissed with a prayer.


Greetings Family,

Tonight is our Liquid Bio Cell CC. The call will start at 8pm EST.

Liquid BioCell™ Life is the award-winning super nutraceutical clinically shown to promote healthy aging, active joints and younger-looking skin. This state-of-the-art formula combines the multi-patented power of Liquid BioCell™ with the added benefits of 13 potent, antioxidant-rich superfruits, and resveratrol, widely studied for its roles in longevity and cardiovascular health, infused into a unique liquid delivery system that provides unsurpassed absorption and fast results. Visible signs of aging and joint discomfort are a result of the progressive degeneration of connective tissue where collagen and hyaluronic acid are essential. Liquid BioCell™ replenishes these important substances and is clinically shown to work! So remarkable, it has been awarded 7 US and international patents. So unique, it has received multiple industry awards, and it’s been featured on NBC, Good Morning America, and Fox News. Feel what it's like to live life without joint discomfort. See what happens to your skin. Look better. Feel younger. Try Liquid BioCell™ for yourself.

The most remarkable product for joints, skin, and the aging process!

After the first portion of our call tonight......dessert will be served.

See you on the CC.

My Christian love and Aloha.




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