Thursday, January 28, 2016

CC Notes from Wednesday Night 01-27-2016

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes from Wednesday 01-27-2016

Before we get into our “talk” for tonight, allow me to cover some things that happened to us today.   We got maybe 150 or so calls just today and 3 or 4 of those calls were all asking and focusing on the same question it seems… wasn’t until the 3rd or 4th call asking the same thing that I started to ask more questions.

The caller said to me, hey Frank do you sell the Iranian Rial…I said yes I sure do…..he said….well Frank do you know it is illegal to sell the Iranian Rial… it’s not illegal….why in the world would you even say such a thing to me…..oh well I’m reading here from….and they tell me who the individual is….and I interrupt and say….just stop….just stop…..I do not represent anyone else except for me and KTFA…..the person said I know…..well then can I ask you a question….sure go ahead… it true that Ban Ki Moon from the UN took Abadi aside at Davos and he talked to him privately and telling him to please do the RV….I asked were you with us on our Monday night CC…..he said yeah…..did you notice that I showed you the article….the speech from Davos, Switzerland by Abadi…..he said no I missed that part….well the speech that everybody on the Internet got was actually from January 23rd 2015….my point is or was on Monday….we don’t have any idea what they were talking about….and if you are telling me that someone has told you that Ban Ki Moon took Abadi by the hand and took him somewhere on the side and said…hey you…you do the RV……I have no idea….why would you ask me that…..and this person said…well so and so said that…..I said well give them a call…..oh we can’t call them, we don’t have their phone number…..I said, well I’m glad I could help you…you take care….then he’s saying…wait Frank, can I ask you another question….I said sure, what you got…..he says well if Iraq is so poor how is that the Rafidain Bank got $200 billion in their bank….I said did you come to our Monday night CC….he said yes….I guess you missed how we were talking about certain banks and there is one bank that is the main branch of the CBI….but as far as the Rafidain Bank is concerned do you understand they just recently got that…..he said…oh no I didn’t know that….do you understand that is like an engagement ring….and the person said, yeah I do understand that, that makes sense….then he says….Frank can I read you something….I said sure go ahead…..he says I want to say one more thing….we will not see any significant increase in the Iraqi dinar unless certain laws and conditions are met, one of those conditions is the cleaning up of the CBI, I firmly believe that Dr. Shabibi must be back at the CBI and it must be announced publicly that he is at the helm officially and once again from everything that I am hearing from my CBI contacts that the USA is angry and it goes on and on and on, and then it concludes like this….and we know that once we do launch the lower denominations there must be at least 1 to 1 on par with the USD with inflation adjustments first and later a full scale RV….I wonder where they got that….from an RI as planned at a much higher rate….etc….etc….etc……so I said to the gentleman on the phone….did you come to our Monday night CC….yeah… you realize you are reading our notes word for word just about….he says yeah… why would you ask me what someone else is saying when they are repeating what we were saying on Monday…..I said you read this today…..he says…no I read it Tuesday.

Look the GOI is moving indeed….and the CBI towards a global economy….but there are many procedures and we have talked of them and of the banking steps and we have talked about them with you Family that have to be in place, and then there is also this one city that has the main branch of the CBI and we are waiting and we can’t talk about it….my point is Family that what we share with you is copied and pasted and you know that… once again don’t be calling me and repeating what someone from the internet has copied and pasted and given back to you….it’s called regurgitation…and I don’t care for that.

Now the reason….the whole reason why I bring this up is that this individual that made those statements….I thought….well God bless them….that’s ok…they can say what we are saying…in fact that is good….but this individual is also posting on the internet that it is illegal to buy the Iranian Rial and they showed this documentation this little piece of paper they got there to prove their point…..many of you have called me asking me….is it legal or illegal to buy the Rial….I say first of all….you went to this site didn’t you….they said….OMG….yes I did….I say no it was just MG…..I tell you what…..if this is where you go and where you get your information please don’t even call me and insult me and insult me with that kind of question.  With the gentlest, and the kindest, and most respect I can offer….the individual that is telling you and the internet that it is illegal to purchase the Iranian Rial is 100% incorrect….that is total and 100% incorrect and very ignorant and then on top of that to give that advice on a speculative investment that is 100% incorrect….we made it very clear to all of you Family….even before they lifted the sanctions we were going to protect you Family by only allowing you to buy a specific amount every 48 hours….remember that….we told you we are going to protect you because we are never ever going to sell you circulated Rials….never….I mean this is a sanctions country that just got its sanctions lifted and you are going to trust circulated Rials….something isn’t right there….and on top of it….my broker….we do not use a credit card when you want to buy foreign currency….how insane is that…..foreign currency and you are going to use a credit card…..I’m sure you are going to be ok if you use your credit card somewhere, but I would never do something like that.

May I give you an example of why…, this morning we get a call from our bank….the bank is called 5th-3rd Bank of Ohio….they tell me….hey Frank you got some people in Pakistan and in Ontario, Canada that are using your credit card….no kidding…..yeah it’s fraudulent and apparently they have all your information and we want you to authorize us to shut down your card….I said yes shut it down please….then we had to go to the bank and make an application for the new card, all the nonsense all because someone wanted to steal from me….because they stole my information….did notice these were locations not in the USA….trust me you can buy the Iranian Rial and the broker you buy it from must by it from an American source….it cannot be a ME bank….it cannot be from a source outside of the USA….my broker gets his…you know what it is really no ones business….my broker gets his Rials from an American source and we supply it to you….and now that they have lifted the sanctions you can buy whatever you want….got it.

Yes 1 million Rials is $150, 2 million is $280….see how it works it gets cheaper as you go along….you can figure that out too.

I’m a little bit perturbed because my broker and I we work hard….we follow every step to protect you and ourselves….to be honorable in front of God….then I have someone causing this kind of disruption wasting my day….so please don’t call me about somebody else….and yes I know about Rafidain Bank….ask them when did they just get the money….who gave them the money….where did it come from….do you know….would you not consider that to be like an engagement ring….what do you mean engagement ring….it’s a commitment.

Oh and before we leave this issue of buying the Iranian Rial, someone posted on our forum that to buy the Iranian Rial is more of a moral issue….a moral issue really……where were these morals when you bought the IQD….a long time ago in the country of Iran when the Shah of Iran was in control….the Shah was working with the US but he still went about his business with his business….especially with his currency….it kind of reminds me of what happened about a decade after that with Saddam Hussein in Kuwait when he was there….he changed the value…..then when he was in Iraq he changed the value there too….the Shah of Iran had a price, something like 70-something USD for 1 Rial….hot dog….but that is not really the way the market wanted it to be….it went about it’s business….but when you do something like that….yes you draw attention to yourself….yes you end up gaining because you are actually stealing….but you also segregate yourself from the international world and no country is an island….we actually need each other….it goes back to the very beginning….to Marco Polo…and to the cave man….ok I got this rock…I’ll give you this fish for that…then we advance….Iran then got punished….for a lot of reasons…..Iran just decided they didn’t want to play ball with the international world…..and they basically wanted to rule everything….and then on top of that we come along and we decide to talk to Saudi Arabia and not Iran….and Iran says what is up with that…then another 10 years later they got revenge because they captured our embassy for 444 days until Jimmy Carter left the Presidency, they wanted to embarrass him because he had embarrassed them first.

Twelve years ago we got involved with Iraq because we got involved with Kuwait….it worked then and it certainly was going to work again but then funny enough something happened right about the time when we launched this, it was called 9/11….9/11 brought something forth in this world….a form of terrorism that started to spread because of 9/11….they got so cocky….hey we can bring down the man…the USA…..later they found out they couldn’t and here we are back doing it again…where….in Iraq….yes Iraq opened the doors but before they let us in they asked where were you when Saddam killing us….look I don’t know…..of course you know….we were making money with other countries….but we are here now to make money with you….you want us to get rid of Saddam and we did….and we got in bed with Iraq….first we start to date a few times, then we took them out, then we gave them a ring and started to go steady, then an engagement ring the size of a big crystal….how you doing Iraq….I’m doing alright….how you doing USA…..I’m doing alright too….I mean we are supposed to be in love with one another but you know how some marriages just pretend.

