Monday, February 8, 2016


KTFA Family:

If you have listened to at least one of the 3 or 4 minute overview calls AND you have watched the 25-minute video at:, AND you are interested in registering for your FREE (private) membership & purchasing an educational package to learn more about how you can profit with this "alternative virtual currency", then copy and paste the form below, with all of your information filled in, and email this in the body of an email or as an attachment YOUR SUBJECT HEADING of your email MUST SAY: Registration for "YOUR NAME" (include your name in the subject heading).

If you need MORE INFO before you are ready to register for your FREE membership AND pay for your educational package, then send an email to: and YOUR SUBJECT HEADING of your email MUST SAY: More INFO for "YOUR NAME" (include your name in the subject heading)...and you will receive an email with more info within 24 hours. Include in the body of your email: your first and last name, email address, phone number with area code, what time zone you are on, the best time to reach you, your KTFA forum user name, and any questions you might have.

3-minute sizzle call: 

4-minute sizzle call: 

25-minute video:

NOTE: We have a support team handling the registrations. PLEASE DO NOT CALL FRANK26 or Tink for details on this. Emails will take priority. If you are unable to email your info, you may leave a message on the Google Voice number for the support team at: (419) 740-1117. The support team will do their best to return your call with 24 to 48 hours.

KTFACoins' Support Team
KTFACoins Registration Form

Presented By Member/User Name: KTFA Coins
First Name [required]:
Last Name [required]:
User Name [required] [If already taken you will be contacted via email or phone]:
Email [required]:
Confirm email [required]:
Password [required] [Must be a minimum of 8 characters, with at least one CAPITAL letter, one lower case letter, and one digit.]:
Confirm Password [required]:
Country of residence [required if outside the U.S.]:
Phone [required] [if outside the U.S., include country code plus area code and phone number]:

I understand that I will be rewarded OneCoin Tokens as part of the ALS educational package I select. The Tokens will provide the tools necessary to practice the principles of cryptocurrency taught by the OneCoin panel of experts. I will be rewarded the selected number of Tokens for the package I selected into my OneCoin Exchange Account once I have logged into my online office and verified my application profile. 

The options below are voluntary. Please read and select all applicable options:
[NOTE: We recommend leaving all boxes checked just the way they are.]
Corporate Client
I want to become a registered IMA
X Send me updates on OneCoin and DiGiCoinPro products, special offers and training by email
X I am 18 years of age or older
X I accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy