Friday, March 4, 2016

CC Notes from Thursday 03-03-2016

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CC Notes for Thursday 03-03-2016

Let’s now move on to the dessert for tonight, I have many things to share with you.

The Prime Minister of Iraq….Abadi is extremely difficult to get along with….he has myopic thinking…..he is on his own path…..this is all extremely important….what I am sharing with you.

Do you remember last year, the ministers….the bad ministers that aren’t there any more….you remember when they pointed the finger at Abadi and said….we are all going to vote….against you….a vote of no confidence against you….what did Abadi say….what did he do….he said…..up yours… want a no confidence vote against me….you know where I live… know who I am….knock yourselves out….and what did they do….did they go after him….these bad ministers….no….you know why…..he said, come and get me…..this guy is very singular….he’s very purposeful….very focused right now… him smile in photos…..sort of forced maybe….but that is the way it is in Iraq.

I like what we are seeing with Abadi…..I would like to suggest that we stay with WalkingStick…..because we can only repeat to you the facts as we know them….and what WalkingStick is bringing to you are solid pieces of information…..and we told you they are choking the media right now….facts are hard to find right now….facts are fine, but they are hard to find…..they continue to have a lot of these secret gatherings and doing things that make it hard for anyone to know what they are doing….and on top of this they are also controlling the media……so the media is not going to give you what you are looking for….and the media and what they give you….remember what I told you….that if it’s printed it has already happened….they tell you things right now that are so old.

Last Friday I think it was, I tried to tell you about a three pronged attack that ISIS tried to put on Baghdad….but it was joke, I told you about the silo, I told you about how they got caught, I told you about the two hundred ISIS militants that were killed in action….and the newspapers are slowly giving you information about what is going on in Mosul.

Abadi is western educated……he was educated in the US…..he aggravates people a lot.

Iraq is a sovereign country and Abadi is the viper in the GOI…..they don’t mess with him….he is getting things done….he’s taking things in the direction of the international world because the international world is looking at him….he has a lot of pressure being put on him….but not from us any more….in fact we are not putting any pressure on him now…IMO.  He knows what he has to do and say and he is doing it.

Remember I said they are only guarding him….they weren’t guarding the other ministers….but then I also said to you….they are guarding Masum…..the President of Iraq….you know why….because he was not on the list that the US gave to Abadi that said….get rid of these people.

Now this President….he is an interesting guy… may be saying….Frank why are you wasting our time with this stuff…..because you can’t get it anywhere else…..and you will need it very soon….IMO.  So the President is very interesting….he lays low….have you heard anything from him….no….he doesn’t give reports or anything to others….you know why….because he knows what is going on inside the GOI….IMO I want to say he is Abadi’s right hand man.

The media doesn’t tell us anything so we are not expecting anyone close to Abadi to tell us anything either….now I will tell you this….Abadi is going to keep about 8 cabinet members….I may have told you this already….he will keep 8 very shortly….the reason why was many were of Iranian influence….don’t need that…..stealing money from the GOI through the CBI through the auctions.

It is all good signs….but you have to look at the combination of people who are remaining…..if you can’t find them….I’m doing my best to share with you so you can think about this….and I hope you are taking notes too.

Now I want you to note the “currency crisis”…..have you heard of this recently……we talk about the crisis in the CBI…..the crisis in the GOI….do you hear any more of the crisis with their currency….no….but we are looking for it…..what they are not saying… what Abadi is doing….he’s doing things within the GOI……a lot of approvals, firings, hirings, shuffling with all the ministers being replaced right now…..and you know something….these ministers are highly embarrassed….they walk around in shame….too bad….bye bye….let’s move forward.

Let’s talk about a different file…..Finch came out today and they said….we are going to make Iraq’s credit rating a B-… what…..what was it yesterday….what was it last month….last year…..Finch says B-…..why bring up what has already been stated last year…..well we thought maybe people would forget……oh and speaking of being stable…..Iraq has gone from being unstable to a negative….why are you saying these things….who told you to say them….nobody…..why tell us this same old garbage we’ve heard now for moths……..why say all of this when in reality they have done just the opposite….gone from a very negative situation to a very stable situation…..why do you do this…what is your point…..ahhhh….look at the beautiful blue sky…..oh you want to change the topic….go ahead.  My point here Family is……a lot of you are trying to figure this out about Finch….it’s a disaster….no it’s not…they didn’t tell you they were rerated….they simply told you they give them a B- and the expected recovery of Iraq will be in 2017….well yes sir if you raise the value in 2016…..because you will not recover at the same time as you raise the value….it takes time….understand the logic behind this…..I keep telling you the translations are messed up….but I’m trying my best to help you….is this helping or should I be silent now.

You know something else…..what is the difference in a B and B-….if this were being measured in distance….it would only be a half inch….but I will admit that Iraq is still not where it needs to be….that is why they got that B- and why they still have that B-…..the financial structure is what they are working on….and I believe they are at a B- because of their war-torn environment that in all honesty is really close to being completely done and over with….they are NOT DONE military wise.

We took you from Kirkuk, towards Fallujah….then we stopped….what happened…then we went to Baghdad instead because these idiots came to Baghdad and basically surrendered….and then the media says….oh they attacked Baghdad….but now we are positioned in Mosul….it is a stop-go….stop-go kind of movement…..when there is warfare you go….when they give up you stop….as ridiculous as this sounds….they grow tired of it….now they just want to wipe them all out.

So this plan that was given straight from the IMF to Abadi and this plan is now in private meetings everywhere and the plan is turning itself into orders… Abadi knows and realizes he can take this plan and turn it into orders….by the way….before we get too far from the ratings issues….name me a country that has an A rating.

Abadi has released this information… is what it is….back on August 9th, 2015 Abadi let it be known but very few people paid attention or believed him…..he said….I am leaving SOL (State of Law party)… fact I am leaving the DAWA party….I am literally trying to force the government to change….and it didn’t until just recently….but now that it has changed…..Abadi is again telling everyone….I am leaving the SOL party and the DAWA party….he is abandoning it and it will implode and be destroyed….because Abadi is forcing his hand and this is so HUGE when you think about what is going on…..I don’t care about the Monetary Reform right now because that is not my interest… interest is to get this place cleaned up….the thing to remember here….Abadi started this last year in August….but now it is full force….and he is going to tell everybody…..I am creating a SUPER party…..I’m creating a SUPER party to represent the GOI and it will be clean with technocrats and professionals……they have waited until now…..March to tell you even a little about this….why….because IMO….Maliki had been in charge of these parties….he had them under his command and control….but Abadi is divorcing himself from them.

Not only has Abadi fired those on the list we gave him he is now restructuring things…..I also wanted to go one step further…..the Parliamentary system is ok…but to be honest with you the best is the Democratic system…..this move by Abadi….obviously it is going to weaken the SOL and DAWA parties….but more so it is about the bad people who are in these parties….they will be destroyed….this is very strategic…..I told you yesterday that Abadi is almost moving militarily like….it all started in August….cleaning up the GOI… up the CBI was fast because Dr. S runs things in reality….who is the governor of the CBI…..Allak….for real….who really runs things….you got rid of Dr. S in 2012 because he wanted to raise the value of the IQD…..we got out of there when we did….we knew the terrorists were coming…..but let me tell you….IMO….this was a strategically cool move by Abadi.

They keep Maliki close to home because yes he still has some power and they don’t want him leaving the country and going where he can find terrorist cells to feed up…..but right now his power is being eaten up….camels won’t even give him the time of day right now…..this is the politically strategic move to fight the terrorism from within the GOI that is being led by Maliki….to make these ministers flee and run away so the evilness from within the GOI is weakened.

Come on pick up the pace…..see how quick Iran is reacting….they do in six months what you have tried to do in 12 years…..I said yesterday…..Iraq would get a speeding ticket for just mowing the lawn.

The GOI is being sterilized, like an operating room….the CBI is ahead of the GOI in this regard….remember even three weeks ago we reminded you that the CBI was just watching the GOI….come guys catch up….once they get caught up, get the laws spit out that Abadi needs…..then we will see a new governor of the CBI…..Allak is merely a name plate…..he does nothing….as far as Turki….no we don’t need him either….but that guy got lucky….you see Turki turned in the DIF….that was in the banks…..and that angered Maliki….because it exposed what Maliki had stolen……so Turki to some degree became a good guy and he ran……what did we say about Allak……Allak lacks a lot of brains….he’s just not qualified….and he’s never done anything in the GOI.

So who do I think will become the governor of the CBI…..I’ve already told you…..the assistant to Abadi…..Saleh has been told everything he needs to know by Abadi….he is being groomed….IMO.

They still have not acquired the ISIS commanders they want….they continue to hunt for them…..Baghdadi has cornered himself in Mosul and that is why we are in Mosul.

She will be there at the end….you think I was kidding don’t you….we are very close to the end IMO Family….and you can see what is going on with her…..I’m not going to tell you how or why…..and then we can prove it….she’s here isn’t she….but we also told you it would not be very good for her….the FBI made an agreement with one of their key testimony witnesses….he was given full immunity for his information and he is about to squeal on Hillary…..but do you think she will be punished….IMO…no… will devastate her……IMO Obama was not supposed to be the President….just my opinion.

IMO….Iraq is months ahead of what they are telling you…..way ahead…..months ahead of the truth….or example they will tell you about the SOL and the DAWA party….now…but it happened in August…..all these technocrats….fine….they are there to just marginalize Maliki….he is mad….arrest will be next….he has nothing it is all falling apart… far as the cities…just give me Mosul….this is a brilliant move within the GOI….it has to have come from us.

Sadr comes out on February 12th and tells Abadi….you have 45 days to finish your government reforms….you got that.

You know many people call me and ask what happened with January 1st…..they claim well I wasn’t expecting it but what happened…well they just didn’t do it….I expected it….but it didn’t happen….but you know something….now Sadr comes out on the 12th and tells Abadi….get the reforms done….so some asked me if I thought it would happen by the end of January….the end of February….what do you think…..I’m thinking the end of March….NOT for a date or rate….for the conditions to be right….so if you look at Sadr’s report from the 12th and add 45 days to it….we are looking at the end of March…and it’s the middle of the first half of 2016.

The reshuffling of the GOI it gives us a sterile government.

Now we don’t see anything on the radar or the sonar…..we are looking for Mosul to end…..the final flag….so let’s see what happens….in the meantime what happens….on Monday we read you a very legit article that India is raising the value of their currency….we told you that India signed a huge business deal with Iraq before this release…..told them to shut up….as with Iran…..shut up…..well lo and behold it happened again today……told you on Monday there will be another country to do this…..WalkingStick released another report….a white paper….an article…..they shouldn’t do this…..their minerals alone will back up their RV……WSJ…..this is a long report of how Iraq is going to do good real soon….they keep hinting they are doing something….this report from WS…..give me Mosul….the government will be stronger… it the cat coming out of the bag…..a great report…’s as if they give us an A+ here for our homework…..we don’t give dates here.

Remember Iraq is far ahead, months ahead of what they tell you.

Dismissed with a prayer.