So it turns that that Iran about 10 years ago….if you are going to help Iraq what about us….you are sanctioned….well so is Iraq….yeah but we are not in bed with you….we aren’t making babies with you….so 10 years go by and what do they do….they build up their nuclear proliferation system to build a weapon to show the world especially the US that we are a power to be dealt with….they scare us to death but so does Iraq for that matter because Iraq continued to be so lackadaisical about raising the value of their currency….oh yes there were many sound reasons….but there was always a reason wasn’t there…..what did we do….there was a demand on the 7th of the 7th house that demanded that the 12 get an answer on the 7th when the 7th came there was no answer….oh you son of a gun you are going to pay for this….ok open the door and bring in all the troops, in fact create a new coalition of forces and bring them all in….sterilize everything….and they are almost done doing that….in the process…while we are at it, lower the price of oil…..really….lower the price of oil….but we are just about to start this new country with this new budget….lower the price of oil….sure enough we did and then on top of that about the 2nd week of December and then the 3rd week of December what else happened….Iran….yes….this is us…yes….we are going to lift the sanctions of your country….yes….don’t over do it….yes…..sanctions were lifted in the 3rd week of December and the next thing you know Iran over does it….the next day they announce we are going to add value to our currency in June of 2016….things are going to explode and we are going to go international and we are going to move oil….are you kidding me….we told you to shut up….yeah and we are also going to get $100 billion back….shut up…ok….but they can’t shut up…..they are like a parrot on steroids…I gotta tell you something, I got to tell you something….alright already, chill….you do know that Iraq is going to go first don’t you, you do know they spearhead the whole basket right….yeah maybe.....I don’t know….look we are signing contracts all over the place….everywhere, international world….we are not like Iraq…no we won’t make you wait in a long line….but of course you won’t….you are not war torn, your government is intact, you already had businesses established with other countries even when you had the sanctions….of course you are farther advanced….but be still, chill, stop it, relax….but going into January, the first week of it, what did Iran do…nope, no, no way we aren’t going to stop it….look here USA, look here international world, look here all you countries that have sacrificed your currency and your economy to build Iraq….you know with all that you have given them….we are the new pretty girl in town….I mean Frank26 was telling you back in November and December Iraq and Iran are following the same mirror image of their monetary reforms…the only difference is one is on a conveyor belt and one is just walking.

It is amazing that out of no where….I mean they were able to control the price of oil and ISIS….they were able to lower the price of oil and they were able to destroy ISIS….I mean out of no where….who is that….I don’t know…but she is sexy….she is pretty….and as soon as Iran realized how attractive she was to the international world she caused the suitors of Iraq to pay attention to Iran….Iraq got so jealous….hey…..just look at that… are looking at that pretty girl over there….you are looking at Iran aren’t you… I’m not looking….she’s looking at me….and Iraq got jealous and the next thing you know the leader of Iraq is running all over the international world saying….hey…hey….look at us we are still pretty too….and that is why you don’t have the report from Davos….oh they gave you a 2015 speech to fake you out.

So Iran is the new girl at the prom, in fact before you get to the prom this new girl shows up at the high school and all the boys are all of a sudden looking at her and it causes the other girls to get jealous and it causes them to do a bit more and speed it up….but you don’t think that Iran doesn’t notice that Iraq is trying to hurry up too….so what do they do….they put on more perfume….they put on more lipstick….they buy a new dress…..they make themselves even more attractive.

You see the whole world expected something on January 1st 2016….now part of the world is demanding it.

The Holy Man in Iraq told Abadi….get me the reforms…you understand me….get me the reforms….next thing you know the Holy Man was disappointed and the Holy Man is doing things with the citizens and now today….sadly I can’t show it to you because we don’t have Live Stream….but right here in front of me is the WSJ, US Today, the New York Times….the Holy Man in Iraq, Sistani, told Abadi, get me the reforms….about a month later, the WSJ today shows….The Iranian President Standing Next to the Holy Father in the Vatican….Iranian President, European Charms Comes to the Vatican…what a mouthful….Iran is going everywhere…..while Iraq finishes its Monetary Reform….Iraq literally paved the way….Iran is simply running through the way.

This is beyond brilliant….everyone is an infidel to Iran….but not their money….to see the Holy Man from Iran standing next to the Holy Man of the Catholic faith….come on….that is brilliant Iran….but you still have to wait.

So IMO Family the first kiss from Iran was more than enough for the international world to desire an affair with Iran….even though they know they are in a relationship with Iraq….all these other countries are running to Iran to have an affair with Iran….why…..because it is so tempting….and we need to make money….in fact FOREX is right now studying Iran….the FOREX rate will be unified upon lifting of the sanctions in Iran….oh my goodness….anything else you want to tell me.

The world Family…..the world runs to Iran….but the USA does it at a rather slow pace….because we have scars from the past relationships with Iran….revenge is wasteful….besides we are just way too deep into Iraq right now and so is everybody else.

It is pretty, it is tempting Iran….but for right now the international world is making contracts with you left and right….people are buying your currency left and right….but yet….IMO….I believe they wil go together in a basket…..Iran simply plays the part of a proud peacock and forces all of the attention right now to them….why….because they demand it….because they are much farther advanced than Iraq is….and because Iran is literally the end results of that Iraq will eventually have….the only thing is you can see it in Iran because they are so far advanced, where as you cannot see it in Iraq….but in the end I am very adamant that it will be simultaneous because you do not throw away 12 years of work simply because a pretty girl comes into the picture…..that how too many divorces occur.

World currencies contributed to Iraq, not to Iran….and only the CBI….said we will increase the value of our currency soon….well now Iran is saying it….sure because their sanctions are finally being lifted…..but that is exactly what happened with Iraq….their sanctions were lifted….we are going to lift the value of our currency….well do it….hey Iran….our sanctions have been lifted….we are going to do it, to heck with you infidels we will kill you all it doesn’t matter right now we will do it.

We told you a long time ago Family that when it is all over with, some currencies will go up in value and some currencies will go down in value.

I saw somebody post on our forum which I didn’t really like….but I understand the passion….and look you need to study this….and that is why I am spending this evening talking to you about these two countries…..You cannot call me and say I want to order the Iranian Rial….oh….do you think I should dump the IQD….what….that is a bad question….oh….what is a better question….you do not call me to ask me questions…you call me to order….now on our CC’s this is a stage where I can express my opinions….so here I say… you dump your IQD’s or should you go to the Rial.

I am not a Wealth Management advisor….I am a student of the Iraqi dinar and now being forced to study the Iranian Rial because it is logical to do so….these two are not twins….they are Siamese twins…and one is pulling the other where it shouldn’t….IMO there is nothing wrong if you take your gains to diversify them….do you not do that with stock….what do you think notthe1…..I saw your post today I agree with you….diversify….where is the logic in one….when there is more strength in more….but you must make that decision on your own….and someone also asked me Frank….is it moral to buy the Rial….where were your morals when you bought the other ME currencies….don’t be hypocritical about that….be patriotic to God and the USA….don’t play those games….the only games that I don’t like is that people are not studying this….and they buy the Rial out of emotion….don’t do that….same thing they did with the IQD.

The IQD is going to pay for the war…..that is a fact…not the Rial….Iranian Rial take your place please….if you are going to be among us….take your place….I don’t mind your boasting….I don’t mind your bragging….I don’t mind you waving the flag all over……I don’t even mind you selling oil all over the place…..I don’t mind your contracts….I really don’t mind what you are doing….but you also understand you can’t go first.

We told you about the call from the bank today….my bank account cannot function or pay my bills with fraud….and Iran’s banking systems don’t have fraud….Iraq’s did…probably still do….they are working on it.

Look here is why I say that….WalkingStick put out an article today it said….on the 31st of January Iran is going to restart the SWIFT system….you do know that Iraq is already in the SWIFT system right….it’s like every little step that Iraq takes Iran is taking it also.

By watching Iran I am watching a Monetary Reform repeat itself that I have already studied in Iraq.

Iran is showing you everything, but Iraq refuses to…..yet they walk together towards a simultaneous goal.

Dismissed with a prayer.